Mr. McCormick to Mr. Hay.
Vienna, April 22, 1902.
Sir: Replying to your No. 36 of the 14th ultimo, with a copy of a letter from C. H. Flournoy appended thereto asking whether the widow [Page 34] of a man who served in the Austrian army live years is entitled to a pension or other gratuity, and, if so, what steps she must take to secure it, I have the honor most respectfully to inclose herewith a copy of a letter from the Imperial and Royal ministry of war to Capt. Floyd W. Harris, the United States military attaché at Vienna, in reply to a request made by the latter for the desired information in regard to this matter.
I further beg to say that I referred this case to Captain Harris instead of sending it through the foreign office, in order to expedite the obtaining of a reply.
I have, etc.,