Mr. Hay to Mr. Wilson.

No. 204.]

Sir: I inclose copy of a letter from the Secretary of the Navy requesting that you will convey the thanks of his Department to the Chilean Government and navy department for the courtesy and kindness extended to the U. S. S. Iowa during her recent docking at Talcahuano.

The Navy Department desires that expression may be given to its special appreciation of the courtesy shown to the Iowa and her officers by Rear-Admiral Perez.

You will comply with Mr. Long’s wishes.

I am, etc.,

John Hay.

Mr. Long to Mr. Hay.

Sir: I have the honor to request that, if compatible with the views of the Department of State, the thanks of this Department be expressed to the Chilean Government [Page 121] and also to the Chilean navy department for the courtesy and kindness extended to the U. S. S. Iowa during her recent docking at Talcahuano, Chile, at the dock yard there under the command of Rear-Admiral Perez. The Department desires particularly to express its appreciation of the courtesy shown to the Iowa and her officers by Rear-Admiral Perez.

Very respectfully,

John D. Long, Secretary.