Mr. Buck to Mr. Hay.
Tokyo, Japan, June 26, 1900.
Sir: I have the honor to append hereto translation of my cipher telegram to the Department, of date June 23.
This telegram was substantially a copy of a memorandum note received by me on that date from the minister of foreign affairs of the Japanese Government, which note was occasioned by a special conference of the representatives here of the powers having military and naval forces at Taku with the minister for foreign affairs, called by the latter to learn, so far as possible, what would be the immediate course taken respecting sending additional forces into China and to obtain the opinions of the representatives upon the necessities of the situation in general.
No one of the said representatives, of course, could speak advisedly for his Government, hence the memorandum note referred to from the minister for foreign affairs, and my telegram.
I have the honor to be, etc.,