Mr. Clayton to Mr. Sherman.

No. 332.]

Sir: As instructed in your No. 327, of the 8th instant, I have to-day addressed a note to the foreign office, copy inclosed, expressing our Government’s grateful appreciation of an expression, made by the Mexican minister at Washington, of the profound sorrow of the catastrophe which befell the U. S. battle ship Maine.

I have, etc.,

Powell Clayton.
[Inclosure in No. 332.]

Mr. Clayton to Mr. Mariscal.

Mr. Minister: The Department of State at Washington has received, through your distinguished minister there, an expression of the profound sorrow felt by the Government and people of Mexico on account of the catastrophe which lately befell the U. S. battle ship Maine and a large number of her seamen.

The sympathy of the Mexican Republic, whose friendship we so earnestly cherish, is a source of great consolation to the people of the United States, for which sympathy I beg to express through you to your Government the grateful appreciation of the Government of the United States.

I have, etc.,

Powell Clayton.