Baron Fava to Mr. Hay.


Mr. Secretary of State: By my note of the 15th of January last I had the honor to furnish to your excellency new and important evidence which went to show that, according to article 1018 of the Revised Statutes of Louisiana, intervention was justified on the part [Page 719] of the attorney-general of that State or of the district attorney competent to investigate the acts of the lynchers of Tallulah, and to proceed against them.

In reply you were pleased to inform me, under date of the 15th ultimo, that a copy of my note had been immediately forwarded to the governor of Louisiana, and that his excellency’s attention had duly been called to its contents.

I thank you for this courteous assurance, and I should be grateful to you, Mr. Secretary of State, if you now have the kindness to communicate to me the tenor of the reply which the aforesaid governor doubtless has not failed to send to the honorable Department of State on this subject.

Thanking your excellency in advance, I renew, etc.,
