Telegram received from Viscount Aoki August 11, 1900.
[Left by the Japanese minister with the Acting Secretary of State.]
If we may judge from the great anxiety shown by the Chinese Government that the foreign representatives should temporarily retire to Tientsin and the combined forces should suspend their advance, it is to be feared that the further advance of the forces will very probably result in the massacre of the foreigners in Pekin and the flight of the Emperor and the Empress dowager into the interior, which would leave the capital in a state of anarchy. In view of these eventualities, therefore, the Imperial Government propose that the powers concerned should as a temporary measure, pending further negotiations, notify the Chinese Government that they would grant armistice for a certain term on condition that Government should first order their troops and the rebels to retire from the city to a distance, to be determined by the commanders of the combined forces, and permit the requisite body of the forces to enter Pekin unmolested for the purpose of escorting back the foreign ministers and residents to Tientsin.
You will approach the United States Government and ascertain their views on the above proposal.