Mr. Goodnow to Mr. Cridler.
Shanghai, June 29, 1900.
Sir: Referring to my No. 265 of June 28, I have to quote reply received to-day from Consul Johnson at Amoy:
Daily consultation with officials. Satisfied have their confidence and cooperation. Every precaution taken.
Consul Wilcox on June 25 wired me—
Taotai from viceroy requests that I inform my Government that he and Viceroy Liu will keep peace Yangtze provinces, no matter what Pekin orders, and requests our Government not to make war on these provinces. Requests answer.
To which I replied June 26 as follows:
Thank viceroy. Say admirals for Governments have proclaimed that they only make war on Boxers, and those opposing rescue our nationals at Pekin.
On June 20 Consul McWade wired—
Viceroy starts for Pekin by express 27th. Asks that minister be informed his coming is for mutual interests Chinese and foreigners.
To which I answered by mail—
All communication with Pekin is interrupted at present. Also His Excellency Li is well known to the minister.
Dr. Gracey, consul at Foochow, writes me that he is in constant communication with the authorities, who seem anxious to avoid trouble. Consul Martin at Chin-kiang writes the same.
I have the honor to be, etc.,