Mr. White to Mr. Hay.
Berlin, July 9, 1900.
Sir: I have the honor to inform you of the receipt to-day of a note from Count von Bülow, the Imperial German secretary of state for foreign affairs, in which he communicates to me the text of the telegram which His Majesty the Emperor and King was moved to send to the chief of the cruiser squadron, the governor of Kiauchou in Tsingtau, the governor-general of Shantung, and the viceroys of Nanking and Wuchang, as follows:
I promise upon my imperial word to pay 1,000 taels to any person who brings about the delivery alive, to any Imperial German or other foreign official, of any foreigner of whatever nationality who is now shut up in Pekin. I also undertake to bear the expense of transmitting this message to Pekin in any way.
While adding that the German consular officials in China have been directed to pay the promised rewards,
I am, sir, etc.,