Mr. Hay to Mr. Cambon.

No. 309.]

Excellency: Referring to your excellency’s note of the 3d instant, I have the honor to inclose herewith copy of a letter from the governor of Utah expressing thanks for and appreciation of the generous sympathy of the President and Government of France on account of the mine calamity in that State.

Accept, etc.,

John Hay.

Mr. Wells to Mr. Hay.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 4th instant, inclosing a translation of the very kind expression of the ambassador of France at Washington extending the sympathy of the President and Government of the French Republic to the President of the United States on account of the coalmine disaster at Scofield, Utah, and also inclosing copy of the reply made by direction of the President, and of a telegram dispatched by you to the ambassador of the United States at Paris.

Permit me, in behalf of the people of this State, to express to you the thanks of this Commonwealth for your prompt and gracious acknowledgment of the generous sympathy of the French Republic, and to assure you of the appreciation of the families of the victims of the lamentable disaster.

I have, etc.,

Herbert M. Wells,
Governor of Utah.