Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay.
Berlin, August 23, 1900.
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 1336, of the 6th instant, I have much pleasure in informing you of the receipt to-day of a letter from His Excellency Count Solms-Baruth, the imperial commissioner and military inspector of the Volunteer Trained Nurse Association (“der [Page 526] freiwilligen Krankenpflege”), in which Count Solms states that the imperial admiralty has informed him that German soldiers and sailors will be welcomed to the American hospital ship Maine, and while expressing his appreciation of this noble-spirited idea he informs me that all the arrangements made by the “Krankenpflege” for the care of the sick and wounded may be at all times availed of by persons in the United States military or naval services.
While respectfully suggesting that I may be authorized, in the name of the Government, as I have already done in my own name, to thank Count Solms for the action taken, I have, etc.,