Legation of the United States,
Mexico, March 11,
No. 316.]
Resolution from the memorial service held in
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church.
Mexico City, March 6, 1898.
Resolved, That we, American citizens resident
in Mexico, in memorial meeting assembled, join with our
fellow-countrymen in mourning the loss of the Maine and her gallant seamen. The mystery that surrounds
the cause of this catastrophe commands our patience; but however
caused, it is a sacred and significant sacrifice upon the altar of
humanity. Our hearts go out to the bereaved survivors and to the
families of the honored dead, to whom we extend deepest
Resolved, That while we, in common with the
whole American people, sympathize with every people struggling for
independence and self-government, we commend the patience and
dignity with which the President of the United States is endeavoring
to maintain peace and promote good will among nations.
Resolved, That while we deplore war, we shall
welcome it and will share it whenever and wherever it shall have
become necessary in vindication of the flag of our country.
Resolved, That the sufferings of Cuba call to
mankind for succor and peace.
Resolved, That it is the sense of this
memorial meeting that copies of these resolutions be delivered to
Hon. Powell Clayton, American minister, to be forwarded with
expressions of our esteem and confidence to the President of the
United States.
S. R. Peale.
Willard S. Isham.
Arlington A. Bett.
E. C. Butler.
H. A. Bassett.
W. W. Blake.
Sydenham P. C. Henriques.
W. J. De Gress.
Hubert W. Brown.
Paul Hudson.