Mr. Hay to Mr. Finch.

No. 147.]

Sir: I inclose copy of a letter from the Secretary of the Navy, reporting the courtesies paid by officers of the Government of Uruguay on the occasion of the funeral of the late Lieut. Commander F. E. Greene, U. S. N.

You will express to the minister of foreign affairs this Government’s high appreciation of the tribute of respect paid by himself, the captain of the port, and the Uruguayan military and naval officers to the memory of the deceased officer.

I am, etc.,

John Hay.

Mr. Long to Mr. Hay.

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith, for the information of the State Department, a copy of a letter from the commander in chief of the United States naval forces on the South Atlantic Station concerning the courtesies of Uruguayan officials on the occasion of the funeral of the late Lieut. Commander F. E. Greene, U. S. N.

I have, etc.,

J. D. Long, Secretary.

Rear-Admiral Schley to Mr. Long.

Sir: 1. I have the honor to inform the Department that on the occasion of the funeral of the late Lieut. Commander F. E. Greene, U. S. N., and during the preparations therefor, the Uruguayan officials at Montevideo evinced a desire to facilitate the matter in every possible way.

2. Those most directly concerned were the minister of foreign affairs, Señor Don Manuel Herrara y Espinosa, and the captain of the port, Col. Carlos Gaudencio. In addition to the force landed from the Chicago and Montgomery, the cortege was accompanied to the cemetery by a number of Uruguayan officers.

3. I take this opportunity of bringing this to the attention of the Department as indicative of the desire of the officials of Uruguay to promote the friendly relations existing between the two countries.

Very respectfully,

W. S. Schley,
Rear-Admiral, U. S. N., Commander in Chief.