Mr. Porter to Mr. Hay.

No. 725.]

Sir: The loss of the French torpedo-boat destroyer Framée, which on the 12th instant went down a few moments after its collision with the battle ship Brennus, was considered as the most serious misfortune which has befallen the French navy for many years. The vessel was quite new and carried a crew of 54, out of which only 12 escaped. The diplomatic representatives of the leading powers expressed their sympathy to the French Government, and on my return to Paris, after an absence of twenty-four hours, I hastened to take the same course. I inclose herewith copy of my note to Mr. Delcassé, and of his reply.

I have, etc.,

Horace Porter.
[Inclosure 1.]

Mr. Porter to Mr. Delcassé.

Mr. Minister: Having just returned to Paris after a short absence, I hasten to transmit to your excellency the condolence of my Government on the occasion of the loss of La Frameé. This unlooked-for catastrophe, which has thrown into mourning the families of so many brave sailors, has moved all those who have a deep interest in France; and my Government, as well as myself and all the members of my embassy, have shared in this sorrow. I beg that you, Mr. Minister, will be good enough to convey the expression of this feeling to the President of the Republic, as well as to the minister of the marine, and to accept on this occasion the expression of the high consideration with which I have the honor to be, etc.,

Horace Porter.
[Inclosure 2.]

Mr. Delcassé to Mr. Porter


Mr. Ambassador: On the 15th of this month your excellency was good enough to transmit to me the condolences of your Government, together with your own, on the occasion of the loss of the French war ship La Framée.

I have not failed to inform the President of the Republic concerning the action taken by your excellency, whereby he has shown himself to be much touched.

My colleague, the minister of the marine, and myself, appreciate it deeply, and, relying on the habitual kindness of your excellency, I venture to request that you will be good enough to inform your Government of the sincere thanks of the Government of the French Republic.

I have also the honor to particularly thank your excellency for the very cordial terms in which you have deemed proper to fulfill the mission which has been confided to you.

Accept, etc.,
