Mr. Draper to Mr. Sherman.

No. 119.]

Sir: I have the honor to confirm overleaf a telegram which I sent to you on the 3d instant, informing you that the consular visé on pork meats was abolished from January 28 last. Inclosed herewith please find a copy of the note (with translation) received from the minister for foreign affairs in regard to this subject.

I am, etc.,

William F. Draper.
[Inclosure I in No. 119.—Translation.]

Mr. Ambassador: Referring to the note which your excellency was pleased to send to me on the 12th of January last, referring to sanitary certificates for prepared swine meats of the United States, I hasten to inform you that the royal minister of commerce has notified me that by a telegraphed circular of January 28 past, to the prefects of the maritime provinces, he has ordered that swine flesh, salted, smoked, or in any other way preserved, coming from the United States, shall, from that day, be admitted to importation into the Kingdom, with sanitary certificates of origin, issued by competent local authorities, without the obligation of the visé of the royal consular agent.

In this way the wish of the Government of the American Confederation is fully satisfied.

Pray accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurance of my highest consideration.

For the Minister:
