Mr. Conger to Mr. Hay.

No. 345.]

Sir: With reference to my dispatch No. 339, of the 10th instant, inclosing copy of protest which I made to the Tsungli Yamen against the possible appointment of the late Governor Yu Hsien to any place where he would have missionaries or their work under his control, I have now the honor to report that, on the 14th instant, he was by Imperial decree transferred from the governorship of Shantung to that of Shansi, and General Yuan Shih-kai made governor of Shantung; the latter had so far been only acting governor.

Under the circumstances it is, to say the least, not very respectful or friendly treatment of the foreign powers to appoint this very anti-foreign official to the governorship of a province in which there are large foreign interests and a considerable number of missionaries. This man’s conduct in Shantung has been heretofore most forcibly denounced to the tsungli yamen by the German and British ministers, and they tell me to-day that they shall strongly protest against his present appointment.

I shall add nothing to my protest except it may be, in personal conference, to warn them that trouble will come of his appointment, and leave the record to be called upon if events justify it.

I have the honor to be, etc.,

E. H. Conger.