Mr. Merry to Mr. Hay.
San José Costa Rica, August 11, 1899.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 256, dated July 26, and in accordance with instructions therein shall promptly forward copy thereof to the minister of foreign affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua. The position assumed by the Department of State is so obviously just and the arguments presented so entirely conclusive that I sincerely hope the Nicaraguan Government will permit the funds now held in trust by Her Britannic Majesty’s consul at San Juan del Norte to be at once returned to the parties who paid them over, under my agreement with Señor Sanson, minister of foreign affairs. The next mail for Managua via Puntarenas leaves here on the 15th instant and should reach there on the 20th instant. I shall, in a friendly manner, urge prompt action, but no additional arguments should be necessary.
With assurances, etc.,
United States Minister.