Mr. Moore to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, September 3,
No. 832.]
Sir: I transmit herewith for your information a
copy of a communication from the Acting Secretary of the Navy, inclosing
a copy of a letter from Rear-Admiral Dewey informing the Navy Department
of the invaluable assistance which Mr. E. H. Rawson-Walker, Her
Britannic Majesty’s consul at Manila, had been to him.
In this connection I inclose for your information a copy of a note which
the Department addressed to the British ambassador at this capital upon
learning that Mr. Walker had died on the 2d of August last.
You are instructed to express to the British Government the thanks of
that of the United States for the services rendered by Mr. Walker to
Admiral Dewey.
Respectfully yours,
J. B. Moore,
Acting Secretary.
[Page 376]
[Inclosure in No. 832.]
Secretary of the Navy
to the Secretary of State.
Washington, August 29,
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith
for your information a copy of a letter received from Rear-Admiral
Dewey informing this Department of the invaluable assistance Mr. E.
H. Rawson-Walker, Her Britannic Majesty’s consul at Manila, has been
to him.
This Department requests that your Department express to the British
Government the thanks of this Government for the services rendered
to Admiral Dewey.
Very respectfully,
Chas. H. Allen,
Acting Secretary.
[Subinclosure in No.
Rear-Admiral Dewey to the Secretary of the
United States Force on Asiatic Station,
Flagship Olympia, Cavite, P.
I., July 27,
Sir: I have the honor to inform the
Department that Mr. E. H. Rawson-Walker, Her Britannic Majesty’s
consul at Manila, has performed the trying duties of acting United
States consul during the last three months in a most able and
painstaking manner and has been of invaluable assistance to me,
being my only means of communicating with the Spanish authorities
and the chief agent in the protection of foreign residents.
I trust the United States Government will see fit to inform Her
Britannic Majesty’s foreign office of my deep appreciation of Mr.
Rawson-Walker’s valuable services.
I have, etc.,
George Dewey,
Rear-Admiral, United States
Commanding U. S. Naval Force on Asiatic