No. 397.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane.

No. 357.]

Sir: Mr. Vignaud’s dispatch No. 629 of the 25th ultimo, relative to the citizenship of Leonetto Cipriani, has been received.

The Department approves Mr. Vignaud’s course in granting a passport to Mr. Cipriani. The facts of the case, as stated, his birth in the United States, continued residence here during minority, option of status on obtaining legal majority, domicil, and exercise of the rights and duties of citizenship, combine to constitute him a lawful citizen of the United States.

His status in this regard does not appear to have been questioned in any way by the authorities of France, and the only question raised by the Italian consular representative seems to be as to the form in which satisfactory proof of Mr. Cipriani’s American citizenship is to be furnished for the purpose of settling the inheritance due him. The Department has no information of interference with any rights or privileges of Mr. Cipriani, under Italian law.

It is difficult, in view of Mr. Vignaud’s report of the actual circumstances, to understand the alarming statements in regard to Mr. Cipriani which obtained credence in the public press, and to which Mr. Vignaud refers as leading him to make his present report.

I am, etc.,

T. F. Bayard.