Mr. Day to Sir Julian Pauncefote.
Washington, July 6, 1898.
Dear Sir Julian: Mr. Dudley, our consul at Vancouver, British Columbia, telegraphs under date of the 5th instant that he has received information that a Spanish privateer is lying in the Gulf of Georgia. The source of his information Mr. Dudley does not give, except, perhaps, in his statement that the Boston and Atlantic Steamship Company have reported to him that the privateer has offered one of their pilots $8,000 for a month’s service.
Mr. Dudley states that he has telegraphed to Mr. Smith, the United States consul at Victoria, to make an investigation of the ease. Meanwhile, I deem it a matter of prudence, to bring it to your notice, in order that the authorities of the Dominion of Canada may take such steps as the circumstances justify.
Believe me, etc.,