Mr. Porter to Mr. Day.

No. 179.]

Sir: I inclose herewith copies of the telegram of condolence I sent you at the request of President Faure with regard to the catastrophe of the Maine and of your reply thereto, which was at once delivered to the President.

Many other messages of the same character have been received by me upon this lamentable occasion. The minister of marine, Admiral Besnard, sent an officer to convey his condolence and those of his department. The British and Spanish ambassadors called in person, and a large number of cards, letters, and telegrams were received from the representatives of other countries, expressing feelings of sympathy and condolence.

There have been but few events occurring in foreign countries which have so deeply touched the hearts of all classes of people here.

I have, etc.,

Horace Porter.

Mr. Porter to Mr. Sherman.

President Faure asked personal interview, in which he requested me to express his warmest sympathy and profound sense of condolence to President McKinley regarding the appalling catastrophe to the Maine, and to convey an assurance that the French people and especially the French navy are deeply touched by the death of the gallant officers and men who lost their lives at their post of duty.


Mr. Day to Mr. Porter.

The President, for himself and in behalf-of the American nation, directs you to convey to President of the French Republic grateful acknowledgment of the touching tribute of sympathy and condolence your telegram communicates in behalf of French Goverment and nation by reason of the deep affliction which has brought bereavement to many homes and stricken our people with grief.

Day, Acting.