
The Chinese minister called this morning and communicated to the Secretary of State the substance of a telegram just received from Chang Chih-tung, who is the viceroy of the Liang Hu, residing at Wu Chang. It is very similar in substance to the dispatch of Liu Kun-yi received yesterday.

He says that the southern provinces are at peace and that he and his colleague of Nanking are perfectly able and determined to keep the peace and to prevent any outrages upon foreigners in the five provinces under their rule. He begs that the United States for their own part will wire the American admiral not to send any military or naval forces into the Yangtze Kiang so long as no breach of the peace takes place in those provinces, and that we will consult with other powers and request them to pursue the same course of action.

Mr. Wu would like the decision of the United States on these points communicated to him as soon as possible.