Mr. Hay to Mr. Rockhill.
Washington, July 27, 1900.
Sir: Though it is not possible at the present moment to lay down the precise lines on which you are to discharge the duties assigned to you as commissioner of the United States to China, as supplementing the general oral instructions previously given you at the Department, it seems pertinent to inform you that your special duty will be to promptly and fully inform the Department on all subjects coming to your knowledge bearing on the present general condition of affairs in China, and particularly on all points in any way affecting the interests of the United States.
As regards the policy of the United States in China, you will be guided by my instruction of July 3, and, as supplementary thereto, by my note to the Chinese minister in Washington under date of July 19, and the President’s letter, dated July 23, to the Emperor of China.
Copies of these document are herewith sent you.1
I am, etc.,