Mr. Merry to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
San Jose, Costa Rica, December 1, 1898.
No. 174.]
Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith copy
and translation of official telegram received this a.m. by the
Government of Costa Rica announcing the final dissolution of the newly
formed United States of Central America by the executive council
With assurances of my highest consideration, etc.,
William Lawrence Merry,
United States Minister.
[Inclosure 1 in No.
[Telegram deposited in Amapala November
29 at 12.40 p.m. Received in San Jose November 30 at 9.20
To the Minister of Foreign Relations:
With real regret I fulfill the duty of advising your excellency that
the executive federal council has decided to-day to declare that the
existence of the Republic of the United States of Central America is
dissolved, not being able to continue in the exercise of its
functions consequently. I will send to your excellency separately
the documents justifying such a transcendent resolution taken as
extraordinary necessity in consequence of the important events in
Salvador. Central American patriotism feels injured in its most
legitimate interests and leaves the responsibility to those who
insisted in destroying their work.
On leaving my post I have the honor to repeat to your excellency the
protestations of ray consideration and respect.