Mr. Newel to Mr. Hay.

Sir: Referring to my No. 345,1 dated November 26, 1900, relating to the meeting of the administrative council of the court of arbitration of the 22d of November, I have the honor to inclose herewith a copy of the official report1 of the proceedings of that meeting, together with a translation of the same; and further, a copy, with translation, of the rules adopted at the subsequent meeting on the 8th of December last, and referred to in my No. 351, dated December 13 last.

I have, etc.,

Stanford Newel.

Rules relating to the organization and the internal functions of the international arbitration bureau of the permanent court of arbitration.

Article I. The secretary-general of the permanent court of arbitration shall exercise the functions of the chief of the international bureau and, under the same title, those of recorder of the court.

He shall have the care of all the correspondence of the bureau.

He shall annually submit the budget of receipts and expenditures of the bureau; which he shall lay before the administrative council for their examination and approval. He shall act in the same manner with regard to the settlement of the annual accounts of the bureau, and in accordance with the order of the budget.

He shall have the direction of all the staff of the bureau.

Art. II. The staff of the bureau shall consist of a first secretary, a second secretary, 1 clerk, 1 care taker, 1 messenger.

Art. III. The work of the bureau shall be entirely under the authority of the secretary-general.

Art. IV. In case of leave of absence or prevention the secretary-general shall be represented by the first secretary.

Art. V. The staff of the international bureau are forbidden to make known to strangers to the bureau any communications (verbal or written) with regard to the affairs of the work intrusted to them or to permit them to gain any knowledge from the documents relating to the work of the bureau.

Done at The Hague this 8th day of December, 1900.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.