Mr. Hay to Mr. Hunter.
Washington, March 22, 1902.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch, No. 629, of the 26th ultimo, reporting that the Governments of Belgium, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Italy addressed a joint note to the Government of Guatemala on September 4 last regarding the failure of the Guatemalan Government to fulfill its pledges to the holders of the bonds representing the external debt of Guatemala, approximating £1,600,000 and now controlled by a committee in London.
You inclose a copy of the note and of the resulting correspondence.
The Department has carefully noted the contents of your dispatch and its inclosures. The fact that the European Governments named sent to the Guatemalan Government the joint note calls for no action or comment on the part of the Government of the United States, inasmuch as it is within the right of the creditor nations to require payment of debts due to their nationals.
You will therefore simply keep the Department advised of the course of the negotiations on the subject and of any action taken in pursuance thereof.
I am, etc.,