Mr. White to Mr. Hay.

No. 283.]

Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 278 of the 10th instant, I have the honor to inclose herewith the copy of a note which I have received from the Marquis of Salisbury with reference to the proposed purchase by Her Majesty’s Government of the flour shipped by the Pennsylvania Milling Company on the steamships Mashona, Beatrice, and Maria.

I have, etc.,

Henry White.
[Page 609]

Sir: I have had the honor to receive Mr. Choate’s notes of the 26th ultimo and of the 1st instant respecting flour exported to South Africa by the Pennsylvania Milling Company and shipped by the Mashona, the Beatrice, and the Maria.

Mr. Choate is already aware that Her Majesty’s Government are prepared to purchase this flour on the ground that it is neutral owned, and I have already asked the secretary of state for the colonies to ascertain for what price these several consignments could have been sold at Lourenco Marquez on the days respectively on which they would have been landed there had the voyages of the ships named not been interrupted.

It appears to me that the settlement of this case would be hastened if you could give me an assurance that the flour is now owned by the Pennsylvania Milling Company and that you are willing to receive the purchase money, payable when its amount has been ascertained, and to give a receipt for it. This arrangement would, however, in the case of the flour shipped by the Mashona, be subject to an order releasing the flour being made by the prize court.

I have, etc.,

Francis Bertie.