Viscount Santo Thyrso to Mr. Adee.
Washington, August 21, 1900.
Most Illustrious and Excellent Sir: Mr. John Hay, in his note of the 27th ultimo, acknowledging the reception of the note of the 21st of the same month in which Mr. Costa Duarte informed him that the Government of His Majesty had deposited, at the branch office of the Comptoir d’Escompte in London, the sum awarded by the tribunal of Berne in the question of the Lourengo Marquez Railway, together with the interest at 5 per cent, computed from the 25th day of June, [Page 848] 1889, to the date of the notification of deposit, made the following statement:
As heretofore stated, the Government of the United States is not understood as authorizing or acquiescing in the making of said deposit, and in acknowledging the same it does so without prejudice and with reservation of all its rights, of whatever nature or character they may be, in the premises.
Your excellency will have no hesitation in acknowledging that by depositing in the Comptoir d’Escompte the amount awarded, the Government of His Majesty complied for its part with the provisions of the award, and 1 therefore presume that the reservations made in Mr. Hay’s note exclusively refer to the sentence of the arbitral tribunal and not to its execution on the part of the Portuguese Government.
I should be much obliged if your excellency would inform me whether I am correctly interpreting the views of the Government of the United States, and I improve this opportunity to reiterate, etc.,