Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay.


(Mr. Buck reports that he has received, this date, from the Japanese minister for foreign affairs, a copy of his reply in answer to a note of the 19th from the German charge d’affaires, in which it is stated that the Imperial Government agrees with the German Government that the punishment of the real leaders and instigators of the crimes recently committed in Pekin must take place in order to render it possible for the powers to resume diplomatic relations with China. The Imperial Government is therefore prepared to instruct its representative in Pekin to cooperate with those of the powers in ascertaining and pointing out the individuals responsible for the recent outrage. Grave difficulties are anticipated, however, in giving practical effect to the proposal of the German Government to insist upon the delivery of the responsible persons, and the Japanese Government entertains the opinion that further exchange between the powers of views upon this point will become necessary.)