Mr. Ray to Mr. Choate.

No. 496.]

Sir: I inclose for your information a copy of a letter from the Acting Secretary of War, asking that you may be instructed to express to the British Government the high appreciation of the United States War Department for the courtesies extended to Capt. Stephen L. H. Slocum, Eighth Cavalry, U. S. A., military attaché with Her Majesty’s forces during the recent military operations in South Africa, and especially for the kind attention shown him by Colonel Viscount Downe, who had charge of the foreign officers.

I am, etc.,

John Hay.
[Page 632]

Mr. Miles to Mr. Hay.

Sir: I have the honor to request that the American ambassador at London, England, may be instructed to express to the English Government the high appreciation of this Department for the courtesies extended to Capt. Stephen L. H. Slocum, Eighth Cavalry, U. S. A., military attache with Her Majesty’s forces during the recent military operations in South Africa, and especially for the kind attention shown him by Colonel Viscount Downe, who had charge of the foreign officers.

Very respectfully,

Nelson A. Miles,
Acting Secretary of War.