Mr. Iddings to Mr. Hay.

No. 683.]

Sir: Referring to your cablegram of October 221 last, the contents of which, as directed, I immediately communicated to the Italian Government, I beg leave now to inclose (with translation) a copy of a note in reply, received yesterday from the minister for foreign affairs. The minister expresses his satisfaction that the views of the Government at Washington, as communicated to the French Government, coincide with the principles which guide the present policy of the Royal Government at Rome in Chinese matters.

I telegraphed to you yesterday the point of this reply from the minister for foreign affairs. The text of that dispatch will be found in the last paragraph of the translation of the minister’s note.

I have, etc.,

Lewis Morris Iddings.

Marquis Venosta to Mr. Iddings.

Mr. Chargé d’affaires: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of October 23 in which you communicated to me the text of a telegram which had been addressed to you by your Government concerning matters in China.

In it were recapitulated the replies of the Cabinet at Washington to that at Paris concerning the necessity of hastening negotiations with the Chinese plenipotentiaries and the opinion which your Government also communicated to the Government of the French Republic that great and salutary influence would be exercised over the Chinese Emperor and his Government if the powers should make, collectively, a declaration of their determination to preserve the territorial and administrative entirety of China, and to insure for the Chinese nation and themselves the benefits of free trade between China and the rest of the world.

In thanking you for this communication, I am glad to say that the views set forth in it coincide with the principles which guide the policy of the Royal Government itself in the present Chinese question.

Pray accept, etc.,

  1. Circular telegram, p. 307.