Mr. Newel to Mr. Hay.

No. 339.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm on the overleaf my cablegram2 of this date, advising of Mr. Asser’s acceptance of invitation to act as arbitrator in the United States-Russian arbitration case, and to inclose herewith a copy, together with translation, of Mr. Asser’s note of yesterday, officially notifying me of that fact.

I have, etc.,

Stanford Newel.
[Page 802]

Mr. Asser to Mr. Newel.

Mr. Minister: I have had the honor to receive your esteemed letter of the 16th instant conveying the invitation of your Government to act as arbitrator in connection with the claims against the Russian Government of the vessels James Hamilton Lewis, C. H. White, and Kate and Anna, as well as the vessel Cape Horn Pigeon.

Having read the identical declarations exchanged between the two Governments on August 26 (September 8) of the current year, that your excellency kindly sent me, I hasten to notify your excellency, as I have already done in our interview that I had the honor of having with you and with the Russian minister, on the 13th instant, that I feel greatly honored by this invitation, which I accept with the greatest pleasure, and that I shall do my utmost to show myself not too unworthy of the confidence the two Governments desire to place in me.

Accept, etc.,

T. M. C. Asser.
  1. Printed ante.