Mr. Hill to Mr. Hagerman.

No. 89.]

Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of the ambassador’s No. 84, of August 29 last, inclosing his draft and the Russian counterdraft of an agreement providing for the arbitration of the claims of American citizens growing out of the seizure of the vessels James Hamilton Lewis, C. H. White, Kate and Anna, and Cape Horn Pigeon; also of your No. 94, of the 7th instant, referring to a clause in the Russian counterdraft.

The draft proposed by the ambassador would be acceptable to this Government. The Russian counterdraft is also acceptable, with the modifications indicated in the accompanying memorandum.

I am, etc.

David J. Hill,
Acting Secretary.


The department suggests the insertion, after the words “Cape Horn Pigeon” in the first paragraph, of the words “their owners, officers, and crews,” and the omission at close of the second paragraph of the words “in the said schooners.”

In case of at least one of the vessels there is involved a claim of members of the crew for illtreatment during detention, so the arbitration should not be limited to parties having interest in the vessels.

After the fourth paragraph, on the second page of the Russian draft, the department suggests the insertion of the following paragraph:

“The arbitrator shall render his decision in all the cases within six months from the date of the delivery to him of the last memorandum or contramemorandum provided for in this agreement.”

It would seem wisest to omit in the fifth paragraph on the second page the words “and the spirit of international agreements bearing upon the subject.”

This Government has entered into an agreement with Russia, dated May 4, 1894 (not retroactive, however), to prohibit our citizens from hunting for seal within a zone of 10 nautical miles along the Russian coasts and within a zone of 30 nautical miles of the Commander Islands. Very likely Russia may have similar agreements with other governments.

Omit the closing words of the last paragraph on the second page of the Russian draft—“in the said vessels.”

In the last paragraph (last page) of the Russian draft, after the word “matter,” insert: “to pay one-half of the compensation of the arbitrator for his services.”

The Department also suggests the insertion of the following provision:

“Any amount awarded by the arbitrator in favor of the claimants or either of them shall be paid by the Government of Russia within one year from the date of the award.”