Mr. Hay to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, February 21,
No. 736.]
Sir: Referring to your dispatch No. 611, of
January 11 last, relative to the request of the director of the French
mint for a Lafayette memorial dollar for the coin collection of the
mint, I inclose herewith copy of a letter from the Acting Secretary of
the Treasury, transmitting hither a specimen of the coin in question for
the French Government.
You are instructed to send the memorial dollar to the Paris mint through
the appropriate channel.
I am, etc.,
Mr. Spaulding
to Mr. Hay.
Treasury Department, February 13, 1900.
Sir: Referring to your letter of the 1st
instant, inclosing copy of dispatch from the United States
ambassador at Paris, stating that the director of the mint at Paris
had expressed a wish for a Lafayette memorial dollar for the coin
collection of that mint, and suggesting that same be furnished, in
view of the courteous treatment extended Mr. Slaker, who visited the
mints of Europe under instructions of the Department, I have the
honor to inclose herewith a specimen of the coin, with the request
that you will present the same, conveying to the director of the
Paris mint the thanks of this Department for the courtesy extended
its representative.
O. L. Spaulding,
Acting Secretary.