Mr. Goodnow to Mr. Cridler.

Sir: I beg to hand you herewith (in duplicate) proclamation issued here at request of the admirals allied fleet.

I have the honor to be, etc.,

John Goodnow, Consul-General.


The admirals and senior officers of the allied powers in China desire to let it be known to all viceroys and authorities on* coast, river provinces, and cities in China [Page 252] that they intend use of their arms only against the Boxers and those people who oppose them in their march to Pekin for the rescue of their fellow countrymen.

Published by request of the senior admiral at Taku.

Joaquim Maria Travassos Valdez,
Consul-General for Portugal and Senior Consul.

United States Consulate-General,
Shanghai, China, July 3, 1900.