Mr. Hay to Mr. Bryan.

No. 296.]

Sir: Referring to your telegram of the 27th ultimo, stating that the Thomsen case had been settled, I now take pleasure in transmitting a copy of an appreciative letter from Messrs. Dickerson, Brown & Raegener, Mr. Thomsen’s attorneys.

I am, etc.

John Hay.

Dickerson, Brown & Raegener to the Secretary of State.

Sir: In the name of our client, Mr. H. A. Thomsen, and in our own behalf, we hereby express our thanks to the Department of State and to the United States minister to Brazil for their prompt and energetic assistance, without which a settlement would have been impossible and but for which a valuable business would have been ruined.

I have the honor, etc.

Dickerson, Brown & Raegener.