Mr. White to Mr. Hay.

No. 1169.]

Sir: Respectfully referring to Mr. Jackson’s dispatch No. 649,1 of December 9, 1898, and to your reply of January 10, 1899 (instruction No. 7161), in which no reference is made to the question of the issue of American passports to former Hawaiian subjects, I have the honor to request your instructions in the following case, submitted to me by our consul at Munich:

Bernard Ehlers has applied for an American passport under the following circumstances:

Ehlers’s father went to Hawaii in 1849, and resided at Honolulu until 1874. Bernard Ehlers was born at Honolulu May 18, 1864, and has in his possession a certificate of Hawaiian citizenship from the extinct kingdom, as well as a passport issued by the department of foreign affairs at Honolulu, March 19, 1890. He states that he last left the Hawaiian Islands in January, 1885; that he represents American interests [Page 521] in Europe, and needs a passport for use in traveling; and further, that he intends going to the United States to reside within one year, his permanent residence being given as at Honolulu.

I am, etc.,

And. D. White.