List of papers, with synopses of their contents

argentine republic.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
1 Mr. Hanna to Mr. Bayard (No. 93). 1887. Nov. 19 Export duties of every kind removed by the Argentine Government: Discrimination by the United States import duty against Argentine unwashed wool and in favor of Australian. 1
2 Same to same (No. 94). Nov. 20 Steam-ship line: Basis of a contract with R. P. Houston, representing English capital, for steam-ship lines to New York and the north of Europe, guaranteeing 5 per cent, interest for fifteen years, passed by the Argentine Congress, Translation of the agreement inclosed. 2
3 Same to same (No. 98). Nov. 29 Railroad guaranties increased to $276,000,000 by the Argentine Government: Five per cent, on cost of construction and operating the basis. 4
4 Same to same (No. 100). Dec. 9 The President of the Argentine Republic invites the diplomatic corps to join him at Cordova: Attends the President on a trip up the Uruguay River; the Salerderos; the cities of Uruguay and Parana. 5
5 Same to same (No. 102). Dec. 12 Steam-ship lines: Baring Bros., of London, become large stockholders in the Italian line to southern Europe; four ships added to the fleet, and the trips to be nearly weekly; monthly line to New York soon to be begun. 6
6 Same to same (No. 103) Dec. 12 Quarantine: Convention regulating, signed by the Argentine, Brazilian, and Uruguayan commissioners; mail service and trade hitherto much embarrassed by quarantine regulations along the coast of Brazil, Uruguay, and the Argentine Republic; translation of convention inclosed. 7
7 Same to same (No. 121) Jan. 20 Passport issued to W. E. Bartel, by birth a German, who had lost his naturalization papers, but supported his claim to citizenship by the affidavits of two well known sea captains; Department’s opinion asked. 9
8 Same to same (No. 143) Mar. 22 Commercial: Argentine Republic a formidable rival to the United States in the production of cereals; encouraged and compelled to this by the refusal of the United States to take its wool; it will only trade by exchange; the same true of Uruguay and Paraguay; tables of export of wheat, flour, maize, and linseed for nine years past inclosed. 10
9 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hanna (No. 61). Mar. 27 Passport of Mr. Bartel, a German by birth, who claimed to have lost his naturalization papers, improvidently granted upon the affidavits of two sea captains: a full report awaited. 11
10 Mr. Hanna to Mr. Bayard (No. 150). May 3 Steam-ship lines: The Houston line of steam-ships nearly ready to begin trips; it will fly the Argentine flag and carry mails; a member of the Canadian Parliament examining the Argentine and Uruguayan trade to see what Canada can furnish in return, with a view to establishing a line between the countries; a subsidy voted to the line by the Canadian Parliament; the United States unrepresented, but by a small effort could secure South American markets for its manufactures. 12
11 Same to same (No. 154) May 19 Slavery, abolition of, in Brazil celebrated in the Argentine Republic. 12
12 Same to same (No. 166) July 25 Immigration continues: Argentine Republic ahead of all American countries south of the United States; European rivalry for its trade; indifference of the United States; imitation of American goods: American ships needed. 13
13 Same to same (No. 167) July 26 Colonization of negroes from United States rumored: Inquiries made by a manager of an English land company, who offers them a township; German colony expected; comments of the Buenos Ayres Standard inclosed. 14
14 Same to same (No. 168) July 29 Railroads: Complications developed by guarantied railroads; most of the concessions to English companies, with directors in London; roads not kept in condition; attention called to the fact by the president of Congress; the message communicated by the British chargé d’affaires to the home office, and notice has been given by Lord Salisbury to the secretaries of the various companies to put themselves right; the guarantied roads are required to increase their receipts to the fullest standard, or the guaranties may be withdrawn or applied to betterments; the English Government disposed to make its subjects keep faith; extracts from the message of the President of the Argentine Republic and the letter of Lord Salisbury inclosed. 15
15 Mr. Hanna to Mr. Bayard (No. 182). Oct. 3 Political: Extra session of Argentine Congress called by President Celman, October 1, to consider important railroad and other legislation; adjournment expected latter part of November. 17


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
16 Mr. Porter to Mr. Law ton (No. 5). 1887. Sept. 8 Right to sue in forma pauperis under the United States Constitution determined by the lex fori: No power in the Federal Government to pass a general law; alien, as such, allowed to sue in forma pauperis in all the States; how far the privilege is extended to American citizens in Austria to be ascertained; copy of dispatch of United States vice-consul at Berlin in regard to treaty between Germany and Austria, as to the right to sue in forma pauperis, and Department’s instruction to Mr. Pendleton, inclosed. 18
17 Mr. Lawton to Mr. Bayard (No. 14). Nov. 4 Passport applied for by Sigismund Löwinsohn: He remained in the United States just long enough to be naturalized, and then returned to Austria, where he has resided ever since; asks the instruction of the Department; his application, naturalization papers, and a passport given him by this legation in 1883 inclosed. 19
18 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Lawton (No. 14). Dec. 5 Passport of Mr. Löwinsohn; refusal of approved: I He has settled in Vienna, and evidently intends permanently to reside there. 20
19 Mr. Lawton to Mr. Bayard (No. 19). Dec. 10 Right to sue in forma pauperis: Note from the 1 Austrian ministry of foreign affairs in answer to Mr. Lawton’s inquiry as to the right of foreigners to sue in forma, pauperis inclosed. 20
20 Same to same (No. 21). Dec. 17 Right to sue in forma pauperis: Note from the Austrian ministry in regard to the right of foreigners to sue in forma pauperis in Hungary inclosed. 21
21 Same to same (No. 25). 1888. Jan. 6 The Baron and Baroness Rothschild admitted to the court balls at Vienna: The first time such a distinction has been conferred on persons of Jewish origin. 22
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correspondence with the legation of austria-hungary at washington.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
22 Chevalier de Tavera to Mr. Bayard. 1887. Dec. 23 Reward to the life-saving crew for aid to the Kraljevica: Forty dollars each for four seamen for their bravery in rescuing the crew of the Austrian bark Kraljevica and $100 for each family of three who were lost in the attempt, inclosed. 23
23 Mr. Bayard to the Chevalier de Tavera. Dec. 28 Reward to life-saving crew for aiding the Kraljevica: Acknowledging the receipt of $400 sent by the Austrian Government to four men and the families of three who were lost in the attempt to rescue the crew of the Austrian bark Kraljevica. 23


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
24 Mr. Tree to Mr. Bayard (No. 278). 1887. Nov. 30 Flags on the Congo: Article 2 of the decree of the soverign of the Independent State of the Congo, which requires that private vessels navigating the waters of that state beyond the falls of Leopoldville shall hoist at the stern the Congo flag, but permits the hoisting of the flag of her own country, if she possesses papers establishing her nationality, is called to the attention of the Secretary; article 3 fixes penalty for non-observance of article 2; these articles a strange departure, in view of article 2 of the Berlin conference, stipulating for the free navigation of the Congo and of the universal custom according to which all vessels fly the flag of their own country in the waters of another. 24
25 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Tree (No. 90). Dec. 7 Seizure of the Henry Reed, a steamer belonging to the American Baptist Missionary Union, by the Congo authorities; complaint of Rev. A. Billington that Mr. H. M. Stanley attempted to seize the steamer by force, but was prevented by the chief of the Congo station at Stanley Pool, who subsequently caused her to be handed over to Mr. Stanley for forty-five days; that when the steamer was being returned after being kept more than forty-five days it was seized at Bengola by armed soldiers of the Congo State and up to August 3 last was still held; Mr. Tree to remonstrate, to ask the restoration of the steamer, and that an investigation be made; praise of the missionaries; dispatch from Mr. Newton to Mr. Rives and letter of Mr. Billington to Mr. Newton inclosed. 24
26 Mr. Tree to Mr. Bayard (No. 282). Dec. 15 Debate on the subject of orders given Krupp for cannon: Resolution offered that trial should be first made of cannon made at Liege, but the Government sustained by vote of 65 to 35; size of the army and war budget; work on the fortification of the Meuse progressing. 26
27 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Tree (No. 92). Dec. 19 Flags on the Congo: By the Congo convention signed at Berlin all nations have the right peacefully to enjoy the trade and navigation of the Congo River and its tributaries; a settled principle of international law that vessels are entitled, and, as a rule, that it is their duty, to carry the flag of their country; a plurality or flags renders a vessel liable to suspicion; quarantine and pilot ensigns not in conflict with the rule, but carrying the flag of another country is; article 2 substitutes the Congo flag for the vessel’s national flag, and implies the right of the Congo authorities to determine the vessel’s right to fly her national flag; it is the right of each nation to determine the conditions under which a vessel may fly its flag; the rule of the United States is that vessels bona fide owned by its citizens are entitled when abroad to fly the United States flag without regard to the papers they may have; Mr. Tree to protest against the application of the regulations to American vessels. 27
28 Mr. Tree to Mr. Bayard (No. 283). Dec. 19 Political: The red flag forbidden to be hoisted in a number of communes as seditious and anti-national; this has been made necessary by its free use by persons hostile to all government; their number is small, but they are a source of irritation to law-abiding people. 28
29 Same to same (No. 289) 1888 Jan. 6 Seizure of the Henry Reed by the Congo State authorities seems to be satisfactorily explained: The Congo Government disapproved of Mr. Stanley’s action, and claims that its agent did not favor Stanley; the seizure of the steamer through mistake, and reparation speedily made Captain van Gele believed the boat belonged to the Government, and he had authority to make use of her; the boat returned and full indemnification made; Mr. Tree to the general administrator, etc., of the Independent State of the Congo; Mr. Billington to Lieutenant Liebrechts; Mr. van Eetvelde to Mr. Tree, and Mr. Tree to the general administrator, etc., of the Independent State of the Congo, inclosed. 29
30 Same to same (No. 294). Jan. 16 Flags on the Congo: Protest made in regard to the decree of the Congo State concerning the flying of flags; the case of the Henry Reed, being covered by the general principles, not alluded to; copy of note to Mr. van Eetvelde, inclosed. 33
31 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Tree (No. 96). Jan, 26 Seizure of the Henry Reed: Satisfaction of the 1 Department at the restitution of the vessel and payment of indemnity to her owners. 34
32 Same to same (No. 97). Jan. 30 Spielmarken: Importation from Belgium of pieces of metal closely resembling the several gold coins of the United States, and known as “spielmarken,” and of imitations of coins, postage-stamps, and other obligations of foreign and our Governments, for fraudulent use; inquiry to be made whether their manufacture is prohibited by the laws of Belgium, and report to the Department; letter to Mr. Bayard from Mr. Fairchild, covering letter to Mr.’ Fairchild from Mr. Brooks, inclosed. 35
33 Mr. Tree to Mr. Bayard (No. 305). Feb. 11 Flags on the Congo: Attention called to the fact that Mr. van Eetvelde discusses the Congo as though it were territorial water; Mr. van Eetvelde to Mr. Tree, and Mr. Tree’s answer inclosed. 36
34 Same to same (No. 318). Mar. 17 Bonds of the Independent State of the Congo: 100,000 bonds of 100 francs, the first of a loan of 150,000,000 francs authorized to be borrowed, offered, and 118,000 subscribed for in three days: The secret of success due to its lottery feature; price, 83 francs; they bear no regular interest, but there will be six drawings annually, and prizes given to those bearing certain numbers; by the plan of redemption a certain number of the bonds are to be redeemed the first year at 105, 5 francs being added thereto for each year, and the whole is to be redeemed by the end of a century. 40
35 Same to same (No. 321). Mar. 30 Spielmarken: The question whether or not the laws of Belgium prohibit their manufacture not answered, but Mr. Tree informed from other sources that they do not; Mr. Tree to Prince de Chimay, and the reply of the prince inclosed. 41
36 Same to same (No. 331). May 11 Spielmarken: A law proposed to prohibit their manufacture; its passage expected at this or the next session of Parliament; no prohibitory law at present existing. 42
37 Same to same (No. 359). June 30 Specimens of the first moneys coined by the Independent Slate of the Congo sent by post. 43
38 Same to same (No. 387). Sept. 25 Reception by the King: Remarks on presenting his letter of credence, and reply of the King; has with him a long conversation; the King returned to Brussels. 43
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correspondence with the legation of belgium at washington.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
39 Count d’Arschot to Mr. Bayard. 1887. July 12 International exhibition of sciences and industry to be held at Brussels in 1888: Its object to better and cheapen production; Mr. Bayard’s attention called to it, with the request that he will make it known in the United States. 44
40 Mr. Bayard to Connt d’Arschot. July 29 International exhibition to be held at Brussels: Publicity given to it through the press; a commission can not be sent except by an act of Congress, and that can only be requested upon receiving a formal invitation to this Government to participate. 45
41 Mr. de Melsbroeck to Mr. Bayard. 1888. Feb. 3 International Exposition of Sciences and Industries: The United States invited to take part in the international exposition to take place at Belgium in May, 1889; the executive committee of American exhibitors have appointed Mr. John Bigelow their delegate. 45
42 Same to same Feb. 29 Peddling: Requests to know the law of the United States on peddling, as it is the custom of Belgian manufacturers to send peddlers abroad. 46
43 Same to same Feb. 29 Annual prize of 25,000 francs by King of Belgium to encourage intellectual effort: To be awarded for the year 1893 to the best work on supplying cities with potable watery Americans invited to compete; the notice inclosed. 46
44 Mr. Bayard to Mr. de Melsbroeck. Mar. 5 Peddling: Uncertain whether Mr. de Melsbroeck’s note of the 29th February referred to peddlers or commercial travelers. The laws governing both are made by the States, are dis similar, and frequently changed, and it would be impossible to give all. Will send the laws of any States, if informed what manner of peddling is meant. 47
45 Mr. de Melsbroeck to Mr. Bayard. Mar. 27 Citizenship of American-born children: Requests copy of circular of the United States Department of State, issued 1856 or 1857, declaring that every child born in the United States, whether its parents are naturalized or not, can claim the quality of American citizenship, and asks to know if this is still the law. 48
46 Mr. Bayard to Mr. de Melsbroeck. Apr. 2 Citizenship of American-born children: Nothing known of the circular requested by Mr. de Melsbroeck’s note of March 27. The existing provisions are found in section 1992, United States Revised Statutes, and section 1 of the XIV amendment to the Constitution. In an instruction to Mr. Mason, then minister to France, in 1854, it is stated that, according to common law, any person born in the United States, not in a foreign legation therein, may be considered a citizen thereof until he formally renounces it; but there had not been at that time a statute or judicial decision. The United States Attorney-General in 1859 gave an opinion that a free white person born of foreign parents in the United States is a citizen thereof. Constitutional provisions and statutes subsequent to these will control; the general rule that the individual has the right of election on becoming: sui juris. 48
47 Mr. de Melsbroeck to Mr. Bayard. June 30 Census of foreign residents: Advantages of governments exchanging with each other the census of foreigners residing in their territory; asks if the United States will enter into a convention to that effect with Belgium; sends census card used in Belgium, and requests information as to manner of taking census in the United States. 49
48 Same to same Aug. 29 The Belgian Government is gratified that the rank of the United States representative to that country has been raised to envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. 50
49 Mr. Bayard to Mr. de Melsbroeck. Aug. 31 Is pleased to learn that the advancement in rank of the United States mission to Belgium has given that Government gratification. 50
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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
50 Mr. Carlisle to Mr. Bayard (No. 36). 1888. Sept. 10 Political: Aniceto Arce elected President and José Manuel del Carpio Vice-President of Bolivia; members of cabinet continued by 1st exec, decree; revolutionary party overwhelmingly defeated; the President’s inaugural address inclosed. 51
51 Same to same Oct. 6 Political: Military insurrection at Sucre serious; murders and crimes committed? provisional government set up by insurgents under Belisario Salinas; flight of President Arce; the country proclaimed in a state of siege and arrest of suspected persons ordered; arrest of General Camacho and friends; southern army insurgent, northern loyal; preparations for battle; defection among state troops feared; desertion of the Chorolque battalion; decisive events expected. 52
52 Same to same (No. 44) Oct. 22 Political: Military insurrection at Sucre sup pressed; insurgents routed; proclamation issued re-assembling Congress; discontent in the north that Sucre remains the seat of government. 53
53 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Carlisle (No. 27). Nov. 30 Political: Gratification of the Department at the suppression of the military insurrection and hope for peace and prosperity of Bolivia. 54


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
54 Mr. Jarvis to Mr. Bayard (No. 112). 1887. Oct. 26 Telegraph lines: Application of the Pedro Segundo Telegraph and Cable Company for an extension of one year of the time in which the line was to be completed; six months granted, and six more promised if it be shown that the company is not to blame for its non-completion in that time. Note of the Brazilian minister of foreign affairs on the subject inclosed. 55
55 Same to same (No. 114) Nov. 10 Quarantine Convention with the Argentine Republic and Uruguay: Better relations established between Brazil and the Argentine Republic by the settlement of disputed boundary and by a sanitary convention (not yet Signed) regulating quarantine in the two countries, owing to the different regulations of Which previously much injury had been done to the commerce of both countries and irritation produced. 55
56 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Jarvis (No. 78). 1888. Feb. 10 Emigration of negroes to Brazil from the United States: The Department has no knowledge on the subiect; letter from Mr. S. W. Hill inclosed. 56
57 Mr. Jarvis to Mr. Bayard (No. 122). Mar. 12 Political: Fall of the Cortegipe ministry; its immediate cause a conflict with the navy. It had been previously weakened by its attitude in opposition to the abolition of slavery and by a dispute with the army on account of a newspaper article written by an army officer criticising government officials. The conflict with the navy started by the arrest of a naval officer in citizen’s dress for disorderly conduct. A conflict ensued between his fellow officers and the police when the ministry tendered their resignation, which was accepted; the new ministry. 57
58 Same to same (No. 123) Mar. 27 Emigration of negroes from the United States to Brazil; No information of attempt to induce the negroes from the Southern States to emigrate to Brazil. There are immigration societies, but they have only looked to Europe. Thinks the report without foundation. Article from the Rio Daily News inclosed. 59
59 Same to same (No. 128) May 12 Traue-marks: Law of Brazil concerning trademarks inclosed. 62
60 Same to same (No. 129) May 14 Slavery abolished in Brazil. No labor complications anticipated. Translation of law inclosed. 72
61 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Jarvis (No. 90). June 13 Abolition of slavery in Brazil communicated in a telegram by Mr. Silva. The President telegraphs his congratulations. Sympathy of all with Brazil. Gratified to learn that the public mind and labor system are prepared for the change. 73
62 Mr. Jarvis to Mr. Bayard (No. 145). Aug. 31 Political: Arrival of the Emperor; joy and demonstrations of the people. Bitterness of ex-slave owners against the Princess. They organize a “Republican party” and agitate for a republic. 74

correspondence with the legation of brazil, at washington.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
63 Mr. da Costa to Mr. Bayard. 1888. July 31 Abolition of slavery: Conveys the thanks of the Brazilian Government for the congratulations of the President. 75
64 Mr. Bayard to Mr. da Costa. Aug. 9 Abolition of slavery: The President is gratified that his remarks, which proceeded from a feeling of amity and an appreciation of the magnitude of the reform, should have been pleasing to the Brazilian Government. 75

central america.

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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
65 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 698). 1887. Aug. 22 Claim of Italy against Salvador on account of the decision of the Salvadorian courts that the sale of the national printing press by the President to an Italian was illegal. Mr. ‘Hall consulted by the Italian representative. The minister of Salvador at Paris directed to settle the claim with the Italian minister there. Salvador asks the United States to mediate, claim, 2,000,000 francs. Telegram from Mr. Delgado and from Mr. Hall to the Department inclosed. 77
66 Same to same (No. 709) Sept. 27 Claim of Italy against Salvador: The reply that without further information the United States Government hesitates to offer mediation communicated to the Salvadorian minister. Offer by Salvadorian minister of a sum certain to settle claim can not be authorized, as the account has not been adjusted. New Italian minister with instructions expected. The claimant gone to Italy. Telegrams, Mr. Hall to Mr. Delgado and Mr. Delgado to Mr. Hall, inclosed. 78
67 Same to same (No. 712). Sept. 28 Boundary dispute between Nicaragua and Costa Rica: The President of Nicaragua telegraphs the rejection by Nicaragua of the boundary convention of 1887 with Costa Rica, and that arbitration by the President of the United States remains, according to the convention of 1886. between the two States. 79
68 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hall (No. 505). Oct. 7 Boundary dispute between Nicaragua and Costa Rica: The telegram stating that Nicaragua had rejected the boundary convention with Costa Rica received. Already informed by the ministers of those Governments. Regret expressed in answering the note of the Costa Rican minister. 79
69 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 716). Oct. 7 Political: The message of the President of Guatemala opens with the enunciation of popular sovereignty; that legislation for two years past had been against the interests of the people; that it was impossible to save the national credit except by assuming the supreme executive power, which had been approved by the people; that Mexico at first refused, but now all foreign powers recognized the new order of things. The remainder of the message relates to domestic affairs. Perfect accord between the national administration and legislative assembly. Synopsis of the message inclosed. 80
70 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 717.) Oct. 7 Representation of Guatemala by United States representatives: Request from Señor Montu far, that where Guatemala has no representatives, those of the United States shall represent Guatemala, made under the mistaken impression that United States representatives represent Switzerland as they do the United States. This explained to Señor Montufar, with a promise to communicate his request. Translation of Señor Montufar’s note inclosed. 82
71 Sam to same (No. 718). Oct. 12 Discrimination against United States vessels in favor of the Spanish Central American line: Contract between the Government of Costa Rica and the Spanish Central American line of steamships gives a rebate of 5 per cent, on goods imported by that line. Communication with the Costa Rican Government deferred because of the report that the rebate would be extended to all lines This has not been done, and the Spanish line has begun its trips. Copy of the contract and of note to Costa Rican minister inclosed. 83
72 Same to same (No. 729) Oct. 31 Political: Attempt of Don Vicente Castanedo to capture the town of Huehuetenango. His repulse, capture, and execution, together with four of his officers. Four insurrectionary leaders near the frontier of Salvador captured and shot. The revolutionary attempts to have been made two months ago. The affair at La Libertad a part of the plan. The insurgent organizations broken up. No popular sympathy given them. Official and unofficial reports published by the Government of Guatemala inclosed. 87
73 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hall (No. 516). Nov. 2 Discrimination against United States vessels: Department has received letters from the Pacific Mail Steam-ship Company with regard to the discrimination in favor of the Spanish Central American Line, and all correspondence was submitted to the Secretary of the Treasury with a view to the application of section 2502, United States Revised Statutes. Pending his decision, a letter was received from the Pacific Mail Company, saying they were informed that Guatemala would soon withdraw her discriminating duties, and they believed the other States would do the same. Inconsequence the Secretary of the Treasury will take no action at present. . This is indicative of the good-will of the United States and their unwillingness to retaliate. Hopes the discrimination will soon be removed. 90
74 Same to same (No. 517) Nov. 5 Discrimination against United States vessels: Copy of Mr. Hall’s dispatch No. 718, in regard to the rebate of 5 per cent, granted to the Spanish Central American Line by the Government of Costa Rica, sent to the Secretary of the Treasury. 91
75 Same to same (No. 523) Dec. 6 Seizure of the William S. Moore: Affidavit of Henry Nelson, master of the William S. Moore, stating that on November 20, 1887, while at anchor in Rama River, Musquito Reservation, his vessel was forcibly seized by an armed body of men wearing the Nicaraguan uniform. Directs that the complaint be presented to the Nicaraguan Government with a view to an investigation and explanation or reparation. Affidavit inclosed. 91
76 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 749.) Dec. 8 Contract made by the Guatemalan Government with J. T. Anderson, United States vice-consul at Livingston, to build a railroad from the capital to the Atlantic: Former contract with Martin Roberts. Attention called to Article IX, pledging the Government to use its power to enforce contracts made with laborers, which probably means imprisonment and other arbitary treatment of laborers. The road undertaken by the Government in 1883 and abandoned in 1885, and the contract for the first 60 miles with Messrs. Shea, Cormick & Co. broken, who assigned to creditors. Several adjustments repudiated, and the claim a subject of [Page XLV] diplomatic correspondence for a year. Death and destitution among the laborers until relieved by the United States steamer Swatara. Government inclined to keep the present contract. Article IX of the contract inclosed. 92
77 Same to same (No. 750) Dec. 8 Discriminatory duties against United States vessels, in favor of those of Pedro Terres: Contract of the Government of Costa Rica, of July 5, 1887, with its citizen, Pedro Terres, granting exemption from light and tonnage dues to the vessels of his line from Port Limon to Europe, and a rebate of 5 per cent, for duties on goods imported in them, subsequently extended to his vessels on the Pacific, seems to be in conflict with Articles IV and V of the treaty of 1851 with the United States, which placed the vessels of both nations on an equality. Translation of contract inclosed. 93
78 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hall (No. 525.) Dec. 9 Discrimination against United States vessels: The Acting Secretary of the Treasury advises that, in view of the statement of the Pacific Mail Steamship Company that the Central American Government are expected shortly to withdraw their discrimination against American vessels, it is not deemed expedient to act in the matter, and requests to be advised by this Department of any further developments. 95
79 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 752.) Dec. 10 Discrimination against United States vessels: No reply received to note to the minister of Costa Rica on the 5 per cent, rebate granted the Spanish line. Four of that company’s vessels running. The rebate sufficient to exclude American vessels. One of the company’s vessels flies the Costa Rica flag. The contention that it is no violation of treaty obligations to grant rebate to vessels of other nationality not applicable to vessels sailing under Costa Rica’s flag. The treaty of 1851 provides for the same duties upon importations in United States and Costa Rican vessels. Similar discrimination by the United States justifiable. Letter of the Costa Rican consul at Panama to the minister for foreign affairs; reply of the United States consul at San Jose to Mr. Hall and two letters from Mr. Leverich inclosed. 95
80 Same to same (No. 752) Dec. 10 Discrimination against United States vessels: The Guatemalan Government has not withdrawn the discriminating duty of 1/10 of 1 per cent, against American vessels, and probably will not until the contract is abrogated; the Nicaraguan Government has withdrawn its rebate of 2 per cent.; the Government of Honduras has not withdrawn its rebate of 2 per cent.; the Guatemalan Government imposes a discriminating duty of of 1/10 per cent, on regular American lines, and 3 per cent, on all other vessels, Costa Rica imposes a 5 per cent, duty on all American vessels on the Pacific coast; Honduras imposes a discriminating duty of 2 per cent on American vessels; Salvador concedes a rebate of 3 per cent, to all regular lines; Nicaragua has no rebate or discriminating duty. 98
81 Same to same (No. 753) Dec. 12 Seizure of the Merida and W. S. Moore: The Merida appears under the name of John H. Patterson, of Red Bank, N. J., in the annual report of merchant vessels, 1876–77; came to Nicaragua in 1876, was sold to Nicaraguans in 1882, sold in 1886 to an American who has since displayed the United States flag, will ask the Nicaraguan Government to investigate; expects they will be returned by the commissioner now in the reservation, if facts are as stated. Letter of United States consul at San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua, and from Mr. Allen to United States consular agent at Bluefields, inclosed. 98
82 Same to same (No. 754) Dec. 15 Nicaraguan canal: The Costa Rican Government interdicts surveying on its territory for the purpose of locating the canal without its express permission. Telegram from the President of Nicaragua inclosed. 100
83 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 755). Dec. 21 Nicaraguan Canal: Costa Rica grants permission for surveying the canal routes on her territory; foreign minister of Costa Rica protests against the present canal concessions as against the treaty of 1858, Costa Rica not having been consulted; he states, that treaty is in force till declared null by the arbitrator; that the rights of Costa Rica to the San Juan River and Bay are attacked; that Costa Rican river trade will be injured, its river courses changed, etc.; that there is no desire to obstruct the canal, which is much desired. These complaints un-unfounded. Raising the level of the San Juan will make navigable Costa Rican streams, before unnavigable; the canal will make va uable the land near it, now of little value, as is shown by President Soto, ex-President Fernandez, and others buying large tracts. The minister of Nicaragua replies that the treaty of 1858 was beyond discussion while under arbitration; that the action of Costa Rica seemed merely to obstruct the canal, and was in opposition to previous conduct; that this concession was the same as that of 1880, in regard to which Costa Rica had not been consulted, but had approved. The rejection of the treaty of July has aroused the resentment of Costa Rica. Mr. Esquivel to Mr. Zavala and Mr. Zavala’s reply inclosed. 101
84 Same to same (No. 756) Dec. 21 Seizure of the Merida and W. S. Moore: The Merida restored; confident the W. S. Moore will be returned also; Mr. Brown to Mr. Hall inclosed. 106
85 Same to same (No. 763) 1888. Jan. 6 Claim of Italy against Salvador: Italian Government directed its chargé d’affaires to effect a settlement with Salvador, and he has requested Mr. Hall’s good offices; Department’s instruction in the matter received; the Italian charge will proceed to Salvador the 18th instant; Mr. Hall has offered his good offices to the Salvadorian Government, and, if accepted, he will go there about the same time. 107
86 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hall (No. 533). Jan. 7 Contract between the Guatemalan Government and Mr. J. T. Anderson (Article IX), relating to the right of the contractor to import laborers, other than Chinese, and the obligation of that Government to enforce contracts with such laborers made abroad, has been received and examined, but the question is too general for instructions. 108
87 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 766). Jan. 11 Champerico and Northern Transportation Company; Grant by the Government of Guatemala in 1881 to Messrs. Lyman, Bunting & Fenner, American citizens, of a concession for the construction and operation of a railroad from Champerico to Retalhuleu, with the stipulation that no other road should be built within 15 leagues on either side; the concession subsequently transferred to the Champerico and Northern Transportation Company of Guatemala, organized under the laws of California; the road completed and accepted by the Government in 1884; a concession recently given Messrs. J. S. Bueron & Co. to build a road from Ocos to Quesaltenango, within that distance, in spite of the Champerico Company’s protest; no official correspondence on the subject, except information to the minister of foreign affairs of filing of protest at the legation; the question submitted by the minister to Mr. Rockstroh, who reports the concession an infringement of the Champerico Company’s rights; the Ocos contract held under advisement for a month and signed by the President December 15, 1887; does not deem it necessary to send copy; Mr. Robinson to Mr. Hall, November 15, 1887, inclosing his protest to the Guatemalan Government; report of Mr. Rockstroh upon Article II of the contract of the Champerico Railway Company with the Government of Guatemala, and the translation of the Champerico Railway concession inclosed. 108
88 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hall (No. 538). Jan. 23 Discrimination against United States vessels: Transmits a copy of a letter from the Pacific Steam-ship Company in regard to the continued discrimination of 5 per cent, against American vessels in favor of the Spanish Central American Line; copy of correspondence has been laid before the Secretary of the Treasury; Mr. Lane’s letter inclosed. 116
89 Same to same Jan. 25 Claim of Julius R. Schultz, under Title LXXLT of the United States Revised Statutes, as discoverer of guano deposits on Vivorilla Key, off the coast of Honduras: Mr. J. G. Moale informed that Department’s decision is deferred, owing to a question of sovereignty over the island; directs that it be ascertained whether Honduras, or other nation, has dominion over Vivorilla Key; refers to Mr. Hall’s No. 41, December 14, 1882; affidavit of Mr. Schultz inclosed. 119
90 Same to same (No. 543) Jan, 28 Claim of Italy against Salvador: Gratification at the settlement of the Italian claim, especially in view of its resulting from Mr. Hall’s good offices. 120
91 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 769). Jan. 30 Claim of Italy against Salvador: Finding the Italian chargé d’affaires and Salvadorian Government unable to agree, he suggests the offer of a specific sum, which was done, and $270,000 agreed upon in full payment of the Italian claim; his offer of good offices and telegram accepting it by Salvadorian Government inclosed. 120
92 Same to same (No. 7). Jan. 30 Discrimination against United States vessels in favor of the Spanish Central American Line still maintained: Trip made by the Costa Rica of that line; information sent Department by telegram. 121
93 Same to same (No. 771) Feb. 4 Seizure of the Merida: The facts misstated; after carrying the Nicaraguan flag she was sold to N. P. Allen, a United States citizen, who turned her into a liquor shop and gambling house, outside the reservation, raised the United States flag and claimed exterritoriality; General Urtecho’s letter to the consular agent at Bluefields, probably a true account; note from the Nicaraguan minister and accompanying correspondence on the seizure of the two vessels carrying the United States flag inclosed. 122
94 Mr. Bayard to Mr Hall (No. 549). Feb. 6 Discrimination against United States vessels: Copy of letter of the Secretary of the Treasury, relative to imposition of retaliatory discriminatory duties on goods imported by the Spanish Central American Line inclosed. 124
95 Same to same (No. 550). Feb. 7 The Champerico and Northern Transportation Company, which complains that the Guatemalan Government has violated the contract with it by the concession to Messrs. Bueron & Co. to build a road from Ocos to Quesaltenango, must present a memorial properly sworn to and supported by affidavits for this Department to act in the matter. 126
96 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 773). Feb. 10 Discrimination against United States vessels: Decree of Salvadorian Government extending rebate of 3 per cent, to all regular lines of vessels revoked January 28, 1888, as the Marquis de Campo failed to fulfill his agreement; his steamers running, but not with regularity; nothing said of the contracts of May 6. 1886, and June 14, 1887, but supposes they have lapsed: copy of decree of January 28.1888. inclosed. 126
97 Same to same (No. 775) Feb. 16 Discrimination against United States vessels: Note received from the minister for foreign affairs of Costa Rica in answer to one written three months before on the subject of the discriminating duty of 5 per cent.; the minister refers to similar contracts with British and German lines on the Atlantic coast; the minister’s note and a reply thereto inclosed. 127
98 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hall (No. 554). Feb. 27 Union of the Central American Republics: Hopes that there is no ground for apprehension of renewal of enforced union of the Central American States by Guatemala; interest of the United States in the canal, which would be injured; military movements injurious to peaceful operations; directs that it be ascertained whether there is any ground for such apprehension, and that the sentiments of the United States Government on the subject be conveyed to that of Guatemala. 131
99 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 779). Mar. 16 Claim of J. R. Schultz for discovery of guano deposits: Vivorilla Key is within the jurisdiction of Honduras; is 33 miles north of Coratzca Lagoon; copy of telegrams to this effect to the Department; telegrams exchanged between Mr. Hall and Señor Zelaya upon the subject inclosed. 132
100 Same to same (No. 788) Mar. 16 Union of Central American Republic: Thinks the rumors of Central American consolidation without foundation, but will obtain authoritative statement. 133
101 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hall (No. 560). Mar. 23 Claim of Italy against Salvador: Letter from the minister of Italy here, giving the thanks of his Government for Mr. Hall’s good offices in the settlement of the Italian claim against Salvador, inclosed. 133
102 Same to same (No. 562) Mar. 27 Boundary dispute between Nicaragua and Costa Rica: Report of Mr. Rives to the President, and the President’s decision as arbitrator between Nicaragua and Costa Rica, concerning the validity of the treaty of limits of 1858 between those Republics; one copy to be filed in the legation, the others at his disposal; originals were given to the ministers of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and copies sent to consuls at Nicaragua, San Jose de Costa Rica, and San Juan del Norte; report and decisions as above inclosed. 134
103 Same to same (No. 563) Mar. 27 Champerico and Northern Transportation Company: Mr. Sanford Robinson’s memorial received; résumé of it; directs an unofficial presentation of the complaint to be made to the Government of Guatemala, to urge the importance of good faith on the part of that Government in its contracts; the question can not be disposed of by arbitration; the contract did not deprive United States citizens of the right to resort to their Government; instances in which this position has been held in other similar cases; memorial of Mr. Robinson inclosed. 134
104 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 793). Mar. 27 Discrimination against United States vessels: Guatemalan decree, extending the rebate in duties to all regular lines previously transmitted; the Spanish lines have had a rebate of 3 per cent., the regular American lines 29/10; the Spanish steamers are to be withdrawn from Guatemalan waters, and adecree has removed all rebates; rebates already removed by Salvador; decree of the Government of Guatemala removing rebates inclosed. 141
105 Same to same (No. 798) Apr. 3 Right of citizens of United States to sue in Guatemalan courts of law: Mr. Concepcion Pinto asks if the peace and friendship part of the treaty of 1849 between Guatemala and the United States is not in force, and therefore Article XII, which gives the right of free resort to courts of law; Mr. Pinto has brought suit against the International Bank of Guatemala, and it has been petitioned that he be made to give security, which is not done with natives; Mr. Pinto’s letter inclosed. 142
106 Same to same (No. 800) Apr. 4 Claim of Italy against Salvador: The protocol settling the claim approved conditionally upon a rebate of one-third, which belongs to ex-President Zaldivar; this has been agreed to by the chargé d’affaires of Italy. Calls attention to expression of appreciation of Mr. Hall’s services; I copy of note inclosed, 143
107 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 801). Apr. 5 Union of Central American Republics: The minister of Guatemala declares the rumors prevalent in Nicaragua of an intention on the part of Guatemala to force a union of the Central American States groundless; that only lawful means are contemplated, and refers to the treaty of 1887 as having been concluded for the same purpose; “Lawful means” somewhat ambiguous;” note requesting disclaimer of any other means than those provided in the treaty of 1887 answered as indefinitely as the former one; no resort to coercive methods likely; Mr. Hall to Mr. Barrutia of March 17, and 29, 1888, and replies of Mr. Barrutia of May 28 and April 5, 1888, inclosed. 144
108 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hosmer (No. 571). Apr. 27 Discrimination against United States vessels: Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury explaining that the withdrawal of the Spanish steamers related exclusively to Guatemala, and Mr. Bayard’s reply thereto inclosed. 148
109 Same to same (No. 574) Apr. 30 Right of citizens of the United States to sue in Guatemalan courts of law: Notice was given by Guatemalan Government and the treaty of 1849, terminated in November, 1874, but that part relating to peace and friendship is still in force, under which come the right to resort freely to courts of law, to security of conscience, and to Christian burial; directs the Guatemalan Government be informed that such part of the treaty was not terminable and was not terminated by the notice given in 1873. 149
110 Same to same (No. 575) May 1 Discrimination against United States vessels: Directs that it be ascertained whether the Spanish steamers have been withdrawn and whether the discrimination continues; letter from the Pacific Company to the Secretary of the Treasury and that Secretary’s reply inclosed. 151
111 Mr. Hosmer to Mr. Bayard (No. 809). May 9 Champerico and Northern Transportation Company: The attention of the Guatemalan Government called to the alleged violations of its contract with the Champerico and Northern Transportation Company by its contract with J. L. Bueron et al., and the mistake made in the distance between Champerico and Ocos, and requests that the latter contract be rescinded; no reply received; wishes to allow time for any mistake to be corrected; is fully instructed what to do; the note to the Guatemalan minister inclosed. 152
112 Same to same (No. 817) June 5 Discrimination against United States vessels in favor of the Spanish line of steamers has been revoked by the Costa Rican Government; note of the Guatemalan minister for foreign affairs and deeree of revocation inclosed. 154
113 Mr. Hosmer to Mr. Bayard (No. 818). June 9 Right of citizens of the United States to sue in Guatemalan courts of law: Instructions received giving reasons why the clause relating to peace and friendship in the annulled treaty between Guatemala and the United States should be still in force; note to the Guatemalan minister for foreign affairs inclosed. 155
114 Same to same (No. 819). June 9 Champerico and Northern Transportation Company: The reply of Minister Barrutia to note in behalf of the Champerico and Northern Transportation Company, and rejoinder thereto, inclosed. 156
115 Same to same (No. 823) June 21 Right of citizens of the United States to sue in Guatemalan courts of law: Minister Barrutia concurs in the views expressed in a note to him by Mr. Hosmer in respect to the clause of peace and friendship in the annulled treaty between Guatemala and the United States; Mr. Barrutia’s note inclosed. 158
116 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hall (No. 596). July 11 Contracts of German and English steam-ship lines with the Costa Rican Government: Full information in regard to, desired. 159
117 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 835). July 21 Free port of Livingston and free zone abolished and the custom-house removed to Yzabal. Interests of foreign residents in the free zone threatened; the Guatemalan Government notified of this and postponement of the enforcement of the decree suggested; Department’s attention invited to a similar case which occurred in Costa Rica in 1884; decree of 1883 making Livingston a free port, and providing for a free zone, decree of 1888 revoking the above, note of Mr. Hall to Minister Sobral in reference to the decree of revocation, and Minister Sobral’s reply inclosed. 159
118 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hall (No. 608). Aug. 14 Free port of Livingston and tree zone: Mr. Hall’s protest against the decree of the Guatemalan Government revoking its decree of 1882, which established the free port of Livingston and its surrounding free zone, approved; the instructions given in 1884 as to a similar case in Costa Rica will be his guide. 162
119 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 844). Aug. 14 Free port of Livingston and free zone: The Guatemalan Government has temporarily suspended that part of the decree which abolishes the free zone; the custom-house removed to Yzabal; Executive order suspending the article abolishing the free zone inclosed. 162
120 Same to same (No. 857) Sept. 4 Champerico and Northern Transportation Company: Two notes written by Mr. Hosmer while charge to the Guatemalan minister with regard to the complaint of the Champerico and Northern Transportation Company, the last unanswered; many interviews had with Señor Sobral, who agreed that the concession to Messrs. Bueron & Co. should be revoked or canceled; Mr. Bueron confers with Mr. Sobral, and Mr. Hall informed that the concession would be canceled, but it is not; Mr. Bueron merely files a memorial asking modification of contract; Mr. Robinson states that the company at the time of the Bueron concession was negotiating sale of its property; on 1st instant addressed a note to Mr. Sobral requesting an answer to Mr. Hosmer’s of June 9; is shown in the evening draught of a document to be sent to Mr. Bueron to sign, in consonance with the promises made; note of 1st instant to Señor Sobral inclosed. 163
121 Same to same (No. 863) Sept. 10 Congress of Central American States: Article 26 of the treaty between the Central American Republics provides for a congress to meet every two years at the different capitals, first meeting to be September 15, 1888, at that of Costa Rica; Salvador has signed the treaty with some amendments; Nicaragua has taken no action upon it; the others have signed unconditionally; names of the delegates. 165
122 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hall (No. 617). Sept. 1 Champerico and Northern Transportation Company: Telegram stating that the Guatemalan Government sustains the Bueron contract, and asking instructions received; the Government of the United States does not interfere, except unofficially, in the complaints of its citizens against a foreign country, unless they are discriminated against or refused redress in the courts of that country; this is merely a breach of contract, and does not come under either of those two heads. 165
123 Same to same (No. 621) Sept. 17 Discrimination against U. S. vessels: In consequence of statements of Mr. Hall in regard to discriminatory duties applied to U. S. vessels in Costa Rican ports, instructions would be given to United States customs officers to imposes discriminating duties on importations into the United States in Costa Rican vessels; Mr. Fairchild to Mr. Bayard, September 12, 1888, inclosed. 166
124 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 868). Sept. 19 Treatment of foreigners in Guatemala: Order of the Guatemalan Government to the prefects of the departments, and judicial, administrative, and military authorities, caused by the affair at Livingston, instructing them as to their conduct towards foreigners, and to communicate by telegraph with the minister for foreign affairs in cases of difficulty, before taking action, inclosed. 167
125 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hall (No. 624). Sept. 27 Champerico and Northern Transportation Company: Mr. Hall’s diligence in pressing the complaint commended, and regret expressed at the delays and evasions of the Guatemalan Government. 168
126 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 871). Sept. 29 Champerico and Northern Transportation Company: The concession to Bueron & Co. to build a railroad from Ocos to Quezaltenango surrendered to the Guatemalan Government. 169
127 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Hall (No. 633). Oct, 26 Champerico and Northern Transportation Company: Gratification at the settlement of the complaint of the company by the surrender of the concession to Bueron & Co. 169
128 Mr. Hall to Mr. Bayard (No. 883). Nov. 7 Champerico and Northern Transportation Company: Mr. Hall’s note to Señor Sobral, and the latter’s reply confirming the cancellation of the concession to Messs. J. L. Bueron & Co., inclosed. 170


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
129 Mr. Roberts to Mr. Bayard (No. 162). 1887. Oct. 7 Claims against Chili: The Anglo-Chilian tribunal adjourns sine die, and England accepts $100,000 in liquidation of twenty-one claims, amounting to $6,000,000; the Italian-Chilian tribunal has given no decisions; the French claims stand as before; thinks the French Government will accept Chili’s offer; Spain awaiting the dissolution of the tribunals to present her claims. 172
130 Same to same (No. 164) Oct. 28 Claims against Chili: The decision of the English tribunal in the claim of the Peruvian Guano Company, limited, for damages to the extent of £ 792,233.135 by reason of not being able to carry out its contract on account of war, declaring that tribunal incompetent to try the case, was published after writing dispatch No. 162 and alters the figures therein given, which should read that twenty claims amounting to $300,291 were settled for $100,000. 172
131 Same to same (No. 166) Nov. 11 Cholera has extended to the south of Chili; expectation that it will be very destructive to life; possibility of mails by way of Panama being stopped; Chilian vessels not allowed to enter Colombian ports; Mails sent through Peru, but that country will probably close her ports; no reason for Colombia’s action, on account of the length of the voyage from Chili. 178
132 Same to same (No. 168) Nov. 30 Quarantine of Colombian Ecuadorian, and Peruvian ports against Chili; the exclusion unjustifiable; that cholera is likely to be an annual visitor an important consideration; thinks other than sanitary reasons caused the action of Colombia; this dispatch to go to San Francisco, Cal.; may send hereafter by way of Europe; daily deaths from cholera in Santiago twenty, 30 per cent, infected die; disease has not increased, but more fatal to well-to-do-class; no excitement or panic. 179
133 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Roberts (No. 73). Dec. 5 Claims of American citizens against Chili: Complaints received from the citizens of the United States having claims against Chili of delay; has explained to them that the arbitration tribunals agreed upon by other governments having similar claims have proved unsatisfactory, and it has been deemed best to await some other settlement; it seems probable that there will be a compromise of the claims now before the arbitration tribunals, and it would not seem to be expecting too much for the Chilian Government [Page LII] to take into consideration the negotiation of a convention for the adjustment of claims of United States citizens; Mr. Roberts authorized to say that such a measure would be desirable to the United States. 180
134 Mr. Roberts to Mr. Bayard (No. 171). 1888. Jan. 6 Claims of France against Chili: Incloses translation of protocol for the settlement of French claims upon Chili. 181
135 Mr. Siebert to Mr. Bayard (No. 180). Feb. 15 Grace-Aranibar contract and Peruvian foreign debt: Correspondence between the Chilian minister and British representative inclosed. 182
136 Same to same (No. 181). Feb. 24 Claims of Italy against Chili: Protocol between Italy and Chili settling all remaining Italian claims for $297,000 approved by the Chilian Congress, and the sum paid to the Italian representative; the international tribunals at an end; Spanish and United States claims alone unsettled; protocol and decisions of the Italian-Chilian tribunal, and the message of President Balmeeeda inclosed. 186
137 Mr. Roberts to Mr. Bayard (No. 184). Mar. 22 Observations during trip through Chili: Hot baths of Colina; a haoiendo; Concepcion and Talcahuana; the Bio-Bio River; Tomé; Chilian wine; woolen mill; Coronel; Lota; Señora Cousiña; Sebu; Valdivia, its inhabitants, climate, and breweries; no merchandise on the steamer from the United States, except burning fluid; the return cargo; wages of laborers; farms and farming products; quantity of meat consumed in Santiago. 190
138 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Roberts (No. 84). Apr. 17 Quarantine of Colombian ports against Chili; The Postmaster-General does not think the United States has cause to complain of the total exclusion of mail from Chili, as a sanitary measure against cholera, by the Colombian Government, but this Department thinks the measure extreme; no answer received from the Post-Office Department to the request to have dispatches to Chili sent via England. 194
139 Mr. Roberts to Mr. Bayard (No. 192). May 3 Religious liberty and American claims: Special session of Congress called to ratify an amendment to the constitution permitting religious liberty, but the cabinet resigned and the amendment was abandoned; it is said that the church will, in consequence, reconsecrate the cemeteries and recognize the civil marriage law; interview with President Balmeceda in regard to the claims of American citizens against Chili. 194
140 Mr. Siebert to Mr. Bayard (No. 201). July 17 Delay in the mails: Date of receipt of dispatches 84, 85, 86; Nos. 81, 82, and 83 not received and supposed to be snowed up on the mountains; five mail-bags, containing dispatches Nos. 118 and 119, which left Santiago at the breaking out of the cholera, thrown into the sea at Acojulta, Salvador; the account given in the Diario Oficiai inclosed. 196
141 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Roberts (No. 77). May 26 Claims of Italy against Chili: Is informed by Mr. Siebert that a protocol has been signed between Italy and Chili, accepting a lump sum for Italian claims not acted upon, and that the international tribunals had ceased to exist, leaving claims of the United States and Spain unsettled; the decisions of the tribunals unsatisfactory; complaints of delay by United States citizens on the part of the Government in pressing their claims; the first question is whether it is better to have a commission decide the claims, or accept a lamp sum; many claims susceptible of individual settlement, others by arbitration, others by payment of lump sum; hopes Mr. Roberts will agree with the Chilian Government upon a plan of settlement as speedily as possible. 197
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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
142 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 227). 1887. Sept. 5 Lekin on kerosene: Department pleased to hear of the reduction of lekin on kerosene from $1.30 to $0.50 per case; expression of its gratification at his services in obtaining the reduction be sent to Mr. Seymour. 199
143 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 445). Sept. 7 Ward claim: Its history reviewed; conclusion reached that there is not sufficient basis for a presentation of it; letter of Mr. Raynor to Mr. Burlingame, September 8, 1884. inclosed. 199
144 Same to same (No. 451) Sept. 9 Political: The effect of railway schemes of Russia on China’s policy. The trans-Uralian railway feasible; China most threatened by it. The trans-Siberian line completed to Tiumen; dependent on water communication and on Government aid. Railway can not compete with steamers on the Amoor or with caravan to Irkoutsk. A long time necessary to develop the mining interests of Siberia. The road needed for military operations of Russia. By it she may become the power on the Pacific. China must build railways to move troops and protect her frontier, one to Monkden, with branches to the Amoor and Possiet, to communicate with Corea. Not known what influence these ideas have had in the late actions of China in regard to American capitalists. The subject being discussed in newspapers. Distance from St. Petersburg to Tiumen, 1,816 miles; from Tiumen to Vladivostock, 4,796 miles, with divergences, 7,226 miles. 218
145 Same to same (No. 464) Sept, 29 Indemnity to American missionaries: Third installment (6,000 taels) of the indemnity fund to the American missionaries paid to British consular agent at Chung King, and placed in the Hong-Kong and Shanghai Bank at Hankow to the credit of Dr. Clews. 219
146 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (Telegram). Oct. 6 Corean diplomatic mission: The surprise and regret of the United States to be expressed to the Chinese Government at the obstructions put by Chinese officials in the way of Corea’s diplomatic representation, as stipulated for by treaty. 220
147 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 478). Oct. 10 Missionary troubles: Attempt of Presbyterian missionaries to re-establish their mission post at Kwai Ping, from which they were expelled in 1886. Rev. A. A. Fulton, his sister, a physician, and two children driven away by a mob, but not injured. Missiles thrown at the boat and abusive language used. Received kindly by some. Boat wrecked and robbed on the way back. Consul will present claim for damages. Violence of the mob and intemperate zeal of missionaries to be condemned. Has continuously announced that the right of permanent residence is not secured by treaty to missionaries, but that if other missionaries were allowed to locate in the interior, the right would be demanded for Americans, and redress demanded for injuries if residence was tolerated. Good accomplished by mission work. Positive law can not be overridden on that account or rashness condoned. 220
148 Same to same (No. 480) Oct. 11 Siberian railroad: Eleven Russian engineers arrived at Hong-Kong to survey the country from Vladivostock to Boussé on the Oussouri for the Siberian Railway. The Oussouri a tributary of the Amoor. The design to extend the road to Lake Baikal, and thence to the Ural Mountains to connect with the European system. Contract to transport materials and staff said to have been made. Great advantage will result to Vladivostock. 221
149 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 242). Oct. 13 Visit of Chinese officials: Information given to the Secretary of the Treasury of the expected arrival of the two Chinese officials, so that they may be admitted without hinderance. The Department will render them what service it can. 221
150 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 482). Oct. 13 Suzerainty of China over surrounding countries a difficult question, as with Corea, Tonquin, Upper Burmah, and Thibet, and on account of it China shuts out trade. The suzerainty over Upper Burmah dormant until occupation of that country by England and then used to defeat Mr. Macauley’s mission to open Thibet to trade, to secure the Hong-Kong opium convention, and the abandonment of Port Hamilton by Great Britain. Perpetuated her claim by obtaining a pledge that the decennial missions from Mandalay to Peking should continue. Corea granted a remission of contribution for the coming year because of poverty and from good-will. List of countries claimed as dependent states by China. Letter and presents sent by the King of Nepaul to the Emperor of China, who claims authority over Nepaul. The claim in regard to Nepaul and other British possessions received by them with, distrust, and serious complications feared. Communication received from Mr. Dinsmore relative to Chinese opposition to the Corean mission to the United States. Corea admits its vassalage. China can not prohibit sending ministers after allowing: the treaties to be made. 222
151 Same to same (No. 496) Oct. 26 Yellow River overflow: The Yellow River has burst its banks. Particulars not received, but great devastation feared. A decree appropriating 400,000 taels and all the tribute grain sent by the Grand Canal from Kiang Sü to aid the sufferers indicative of the magnitude of the calamity. A subprefect, major, lieutenant, and second sergeant degraded and punished for not taking precautions to repair the banks of the river, and the intendant at the capital of Hoonan to be handed over to the board for punishment. 223
152 Same to same (No. 500) Oct. 27 Obstruction of navigation near Canton: The appointment of a higher officer to attend to commerce at Whampoa desirable, but the right of claim to obstruct the navigation in time of peace not admissible. Correspondence with the Yamen on the subject inclosed. 224
153 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 247). Nov. 4 Corean foreign mission: The essential thing in regard to Corea’s foreign mission and China’s claim of sovereignty over that country is to fix the responsibility for the execution of treaty stipulation. Not material if the act be obligatory or permissive if done in pursuance of treaty compact. Reciprocal sending of consular and diplomatic officers provided for by Corean treaty with the United States. This a sovereign act and resulted from China’s disclaiming responsibility for Corea’s acts towards foreigners. China seems now to claim this responsibility and the right to permit or refuse to let Corea have diplomatic relations. If the treaties can not be executed without China’s permission, they can not be violated without her responsibility. This instruction to the end that China’s position may be ascertained. No admission to be made of claim of control, without responsibility, over Corea. 225
154 Same to same (No. 248) Nov. 7 Ward claim: Dispatch No. 445, being a review of the Ward claim against China, received and approved. 227
155 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 509). Nov. 11 Monetary system of China suitable to the people: Mexican dollars or taels used; the tael equals $1.40, Mexican; value of silver varies daily; no mint; the copper “chien” or “cash” and lump silver ordinary money; division of silver coins by weight; weight and value of cash; poverty of people requires small coin; “cash” exchanged for silver for distant payments; value of the tael; composition of the cash; equilibrium of moneys preserved; depreciation of silver a serious evil; interest laws date from 1250 A. D.; rate of interest; silver cast in lumps of 10 and 50 taels, .95 pure; gold in bars of 10 taels; no national bank; paper money issued [Page LV] from earliest antiquity, but stopped in 1455; a private bank in each province which receives taxes for the Government; banks of emission in Peking; not in favor with the Government; banks of deposit; discount necessary and popular; their functions, etc.; interest at Peking 12 per cent.; money brought from the interior in hollow logs; desire of coinage and a national bank among foreigners, but great rivalry among nationalities on the subject; many failures; want of confidence in Government officials; schemes to form a bank in which leading men in all commercial countries will be stockholders; not permissible by Chinese policy; the American bank system would succeed; needed by the Government; a great opportunity for a man of reputation and ability; the legation will use its personal influence to assist the undertaking. 227
156 Same to same (No. 514). Nov. 22 Yellow River overflow: Loss of life and property, etc.; the methods of raising revenue for repairing the banks proposed by the board of revenue, inclosed. 232
157 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 263). Dec. 3 Missionary troubles at Kwai Ping: Approves views in regard to mob violence against missionaries at Kwai Ping. 236
158 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 521). Dec. 9 Corean mission: The King of Corea acknowledges his vassalage in a memorial to the Emperor of China, requesting permission to send envoys abroad; Vattelhas nothing applicable to the relation of the two countries; assumes that the United States considers Corea an independent state; the question of expediency and possible relations of Corea with Russia, etc., to be considered; the memorial of the King of Corea inclosed. 236
159 Same to same (No. 529). Dec. 20 Missionary troubles at Chi Nan Fu: Communication to the Tsung-li Yamên in regard to the missionary troubles at Chi Nan Fu; the Presbyterian missionaries claimed that they had been promised a perpetual lease of land; the records showed they had not; a perpetual lease obtained which the officials refused to confirm; possession taken by Mr. Reid for the mission of the premises; the treaty of 1858 requires that legal fees shall be paid, and confines renting to treaty ports; Mr. Reid ejected and injured by a mob; claims damages; endeavor to obtain for him another piece of land; the missionaries’ acts against the law; they claim under the French and English treaties the right to lease or buy land anywhere in China; the Department has not given its views on the right of missionaries in the interior of China; suggests this be done in an instruction as a guide to the legation; Americans have built and rented in the interior, while the treaty only gives the right in open ports; what protection is to be given them? they are informed that the legation does not construe the treaty to give rights in the interior, but that where they have effected lodgment with the consent of the authorities they will be protected against subsequent wrongs; this the rationale of the Chung King case of submits the question to the Department; communication to the Tsunsr-li Yamen inclosed. 238
160 Same to same (No. 531). Dec. 26 Civil service in China: By the Chinese system of competitive examinations there are three grades; examinations for the first are held in the chief city of each district; for the second in the provincial capitals; for the third at Peking; the successful students treated with great honor; 2,000,000 attempt the first examination; 2 per cent, pass; these are eligible for the second, and the successful again for the third, where those who pass are given offices; a fourth examination is necessary to become a member of the Hanlin College, and from its members one is selected by competition who is the model scholar of the empire; no limit of age to applicants; the system creates a governmental class; the examination does not teat the business capacity [Page LVI] of the applicant, but is purely literary, and he becomes one of the literati, who oppose as a class foreign innovations; arguments in its favor; it opens a road to the ambitious, is a counterpoise to the power of an absolute monarch, and provides an educated gentry bound to support the existing order; these reasons not needed in western countries; comparison between civil-service reform in the United States and the system of China; the United States civil service tests the capacity of an applicant for a particular office; Chinese system has the same general literary examination for all offices, whether special knowledge be needed or not; the sciences introduced into their curriculum. 241
161 Same to same (No. 533). Dec. 28 Missionary troubles at Chi Nan Fu: The reply of the Yanên to a note on the subject, stating that instructions had been given to the Shantung authorities to investigate the missionary troubles, inclosed. 243
162 Same to same (No. 541). 1888. Jan. 7 Opium traffic and Chinese treaties: Have sent to consuls a new circular on the opium traffic; can not procure a copy of “Treaties between the Empire of China and foreign powers, together with regulations for the conduct of trade, etc., etc.;” the customs said to be preparing a book of all treaties, which will send the Department. 244
163 Same to same (No. 541). Jan. 10 Chinese coolies for Panama Canal: The agent of the Panama Canal Company refused permission by the Chinese Government to ship coolies to work on the Panama Canal; the Tsung-li Yamên has not answered the French minister on the subject; coolies being shipped from French territory in Tongking, thus evading the necessity of permission of the Chinese Government. 245
164 Same to same (No. 545) Jan. 12 Bonded warehouses: The Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce has requested the intervention of the diplomatic corps in regard to bonded warehouses; the chamber of commerce resolved that any plan which does not allow the bonding of all wharves and warehouses is against public policy and an interference with trade, and requested the ministers to induce the Government to rescind its edict designating the China Merchant Navigation Company’s warehouses as the sole bonded warehouses; the ministers have refused, with the promise to bring the matter before the Chinese Government should general commerce require it. 245
165 Same to same (No. 548). Jan. 17 Bonded warehouses: Provisional regulations for the bonding of goods, published by the Chinese maritime customs, inclosed. 246
166 Same to same (No. 551). Jan. 21 Corean foreign mission: The King of Corea writes to the viceroy of China that he will recall his envoys as soon as they have offered congratulations” and leave chargés d’affaires in their places, and that they have been instructed to show greatest respect to the Chinese minister; recites the imperial decree laying down subordinate position of Corea and consequent duties, assuring the viceroy they will be observed; translation of the letter inclosed. 248
167 Same to same (No. 553). Jan. 26 Obstruction to navigation near Canton: Copy of communication to the Yamen on the subject of obstruction in the Canton River inclosed. 250
168 Same to same (No. 554) Jan. 28 Drawbacks: The former rule that drawbacks could be cashed or tendered for duties canceled because injurious to customs revenues; shippers now compelled to insure the drawback. Loss on hides in 1886, 1,700 taels. Serious effort will be made by the minister to restore the former rule. Communication to the Yamên on drawback certificates on the Yangtze inclosed. 251
169 Same to same (No. 555). Jan. 26 Camphor monopoly in Formosa: Copy of communication to the Yamen relating to the camphor monopoly in Formosa inclosed. 252
170 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (Ho. 556). Jan. 26 Rights of foreigners and taxation of foreign goods in China: The ministerial body indebted to the dean of the diplomatic corps for his statement of the rights of foreigners and taxation on foreign goods in China. These subjects presented before by Sir John Walsham, Mr. Von Brandt, and Mr. Denby, but this the first concerted action by the ministers, and favorable results are expected. Communication to the foreign office on lekin in Taiwan fu inclosed. 254
171 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 285). Feb. 9 Corean foreign mission: The Department’s consideration attracted by Mr. Denby’s comments upon the letter published in a Chinese newspaper from the King of Corea to the Emperor of China, asking permission to send ministers to foreign countries; not necessary to pursue the question of the relation of the two countries unless called upon to do so by an actual case. Notice of the reception of the Corean minister on an equal footing with other ministers previously sent. The claim of China never definitely stated. Translation of a letter sent by the King of Corea to the President of the United States asserting a certain dependence upon China, but domestic and diplomatic independence. This the only official statement received in the matter. Admiral Shufeldt reports that the treaty was agreed to without any political consideration and only on the promise that he would deliver the King’s letter to the President. The United States merely require observance of treaty obligations, and it is not advisable to pursue the subject of the relations between China and Corea further than is necessary for this. Protection to American citizens and commerce sought, not political interest. 255
172 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 567). Feb. 9 Missionaries in China: Statistics of Protestant missionaries, communicants, revenues, etc. 257
173 Same to same (No. 569). Feb. 13 Rendition of fugitives from justice: A proclamation on the rendition of fugitives from justice issued by the four high provincial authorities of Kung Tung, occasioned probably by the arrest at the Chinese town near Hong-Kong of a member of the Triad Society. The man started to British Kowloon in a boat. The boat went to the Chinese town, the man jumped overboard, was captured, and executed. No complicity of the boat’s managers was shown, and no international law violated by the seizure. The proclamation is issued to guard against similar occurrences. Copy inclosed. 258
174 Same to same (No. 572). Feb. 15 Lekin in Formosa: The yamen defends the lekin on goods bought at a treaty port in Formosa, for export, on the ground that the foreign merchants failed to take out transit and so should pay lekin. Foreign ministers claim that lekin should be collected in the interior. Reply of the Yamên inclosed. 259
175 Same to same (No. 574). Feb. 20 Diplomatic etiquette: Unpleasant correspondence on the subject of New Year’s calls. Final agreement that the prince and ministers send cards to the foreign ministers and their secretaries. The question of interpreters waived. Information as to diplomatic etiquette in Washington requested. 260
176 Same to same (No. 577). Feb. 21 Camphor monopoly in Formosa: The reply of the yamen to his communication in regard to the Formosa camphor monopoly evasive and irresponsive. It states that foreign merchants may buy camphor near the sea-shore, and that the Government control is only in the disturbed districts, while the proclamation made the trade in all the island a monopoly. The subject important as being an attempt of the ministers to compel the Imperial Government to force the viceroys to comply with treaty stipulations. The Yamên’s reply inclosed. 262
177 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 578). Feb. 24 Slavery in China: Original slaves, first, felons, second, prisoners of war; third, poor who sought protection of the rich. Slaves treated with kindness; not numerous; prices of children; small number of slaves due to the competitive examination system and the patriarchal customs; law in respect to slaves; servitude in the mines for debt. Selling children during the famine. 263
178 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 292). Mar. 6 Bonded warehouses: Well to watch the experiment of the bonded warehouse system and if successful to press for its extension. The Yamên should be notified that the United States does not waive objection to any monopoly which may restrict commerce at free ports. 265
179 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard. (No. 585). Mar. 7 Smuggling of fire-arms: Notice of the legation called by the foreign office to the smuggling of fire-arms by sailors at New Chwang; said to have been carried on for a long time and the arms sold to outlaws in the Eastern Manchurian provinces. Chinese Government suggests that the guilty sailors be sent to their own countries and forbidden to come again on the Chinese coast. Has promised to co-operate in suppressing the smuggling and has instructed the consuls to that effect. Does not anticipate any complaint against American sailors. 265
180 Mr. Rayard to Mr. Denby (No. 293). Mar. 7 Missionary troubles: Views in regard to missionary troubles at Chinan fu and elsewhere approved; Americans have not an unlimited right to buy or lease property in the interor of China and should be so told, but if they do so by permission they are to be protected. Necessary that the restricted limits allowed foreigners be extended, and where this is done by permission of local authorities, it is implied that they have assumed protection over foreign residents. 266
181 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 586). Mar. 10 Exclusion of kerosene oil from China: Memorial of the Viceroy of the two Kuangs and governor of Canton praying the prohibition of the importation of kerosene, stating that he put an excessive lekin on kerosene to diminish its importation; malice against the United States evident; injuries done by kerosene said to be greater than those done by opium; attempt to show by treaty of 1881 that kerosene may be excluded. Ignorance displayed in the memorial; mistaken impression that a treaty with the United States will exclude kerosene; opium business not affected by prohibition on United States citizens; United States citizens not largely engaged in importation of kerosene, but Chinese, Germans, and Englishmen; kerosene comes from Batoum; does not intend to bring the memorial before the Yamên, as does not think notice will be taken of it; will discuss this and other subjects with the Viceroy in the spring: the memorial inclosed. 266
182 Same to same (No. 590) Mar. 7 Summer palace of the Emperor: The custom of the Chinese Emperors to spend the summer at their palace near Peking, which was destroyed by Lord Elgin. The palaces and grounds restored, and the court to spend the summer there. 268
183 Same to same (No. 591) Mar. 19 Drawbacks: The Tsung-li-Yamên has agreed to relieve the foreigners from drawbacks; extra charges to be made not determined. 269
184 Same to same (No. 592) Mar. 19 Camphor monopoly in Formosa: The Tsung-h-Yamên desires further time and information before coming to a final determination in regard to the Formosa camphor monopoly; until then the rules adopted in 1869 remain in force. 269
185 Same to same (No. 593) Mar. 19 Lekin on property of foreigners: The Yamên has agreed to instruct the governor of Formosa to cease the imposition of lekin on native produce, the property of foreigners, while in any free port or in transit from a free port to a port of shipment. 270
186 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No.594). Mar. 19 Obstruction to navigation at Canton: The Chinese Government has refused to order the removal of the obstructions in Pearl River, near Canton; foreign ministers do not accept the decision as final. 270
187 Same to same (No. 595) Mar. 19 Land tenure of foreigners in China: The right to acquire land in the interior of China not given by treaties to foreigners; its acquisition frequently permitted; instance of Peking; the Imperial Government leaves the question of residence of foreigners to the local authorities and people; residence being permitted, they have a right to protection; claim that rights of Americans are enlarged by custom and grants to other nations under the favored-nation clause; Americans lawfully residing in the interior to be assisted by minister and consuls in obtaining land for business purposes; residence and business facilities to be acquired by individual effort; the Government will protect person; copy of communication to the treasurer of the Central China Mission on land tenure in China as affecting foreigners, inclosed. 270
188 Same to same (No. 600) Mar. 21 Bonding of kerosene: Letter to one of the managers of the Pooting Wharf & Go-down Co., as explanatory of the action of the legation touching the bonding of kerosene in China, inclosed. 274
189 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 299). Mar. 22 Kerosene: Dispatch from United States consul at Canton, covering a memorial to the Imperial Government of China from the Viceroy of the two Kuangs upon the loss of life from kerosene oil, and asking that its importation be forbidden, and a letter from J. H. Flagg, representing large petroleum interests in the country, inclosed. 275
190 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 602). Mar. 27 Drawbacks: The Yamên proposes that after July 1, 1888, drawback certificates will be received in payment of all kind of duties at the custom-house where issued; this not to apply to outstanding drawbacks; drawbacks at present only receivable for coastwise duties; their value greatly increased; would have preferred that bond to export these goods in one year should have been exacted instead of the drawback system; thinks foreign ministers and merchants will accede to the proposition. Communication from the Yamên to Mr. Denby, March 25, 1888, on drawbacks, inclosed. 278
191 Same to same (No. 603) Mar. 27 Goldmines: Memorial of the Tsung-li-Yamên and the boards of revenue and civil officer, reporting favorably on a memorial of Li Hung Chang for developing the gold mines near the Amur river, showing the protection to the frontier the population drawn there would be; six of the sixteen plans for developing the mines proposed by Li Hung Chang: First, formation of a joint stock company; second, engagement of competent mining engineers; third, constructing steamers to navigate the Amur; fourth, purchase of mining machinery; fifth, refugees to be allowed to return to work in the mines; sixth, road, etc., from Tsitsihar to Moho to be built by soldiers; net profits to be divided, 30 per cent, to support soldiers, 20 per cent, to workmen, and 50 per cent to shareholders; possibility of not finding purchasers for the stock of the company and previous ill-success of companies managed by the official class; the memorial inclosed. 270
192 Same to same (No. 604). Mar. 28 Chinese mint anticipated: Want of uniformity in size and value of coins; conservatism and fear of the people prevent a remedy; proposition to issue “standard cash “by the Government on payment of salaries in order to produce uniformity between the Pekin and the provincial cash resulted in the depreciation in value of the Pekin cash from 10 to 2½ standard cash, and disturbance of money values in [Page LX] Peking, owing to the report that the Pekin cash would be withdrawn; a decree, stating that the Pekin cash will not be withdrawn, inclosed. 283
193 Same to same (No. 605) Mar. 28 Decree of the Emperor in regard to the future residences of the dowager Empress intended to quiet the popular mind which has given restless under recent expenditures, inclosed. 284
194 Same to same (No. 606) Mar. 29 Earthquake in the province of Yunnan on the 14th and 15th of January last: Houses destroyed and over four thousand people killed and injured; much destitution; provision made by the Emperor and Viceroy for aiding those in need. 285
195 Same to same (No. 607) Mar. 31 Internal taxes on imported goods: Instructed to protest against the levying of enormous internal taxes on imported goods in China, on the ground that such taxation is prohibitory of importation of goods, admitted by treaty; interpretation of treaties shall be favorable; importation by foreigners placed by treaty on the same footing as importations by Chinese; goods not taxed while in foreign hands, but in the hands of Chinese, subjected to special duties; not levied on native produce; claim that China can tax her own citizens erroneous; the tax will make importation unprofitable whether levied on foreign or native merchants; tax can be resisted; the true principle is that there should be no discrimination against imported goods, else foreign trade can be annihilated; these considerations may become important if Chang Chi-tung continues his policy towards kerosene; will see Chang Chi-tung in Canton. 286
196 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 617). Apr. 5 Annual visit of the Emperor to the temple of heaven; the Emperor worships for all the gods; no idols in the temple; Shangti the supreme ruler, who is conceived of as imperceptible to the senses; the temple, situated in the Chinese city, is a single tower with blue tiles; a bullock sacrificed once a year on a marble altar without the building; notices of all ceremonials in which the Emperor takes part sent to foreign ministers, with the request that none of their countrymen appear on the streets to be traversed; Chinese equally excluded, and ministers make no objection to the request. 287
197 Same to same (No. 618) Apr. 7 Audience with the Emperor again agitated by foreign ministers; report that the Emperor will assume sole rule the 20th proximo; this considered a good time to make the demand; some think if it is refused that Chinese ministers in foreign countries should be refused audiences; does not ask that this be done at Washington; in favor of making the demand; thinks it may be refused until the Emperor’s marriage. 291
198 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 304). Apr. 10 Chinese for Panama Canal: No Chinese carried in French Government transport from China or Tonking to Panama; Mr. Anderson’s No. 369 to the Department inclosed. 291
199 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 621). Apr. 13 Missionary troubles at Chi-Nan Fu: Account of the affair; Mr. Reid’s money returned and permission given to obtain a house elsewhere; instructions requested; note of the Yamên and Mr. Denby’s reply inclosed. 292
200 Same to same (No. 628) Apr. 17 Smuggling of fire-arms: United States vice-consul at New Chwang informed that there is no law to punish Americans who smuggle fire-arms and contraband of war into China, except, the opium statute, and confiscation the only penalty,’ that the smuggler might be induced to leave the country; Chinaman, engaged on an American ship, caught smuggling on shore should be left to native authorities; attempted arrest on board ship a different case, and should be reported to the legation. 296
201 Mr. Bayard to M. Denby (No. 307). Apr. 23 Diplomatic etiquette: The precedence in the diplomatic list of Chinese secretaries over translators and attachés follows the list given by that legation; translators and secretaries treated alike; the minister presents whom he pleases to the President New Year; in calls on cabinet officers the minister is usually attended by one or both translators, and their cards are returned as the secretaries’; regrets these questions should interrupt pleasant relations. 296
202 Same to same (No. 308) Apr. 25 Smuggling of fire-arms, etc.: Approves action in promising the aid of the United States legation to the Chinese Government in preventing smuggling by Americans. 297
203 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 633). Apr. 27 Lekin in Formosa: The Yamên insists upon collecting lekin in Formosa between Taiwanfu and Auping; this construction of treaties not to be submitted to; Taiwanfu the treaty port, but ships can only get to Auping, 3 miles from Taiwanfu, and taxes on goods passing between the two places would make Taiwanfu no longer a treaty port; the right of China to levy lekin conceded, but it is denied in a free port, or on goods in transit from a free port to point of shipment, else China could tax goods between Shanghai and Woosing, Canton and Whampoa, etc.; difficulty of collecting lekin elsewhere no argument; goods should not be taxed after being bought by foreign merchant in Taiwanfu; note sent by the foreign ministers to the Yamên, stating that consul had been instructed to protest against the collection, and that reclamations will be made; will report after visit to Formosa; two communications on the subject from the foreign ministers to the Yamên of April 28 inclosed. 297
204 Same to same (No. 634) Apr. 27 Camphor monopoly in Formosa: The Yamên repudiates the interpretation put by the foreign ministers upon the agreement in regard to the camphor monopoly and maintains the monoply; the ministers insist that the rules adopted in 1869 in regard to the camphor trade are in the nature of an agreement, and are still in force. They have informed the Yamên that consuls are instructed to claim compensation for all violations of them. 300
205 Same to same (No. 639) May 5 Diplomatic etiquette: The question of official etiquette satisfactorily settled. Proposition of the Tsuns-li Yamên on the subject inclosed. 300
206 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 315).| May 9 Land tenure in China: Dispatch No. 595, containing a thorough discussion of land tenure, will be of great assistance to the Department in its future considerations of this important subject. 301
207 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 640). May 11 Imperial naval college established at Tientsin, in 1881, for the purpose of educating Chinese for the navy. College has two departments—executive and engineering—of sixty students each; the executive department under Mr. Yen Fung Kwang, a graduate of the Royal College at-Greenwich, England, the engineering department under two English professors of that college; curriculum; students selected by competitive examination; a torpedo department added; high standard of examinations; need of a preparatory school; the college maintained at Government expense; proclamation inviting competition at the entrance; examinations inclosed. 301
208 Same to same (No. 644) May 21 TheSanPablo: Mr. Wingate, United States consul at Foochow, reports that upon application to Mr. Chang, a Taotai at Foochow, a gun-boat was sent to the wreck of the steamer San Pablo, near Haitan Island; the local authorities did not protect the property from looters, and a claim will be presented; what was saved sold at public auction for $400. 303
209 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 646). May 26 Exclusion of Chinese from Australia: Chinese refused permission to land at Melbourne; Chinese press indignant, and claims no notice was given, and the loss will be heavy; telegram from the governor of Victoria to the governor of Hong-Kong, giving law and reason for exclusion of Chinese, that they fraudulently transferred papers; anti-Chinese feeling in Australia; telegram taken from an Australian paper indicative of this sentiment; report that Chinese in Australia request that diplomatic action be taken by the viceroy at Canton not authenticated; letters from the Hong-Kong chamber of commerce to the Hong-Kong Government and to the committee of the chamber of commerce by Chinese merchants of Australia in relation to refusal of permission to Chinese to land in that colony inclosed. 304
210 Same to same (No. 647) June 1 Imports and exports: Customs Gazette sent under different cover; collections at free ports, $5,219,602 in 1888, $3,728,247 in 1887; showing not discouraging to American products; decrease in importation of kerosene at Shanghai; other importations increased; increase of importation of American goods into Corea. 306
211 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 324). June 6 Audience of foreign ministers with the Emperor; the United States not to be committed to any course of action in case audience is refused; difference of ceremonial, etc.; position of the minister under the treaties. 307
212 Same to same (No. 325) June 6 Missionary troubles at Chinanfu: Approved action and decision of Mr. Denby in regard to the Chinanfu missionary troubles; will not fetter him by instructions; would seem wiser to accept another piece of land, if obtainable, and for Mr. Reid to waive claim for damages; hopes that missionaries may acquire rights by custom, but local and religious prejudices should be borne in mind, and that arrangements will be made which will avoid leading Chinese to insist on treaty stipulations; experience shows that the rights of foreigners will be extended beyond treaty ports if good will and conciliatory disposition be manifested. 309
213 Same to same (No. 327) June 7 Smuggling of fire-arms, etc.: Confiscation by China of smuggled goods the only penalty for smuggling. 310
214 Same to same (No. 328) June 7 Exclusion of Chinese from the United States: Treaty with China submitted to the Senate, and sent to Mr. Denby with the President’s messages to the Senate; confirmed by the Senate May 7, with two amendments; Chinese minister accepts the amendments; treaty with amendments transmitted to China for the imperial assent; the Chinese minister gone to Peru for, several months, being accredited as minister to that country; consequently legislation delayed until next session of Congress; the treaty may be received, and ratifications exchanged, and the President proclaim its adoption in interim; copy of amended treaty and correspondence inclosed. 310
215 Same to same (No. 329) June 15 Diplomatic etiquette: Satisfaction at the settlement of the question of diplomatic etiquette at Peking on Near Year’s day. 313
216 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 651). June 25 Treaty between Portugal and China and convention appended thereto; translation inclosed. 313
217 Same to same (No. 659) July 9 Status of Chinese women married to foreigners: The wife becomes of the nationality of the husband by the agreement between the German minister and the Yamên, when a German marries a Chinese woman; this, by statute, can not be the case when an American marries one, as sometimes happens; intermarriages with other nationalities common; perplexing position of a Chinese woman married to an American; the rule of international law making the wife subject to the jurisdiction to which the husband belongs is better than the United States statutes on the subject, though not in favor of naturalizing Chinese; agreement between the [Page LXIII] German minister and Chinese Government as to status of Chinese women married to Germans inclosed. 319
218 Same to same (No. 660). July 9 Mines: Two American engineers, Mr. Ellsworth and Mr. Church, employed at Chinese mines; the mine superintended by Mr. Church reported to promise well; two mines of argentiferous lead worked by foreign machinery; worked by natives for forty years, but stopped by water; Mr. Church, superintendent, Mr. Dawes, assayer, engineer, and two miners, all Americans, the foreign staff; 200 native miners, guarded by soldiers from robbers; shafts sunk to get at the water, but good ore discovered and better expected; 30,000 taels’ worth of Amercan machinery at the mines; the viceroy furnished the money for machinery and working to obtain lead;’ taking out ore expected to begin in two months; a joint-stock company to be formed by the viceroy. 321
219 Same to same (No. 667) July 14 Statistics of foreign trade 322
220 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 333). July 17 Rights of missionaries in China: Rev. Gilbert Reid on the rights of American missionaries in China; he was informed that measures for their protection had been taken; Mr. Reid’s letter and the reply thereto inclosed. 325
221 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 670). July 20 Tour of inspection through China; Kelung, Formosa; coal mines at Kelung; Formosan railroads; From Kelung to Twatutia; Taipeifu; Twatutia; interviews with the governor of Formosa; sulphur springs; trade of Tamsui in 1887; telegraph lines; general observations; the lekin question; map of northern Formosa; Macao; Canton; Foochow; Shanghai; the case of Arlington; necessity of legislation for punishment of crimes committed by Americans in China, Corea, etc.; Tien-Tsin concluding observations. 326
222 Same to same (No. 671). July 20 Railroads: Negotiations pending for the extension of the Chinese Railroad to Tung-Chow; the line to Tien-Tsin nearly completed; the company anxious to extend operations to the capital; rumored opposition to the negotiation not credited; the line surveyed and only awaiting authority for work to begin. 339
223 Same to same (No. 672). July 20 Mines: Mining interests beginning to be appreciated; frequent memorials for permission to open new mines; memorial from the director of mines in Yunnan stating discovery of copper and lead mines, which were opened by a mercantile company and natives; native methods to be tried at first; comfort of miners provided for; foreign machinery necessary. 339
224 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 338). July 25 Exclusion of Chinese from Australia: Dispatch on the subject interesting as showing that the problem of their competition with domestic labor affects other countries as well as the United States. 340
225 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 678). July 30 Edict of the Empress in relation to her retirement after the marriage of the Emperor in February next inclosed. 340
226 Same to same (No. 681) Aug. 3 Exclusion of Chinese: Treaty with China approved; the answer to the question why Americans were not admitted to the interior of China by it, that it would be impossible to enforce the laws; exclusion of the commercial houses from the interior by the Portuguese-Chinese treaty of 1887; Australia’s action antagonistic to Chinese immigration commented upon in connection with the American treaty; the Chinese Government favors emigration of Chinese to Australia; disapproves of it to the United States. 341
227 Same to same (No. 682) Aug. 7 Salvage in the province of Shantung: Memorial of the governor of Shantung concerning regulations for salvage on the Shantung coast inclosed. 342
228 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 685). Aug. 12 Laws of China: Translation of the Chinese law in reference to descent, wills, probate courts, ownership of lands, conveyances, marriages, majority, naturalization, courts of justice; the laws given apply only to Chinese; foreigners are tried before the consuls of their country by the laws of their native land. 346
229 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 686). Aug, 16 Assumption of government by the Emperor: The Imperial Board of Astronomy reports that March 4, 1889, is an auspicious day for the assumption of Government by the Emperor, and that day has been fixed for the ceremony by Imperial decree. 347
230 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 343). Aug. 18 Marriages between Chinese and foreigners: Copy of note to German minister at Washington in regard to the validity of marriages in China between subjects of that empire and foreigners, inclosed. 347
231 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (No. 690). Aug. 22 Yellow River overflow: The new embankment on the Yellow River swept away; nearly every one connected with its building disgraced; The accident due to the ignorance of Chinese engineers; embankment of mud and millet stalks; breach made 60 feet deep and impossible to close by the former methods; foreign engineers say that owing to silt in the river its bed will be continually rising and there will always be danger of its breaking its banks; it is proposed to make make lakes and canals for the surplus; but no survey has been made; the province of Konan ruined; Anhin nearly submerged: fear that the waters of the Yellow River flowing intor the Yangtze may fill its channel; numerous plans offered for controlling it. 348
232 Same to same (No. 691) Aug. 24 Missionary troubles: The Chinan-fu troubles in process of settlement; they have been topics for newspapers for a year; glad that his judgment is vindicated and that Americans will get their reasonable desires; letter of the Rev. Gilbert Reid inclosed. 349
233 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Denby (No. 346). Aug. 27 Marriages between Chinese and foreigners: Has received, dispatch on the subject of status of Chinese women married to foreigners, and copy of the agreement of the Tsung-li Yamên and Mr. Yon Brandt that Chinese women married to Germans shall be subject to German jurisdiction; this explains the inquiry of the German minister at this Department;’ instructions given in No. 343; the German agreement not conflicting, and will probably assist in determining the status of Chinese women married to Americans. No special agreement with China necessary. 349
234 Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard (telegram). Sept. 5 Exclusion of Chinese: Treaty believed to be rejected; positive information demanded, none received. 350
235 Same to same (telegram) Sept. 6 Exclusion of Chinese: The treaty postponed for further deliberation. 350
236 Same to same (No. 701). Sept. 17 Exclusion of Chinese: Interview with five ministers of the Yamên, who inquire if an exclusion bill has been passed by Congress; the action of China in allowing the rejection of the treaty to be reported complained of; its rejection denied; the insertion of new clauses asked, but their substance not specified. 350
237 Same to same (No. 703). Sept. 20 Exclusion of Chinese: The passage by both houses of Congress of an exclusion bill communicated to tie Chinese Government with a request that its action in regard to the treaty be communicated in forty-eight hours; nothing further said in relation to new clauses in the treaty; copy of the above note inclosed. 352
238 Same to same (No. 704). Sept. 21 Exclusion of Chinese: The Chinese Government refuses to ratify the treaty unless discussion be allowed with a view to shortening the period of exclusion, unless the Chinese consul be empowered to grant certificates to those allowed, by treaty to return, and further discussion be had as to the cases of those having less than $1,000 in property in the United States; the Yamên’s propositions and correspondence with Mr. Denby on the subject inclosed. 354
239 Mr. Rives to Mr. Denby (No. 357). Oct. 10 Exclusion of Chinese: Copies of the Chinese exclusion act, the President’s message on the subject, Senate Ex. Doc. O, Fiftieth Congress, and Senate Ex. Doc. No. 272, Fiftieth Congress, inclosed. 356
[Page LXV]

correspondence with the legation of china at washington.

[Page LXVI] [Page LXVIII]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
240 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Chang Yen Hoon. 1887. Jan. 12 Exclusion of Chinese: The expediency of concluding a treaty excluding Chinese laborers from the United States for a term of years of ready inform in ally discussed. Advices from China lead to the belief that it will meet the approval of the Chinese Government; the proposed prohibition applies to laborers only; the exempted classes comprise nearly all classes of Americans who resort to China, and the Chinese in America will not be restricted as are Americans in China; projet of a convention inclosed. 360
241 The Tsung-li Yamên to Mr. Denby. Jan. 12 Exclusion of Chinese: A note was addressed Mr. Denby regarding the outrases against Chinese in the United States; reply received that the United States Government was endeavoring to protect them; Chinese laborers in the United States entitled to go and come at pleasure, and receive return certificates by treaty; outrages committed recently and no redress; no protection afforded Chinese in the UnitedStates; China faithful to treaty; China proposes that laborers who have never been to, or have returned from, and have no property or family there, shall not be permitted to go to the United States; those laborers in the United States and the classes entitled to go and come at pleasure to be treated according to treaty; details to be decided upon with the aid of the Chinese minister in Washington; Chinese merchants coming to the United States must have certificates; mode of obtaining it; Chinese to be allowed to pass through United States in transitu; will request British minister at Peking to co-operate in the prohibition of emigration. 362
242 Mr. Chang Yen Hoon to Mr. Bayard. Jan. 15 Exclusion of Chinese: A waits settlement of pending cases to communicate several propositions as to proposed treaty prohibiting Chinese immigration; in an embarrassing position, owing to repeated assurances that the indemnity cases would be settled in a certain time; treaty premature: will have personal interviews. 363
243 Same to same Feb. 25 Outrages on Chinese at Juneau: One hundred Chinese driven by force from Juneau, Alaska; allusion of the President to it; information of amount of loss not yet received; incloses petition of some of the sufferers; will communicate further particulars; requests the wrongdoers be brought to justice; account published in the Chicago Tribune, and the petition referred to inclosed. 363
244 Same to same Mar. 18 Exclusion of Chinese: Chinese entit ed to protection in the United States by article 3 of treaty of 1880; Chinese murdered and robbed in the United States; indemnity bill passed, but guilty parties unpunished; China proposes to prevent laborers emigrating to the United States; three propositions, first, no laborer who has never been shall go to the United States; second, those laborers who have returned to China, and have no property or family in the United States, shall not go back; third, the Chinese in the United States are to be protected; details to be discussed and decided upon by the minister here with Mr. Bayard; British Government asked that the governor of Hong-Kong assist in carrying out the prohibition; fifteen propositions of the Chinese Government for the restriction of emigration, protection of Chinese in the United States, payment of indemnity for past outrages, and the reduction of the duty on rice; translation of the communication from the foreign office to the British minister at Pekin inclosed. 366
245 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Chang Yen Hoon. Apr. 11 Exclusion of Chinese: Draught of convention for exclusion of Chinese laborers; appoints meeting 13th instant at the Department for discussing it; sends also views upon the proposition a of Mr. Chang relative to extradition and the execution of treaty stipulations; the draught of convention and memorandum on Mr. Chang’s propositions inclosed. 371
246 Mr. Chang Yen Hoon to Mr. Bayard. Aug. 16 Exclusion of Chinese: Objections stated at interview to the draught of convention; the consideration of them then promised; the words “as the laws of the United States may now or hereafter prescribe,” in Article II, and “subject to such regulations by the Government of the United States as may be necessary” require modification; such laws and regulations should be restricted to conform with treaty, and not be unduly severe upon Chinese; two essential articles omitted from the draught, first, protection to be secured to Chinese laborers in the United States; regrets that suggestions to that effect were misunderstood; willing to leave the manner of protection to the United States Government; China has gone beyond treaty stipulations in protecting Americans in China; Chinese not protected in America; China not asking release from treaty, but reciprocity in treaty guaranties; Americans may claim different but not greater protection in China than Chinese in America; international rights reciprocal; demand for treaty guaranties on the part of the United States by China reasonable; decision of Chief-Justice that there is no law to protect Chinese; an article should be inserted in the treaty guarantying one; second essential article is one providing for indemnities; lack of a specific appropriation no reason for its omission; objects to leaving it to Congress; suggests a convention similar to that of 1858; regrets refusal to add article on extradition; difference of criminal procedure no objection, as extradition treaties have been made by the United States with Russia and Japan; again suggests a separate treaty stipulation on the subject. 375
247 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Chang Yen Hoon. Dec. 28 Exclusion of Chinese: Violation of immigration laws by Chinese claiming to return to the United States and by the sale of Chinese women; public feeling requires stricter exclusion; United States and China in accord upon the subject; requests the assistance of Mr. Chang in framing a convention to prohibit immigration of Chinese laborers, and incloses a projet of a convention. 379
248 Sir. Chang Yen Hoon to Mr. Bayard. 1888. Jan. 9 Corean foreign mission: Repeated communicacations received from the Chinese Government in regard to sending an envoy to the United States by Corea, and one stating that the Corean Government; had written to that of China that its envoy would report his arrival in the United States to the Chinese minister, who would accompany him to the State Department; that no further presentation would be necessary, but that the Chinese minister would interest himself in all matters when asked by the Corean envoy; Corea a vassal of China, and it is right he should interest himself in behalf of the Corean envoy; notified by the consul-general of his expected arrival; will present him at the State Department; the Corean envoy should apply for the appointment of a day to present his credentials to the President; hopes the minister’s attendance will be dispensed with. 380
249 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Chang Yen Hoon. Jan. 10 Corean foreign mission: Note received in reference to the coming of an envoy from Corea, and shortly after a letter from the Corean envoy requesting an in tor view to arrange for the presentation of his credentials; replied that he would be received the 13th instant, and soon thereafter presented to the President. 381
250 Mr. Chang Yen Hoon to Mr. Bard. Jan. 30 Exclusion of Chinese: Forty per cent, of the Chinese who were in the United States in 1880 returned home; few falsely claim the right to come to the United States; has written to the viceroy and governor of Canton to prevent the importation of women for immoral purposes; Chinese consul-general at San Francisco states few women were without return certificates [Page LXVII] who arrived in December, and these were of good character, and bond was given for them; will write again to the authorities of Canton; the projet similar to the draught of convention of April 11, to which a reply was sent August 16; if the articles providing for indemnity and protection to Chinese be inserted, mutual agreement may be reached; sends reply August 16, and desires to discuss the subject at an interview. 381
251 Same to same Feb. 16 Murder of Chinese at Log Cabin Bar, Snake River: Ten Chinamen murdered at Log Cabin Bar by unknown parties; cowboys, reported by a Chinaman to have driven them from the Bar, suspected of the murders; Chinese consul-general had an interpreter sent to the point, and wrote to Mr. J. K. Vincent, who replied that evidences pointed to white men as the murderers and promised to communicate further information; none communicated; reward for apprehension of murderers offered by the consul-general; the United States Government requested to communicate with the local authorities to secure punishment of the criminals; fear that the murderous example will be imitated elsewhere; correspondence on the subjected inclosed. 383
252 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Chang Yen Hoon. Feb. 23 Murder of Chinese at Log Cabin Bar, Snake River: Regrets to hear of the murder of Chinamen at Log Cabin Bar; statements meager, confused, and afford no clew; does not think the authorities of Idaho neglectful; crime stated to have been committed in Oregon, whose authorities have equal jurisdiction in the matter, but no information has been laid before them; will send the correspondence to the governors of Oregon and Idaho; advantage of all attainable evidence in the investigation. 387
253 Same to same Feb. 29 Chinese exclusion: Copies of the additional articles, which it is proposed to number IV, V, and VI, in the convention inclosed. 388
254 Mr. Chang Yen Hoon to Mr. Bayard. Mar. 3 Claim of Wachong & Co., managed by Chan Yee He: The greatest sufferers in the Seattle riot; claim $187,814.10; only $67,042.10 presented, $17,042.14 being uncollected debts; Chan Yee He a prominent and wealthy merchant; the firm rented houses to Chinese at $379 a month, which became unoccupied; compelled to ship their goods to Victoria and Portland, and sell $20,000 worth for $7,000; they were compelled to stop their contract work” and pay $1 a day to sixty unoccupied men for eighty-two days; their business depended upon Chinese customers, and they have sustained heavy losses; violent treatment and consequent illness of Chun Yee He’s wife, for which no claim has been made; Chan Yee He for twenty-four years a resident in the United States, ten years at Seattle, and pays $30,000 to the United States custom-house, not a common trader; his claims have been investigated and should be paid in full. 389
255 Same to same Mar. 3 Claims of Chinese against the United States: According to request sends statement of claims, with a list of those based upon uncollected debts; claim on account of twenty-eight Chinese murdered at Rock Springs made for their families; the statement of claims inclosed. 390
256 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Chang Yen Hoon Mar. 7 Claims of Chinese against the United States: The statement of claims received; will accept proposed modification of treaty, asking a reasonable limit to be put to the period within which Chinese leaving the United States must return; Rock Springs tragedy should be considered as closed; hopes that justice may reach the murderers, who were not United States citizens; expediency of concluding the convention at an early date; appoints conference for the 8th; signatures to be attached the 10th. 392
257 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Chang Yen Hoon. Mar. 9 Exclusion of Chinese: Transmits draught of treaty to restrict Chinese immigration; articles agreed to at the conference on the 8th surrounded with red lines and numbered; prepared to sign the treaty when the Chinese text is ready, and requests copy of translation of the minister’s power to execute the treaty. 393
258 Mr. Chang Yen Hoon to Mr. Bayard. Mar. 12 Exclusion of Chinese: Informed the Government of China that he was negotiating a treaty to restrict Chinese immigration into the United States, and received the necessary powers for that end. 394
259 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Chang Yen Hoon. Apr. 11 Murder of Chinese at Log Cabin Bar, Snake River: Transmits letter of governor of Idaho Territory upon the subject of the murder of Chinese at Snake River, Oregon; investigation made difficult by lack of information in spite of the good disposition of the governor; copy of the governor’s letter inclosed. 395
260 Same to same May 8 Exclusion of Chinese: Treaty restricting immigration of Chinese approved by the Senate, with two amendments; amendments repeat what the treaty says, asks their acceptation by the minister, that the treaty may be at once ratified and proclaimed; copy of amended treaty inclosed. 396
261 Same to same May 11 Exclusion of Chinese: Sends copy of treaty, with Senate amendments noted on margin; amendments do not alter treaty, but must be formally accepted and noted in certificates of exchange of ratification: delay regretted. 400
262 Mr. Chang Yen Hoon to Mr. Bayard. May 12 Exclusion of Chinese: Accepts amendments of Senate to immigration treaty; have telegraphed amendments to China, and shall append them as a protocol to the treaty when ratified by the Chinese Government. 400
263 Same to same May 14 Exclusion of Chinese: Will send the amended treaty to China, with the original signed treaty for the Government’s decree; will communicate decree when received, and note amendments in certificate of ratification. 401
264 Mr. Rives to Mr. Chang Yen Hoon. May 15 Murder of Chinese at Log Cabin Bar, Snake River: Importance of securing evidence against the men indicted for murdering the Chinamen at Snake River; the Chinese consul might greatly assist; no necessity for interference by United States authorized; letter from Mr. Slater to Mr. Mc Arthur on the subject inclosed. 401
265 Mr. Chang Yen Hoon to Mr. Bayard. May 20 Murder of Chinese at Log Cabin Bar, Snake River: Thanks for information in regard to the murder of Chinese’ in Oregon; will send copy to Chinese consul-general at San Francisco, and direct him to aid the local authorities. 403
266 Mr. Shu Cheon Pon to Mr. Bayard. Sept. 25 Exclusion of Chinese: The Chinese minister cables that it is necessary to reconsider three points in the treaty: First, the period of exclusion, which should be shortened; second, it would be necessary to permit Chinese laborers who had returned to China before the signing of the treaty and have property in the United States to report the fact to the Chinese consul that they may obtain a return certificate; third, there should be a provision allowing laborers who have property worth less than $1,000 in the United States to return; the minister will return in twenty-two or twenty-three days. 403
267 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Shu Cheon Pon. Sept. 26 Exclusion of Chinese: Acknowledges receipt of note stating three points the Chinese Government desires to be reconsidered; pleased to hear of the Chinese minister’s expected return. 404
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[Page LXXI]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
268 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Maury (No 12). 1887. Feb. 25 Telegraph line across the Isthmus of Panama: The French Canal Company claims control of the telegraph line across the Isthmus; the railroad company say it is their private wire; importance to Government; the guaranties of the treaty of 1846 vague; if the telegraph comes under it, its use should be free and general; if that on the isthmus is a private wire, then there is lacking a means of intercourse and correspondence guarantied bv the treaty. 405
269 Same to same (No. 44) Nov. 14 Telegraph line on the Isthmus of Panama: Copy of a complaint against the Panama Railroad Company for refusing to receive telegraphic messages inclosed. 406
270 Mr. Maury to Mr. Bayard (No. 67). Dec. 19 Telegraph line across the Isthmus of Panama: Communication to Mr. Holguin inclosed. 406
271 Same to same (No. 70) Dec. 25 Telegraph line across the Isthmus of Panama: The Colombian Government states that the railway company holds no exclusive telegraph right across the Isthmus of Panama, and that the Government has ordered the governor of Panama to construct a line: this information verbal. 407
272 Same to same (No. 73) Dec. 29 Telegraph line across the Isthmus of Panama: Communication from Mr. Holguin relating to the claim of the Panama Railway Company to exclusive telegraphic rights over the isthmus, inclosed. 407
273 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Maury (No. 54). 1888. Jan. 11 Quarantine of Colombian ports against Chili: Special instructions with regard to quarantine measures at Panama directed against Chili withheld, but greater restriction than is necessary to be deprecated; dispatch from our minister to Chili on the subject inclosed. 408
274 Same to same (No. 56) Feb. 2 Telegraph line across the Isthmus of Panama: This amendment of the decision of the Colombian Government that the telegraph line across the Isthmus of Panama is a private wire—not a monopoly—and that that Government will erect a line, the use of which is tendered to the United States, a gratifying proof of amity and of a desire to facilitate the mutual obligations of the two countries in regard to the Isthmus. 408
275 Mr. Walker to Mr. Bayard (No. 88). Feb. 13 Political and financial: Return of President Nunez to the government; no disturbance anticipated; bad financial condition of the country; vales issued to pay the indebtedness of the Government; these payable at the rate of 6 per cent, annually out of the revenues; not usable in commercial transactions, and bought up by the Government bank at 55 per cent, of face value, in its own notes, about 30 per cent, in United States money; no payment on foreign bonded debt since 1880; a committee of English bondholders, with authority to make arrangements with the Government expected; the treasury bankrupt and future revenues discounted, so that no arrangement is probable. 409
276 Same to same (No.89) Feb. 20 Quarantine against Chili: Copy of note to Columbian minister in regard to quarantine against cholera in Chili inclosed. 409
277 Same to same (No. 90). Feb. 25 Passport of F. W. Putnam: Wishes to know if conviction in a court of a foreign country deprives an American of a right to demand a passport. F. W. Putnam, born of American parents in the United States, obtained a passport from the American minister in 1884 and was shortly after convicted of a felony in a Colombian court and served his sentence; he now applies for a passport; thinks he has a legal right, but asks instruction in the matter, and also whether a minister can refuse a passport to an American citizen of notoriously bad character. 410
278 Same to same (No. 92) Mch. 1 Quarantine against Chili: Copy of reply of the Colombian minister to note of the 20th ult on the subject of Quarantine inclosed. 410
279 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Walker (No. 63). Men. 6 Ice monopoly on the isthmus of Panama: Prompt action desirable in regard to the ice monopoly on the Isthmus of Panama. The Boston Ice Company, composed of Americans, twenty-three years engaged in the ice, lumber, and general [Page LXX] merchandise business on the Isthmus of Panama. Its principal dealing is in ice, and it is the only company in that business. By a decree of November 21, 1887, the importation and sale of natural ice in the department of Panama made a monopoly, reserving to the Government the right to sell it to a private person or company, who, with the Government’s consent, may transfer the monopoly to another, and providing that from the day the grantee entered upon the enjoyment of the monopoly no one could sell ice without the grantee’s consent. Invitations for bids and terms of the concession published January 21, 1888; the legality of the establishment of a monopoly, and of this contract, under the laws of Colombia, as applicable to native citizens, to be ascertained and reported; if illegal, further instructions to be awaited; if legal, the injury to the Boston Ice Company, and thus to American capital, from developing the resources of Colombia, which would result from enforcing the decree; to be presented to that Government; the spirit of the treaty of 1846 one of closest amity, and under it much benefit derived from the good offices of the United States by Colombia; a severance of interest would cause a diminution of good feeling; a modification of article 7 of the concession to be asked; no wish to interfere with the laws of another country, but to protect American citizens; desire that emigration to Colombia should continue; monopolies injurious to trade; no condition valid which forbids a citizen to appeal to his own government; no reason for the United States to believe that discrimination against its citizens was meant, and the matter to be presented personally, not officially. Decree of the Colombian Government No. 719. of November 21,1887, invitation for bids and terms of the contract for the ice monopoly inclosed. 411
280 Mr. Walker to Mr. Bayard (No. 95). Mch. 6 Concordat between the Holy See of Home and the Colombian Government: The Spanish translalation of the concordat between the Holy See of Home and Colombia ambiguous. Translations of the concordat and of law 30, which virtually annuls civic marriages not canonically performed, but does not illegitimatize children. 416
281 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Walker (No. 68). Mch. 29 Passport of F. W. Putnam: A foreign conviction not extra-territorial, and does not bar the right of American citizens to a passport; inquiries should be made whether Mr. Putnam retains his American nationality before granting him a passport. 420
282 Mr. Walker to Mr. Bayard No. 105). Apr. 7 Ice monopoly on the isthmus: Complaint of the Boston Ice Company; granting of such monopolies in accordance with Colombian custom; exclusive privilege of selling certain commodities sold to highest bidder; action taken by minister. 420
283 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Walker (No. 75). Apr. 17 Quarantine against Chili: The Postmaster-General holds that there is no ground for complaint on account of the closing of the ports of the isthmus against Chili if they are opened as soon as danger of infection has passed; the Department thinks the measure is extreme; mails are being sent to Chili via Buenos Aryes. 422
284 Same to same (No. 78) Apr. 28 Capitation tax on United States citizens: United States citizens required to pay a capitation tax from which British subjects are exempt by the treaty of 1866; reply made to the United States consul-general’s protest that the matter had been referred to the supreme government; United States citizens are exempted from this tax if others are by the “favored nation” clause of treaty of 1846 and by general principle, of international law; the question and the Department’s views are to be presented to the Colombian Government. 422
285 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Walker (No. 81). June 6 Claim of the Panama Star and Herald: Hopes that the Colombian Government will consider the claim of the Panama Star and Hearld on its merits, and not with reference to other claims, as it does not fall within the lines of the negotiation for claims for destruction of property during the disturbances on the isthmus. Letter of S. Myers on the subject inclosed. 423
286 Mr. Walker to Mr. Bayard (No. 116). June 7 Capitation tax on United States citizens: Note of May 30 to the Colombian minister in regard to the levying of capitation tax on Americans on the Isthmus of Panama, and his reply inclosed. 424
287 Same to same (No. 122). July 21 Political: Translation of the law giving the Colombian President extraordinary powers inclosed. 425
288 Mr. Maury to Mr. Bayard (No. 133). Aug. 1 Uncomplimentary remarks in President Nuñez’s message about foreigners: All foreign legations sent notes similar to the American legation’s to the minister of foreign affairs, relating to a passage in President Nuñez’s message to the Colombian Congress. Correspondence Of the legation on the subject inclosed. 425
289 Same to same (No. 136) Aug. 9 Uncomplimentary remarks about foreigners by President Nunez in his message: General disapproval of President Nuñez’s message; a proposition in the Colombian senate to send a congratulatory reply to President Nuñez withdrawn because of his insulting references to foreign governments; Dr. Holguin installed President: his inaugural address inclosed. 427
290 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Maury (No. 100). Sept. 14 Uncomplimentary remarks by President Nuñez about foreigners: Dispatch No. 136, referring to the political condition of Colombia, the disapproval shown of President Nuñez’s remarks about foreigners, and inclosing inaugural address of Dr. Holguin received. 429
291 Same to same (No. 114) Nov. 27 Ice monopoly on the isthmus: The decree of the Colombian Government granting a monopoly of the sale of ice on condition that the right of the grantees, if foreigners, to seek redress through their own government be waived, is in contravention of treaty stipulations and international law; extracts from the treaties in support of this position; the guaranty of the neutrality of the isthmus given to secure perfect equality of citizens of the United States in Colombia; the assistance given Colombia should not be forgotten; the creation of the monopoly injurious to Colombian trade; United States citizens should be protected by the Colombian Government; a formal protest believed unnecessary. 429


[Page LXXIV]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
292 Mr. Dinsmore to Mr. Bayard (No. 53). 1887. Sept. 30 Corean mission to the United States: Opposition of Chinese minister in Corea thereto, and efforts made by him to prevent its departure; China claims suzerainty and necessity of her consent before Corea may send missions abroad; correspondence with Chinese minister inclosed. 433
293 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Dinsmore (No. 38). Oct. 7 Corean mission: Telegram not wholly intelligible, but enough known to warrant an expression through the United States legation at Peking of surprise and regret that China should obstruct the sending of Corean envoys; developments awaited; Mr. Denby to be advised with; vessel of war at Chemulpo for protection of American interests. 436
294 Mr. Dinsmore to Mr. Bayard (No. 63). Oct. 15 Corean mission: The discussion with the Chinese minister upon the relations of China and Corea Unavoidable; Mr. Yuan using the argument of the recognition of Corea’s dependency by the United States to affect foreign and Corean public opinion favorably to China’s pretensions; a printed document circulated, purporting to be a copy of the American-Corean treaty, in which [Page LXXII] the dependency of Corea is acknowledged; neither encouraged nor discouraged the mission to the United States; surprised that after favoring the mission to Japan, China opposed that to the United States; informed by the King that the minister to the United States will start in a few days; Judge Denny, foreign adviser, gone to see the viceroy of Tientsin; his purpose unknown. 436
295 Same to same (No. 67) Oct. 24 Military instructors for Corea: The Department’s telegram requiring a guaranty of good pay, etc., for military instructors communicated to the Corean Government, and the guaranty given; announcement sent by cable from Nagasaki at King’s expense, who is anxious for the instructors to arrive; the house for their use unfurnished, new, and too small; accommodations promised. 437
296 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Dinsmore (No. 44). Nov. 1 Courtesies to Rear-Admiral Chandler: Letter from the Acting Secretary of the Navy covering a communication from Rear-Admiral Chandler, commanding the Asiatic squadron, reporting courtesies of Mr. Dinsmore; reply made that the existence of cordial relations between diplomatic and naval officers is gratifying and necessary in the East; above letters inclosed. 438
297 Mr. Dinsmore to Mr. Bayard (No. 71). Nov. 11 Corean mission: Invited, together with the Russian chargé d’affaires, by Mr. O. M. Denny, vice-president of the Corean” home office, and foreign adviser to the King, on his return from a visit to the Viceroy Li Hung Chang at Tientsin, to an interview on the subject of the Corean foreign missions; Mr. Denny gave history of the conference on the missions and on opening a port at Pejong Au in Corea; viceroy’s position that the permission of China should have been first obtained; the Corean minister, accredited as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, will sail for the United States 13tfi instant; translation of a communication from Yuan Su Kwai to the Corean foreign office, giving the assent of the Chinese Government to Corea’s establishing missions abroad, with ministers resident only, but arguing against it, inclosed. 440
298 Same to same (No. 73) Nov. 17 Corean mission: Telegram from Viceroy Li Hung Chang to the Chinese representative in Seôul, directing him to inform the Corean Government that their representatives abroad must first present themselves to the Chinese minister and be introduced by him at the foreign office; that he shall yield precedence to the Chinese minister and consult with him on important matters before acting; the Corean minister sailed for the United States 16th instant; translation of telegram inclosed. 441
299 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Dinsmore (No. 60). 1888. Jan. 3 Infectious diseases: Transmits text of regulations for prevention of introduction of infectious diseases at the treaty ports of Corea; the German Government excepts to two of the provisions: (1) Infections diseases must be defined as cholera, plague, yellow fever, small pox, and nothing else (2) Article 6 is either to be struck out or the kind of disinfection specified; these criticisms reasonable; typhoid fever and scarlet fever might be added; consultation with colleagues may lead to modification of regulations by the Corean Government; the regulations inclosed. 442
300 Same to same (No. 63) Jan. 26 Corean mission: Dispatch touching communication Of telegram from the Viceroy Li Hung Chang to the Chinese representative at Seôul in regard to the formalities for presentation of Corean minister received about the time of his arrival in San Francisco, where every courtesy was shown; arrival in Washington of Mr. Pak Chung Yang on the 9th instant; his letter of the 10th requesting interview to arrange for presentation of credentials, and reply assenting [Page LXXIII] thereto; note received the previous day from the Chinese minister reciting his instructions; call from the Chinese minister the day before the interview with Mr. Pak and expression of satisfaction at Mr. Pak’s reception; no other intimation of interference; both to be treated as representatives of independent states; reception of Mr. Pak at the Department and presentation to the President; Mr. Pak’s name omitted from diplomatic dinner on account of his arrival after the issue of invitations, and no significance attached to the omission; correspondence on the subject of the Corean envoy, exchanged with him and the Chinese minister, and diplomatic list showing order of precedence inclosed. 443
301 Same to same (No. 66) Mar. 20 Corean mission: Copy of dispatch from the United States minister at Peking covering a translation of a letter from the King of Corea to the Viceroy Li Hung Chang, referring to the vassalage of Corea and her diplomatic representatives, published in a Chinese paper, inclosed. 444
302 Mr. Dinsmore to Mr. Bayard (No. 105). Apr. 21 Missionaries in Corea: Importance of the question of missionary work; remonstrances against imprudent zeal kindly received by the missionaries; at first religious meetings held only for foreigners, now for natives; journeys made into the interior for religious teaching; these institutions favorably regarded by natives, and patience and regard for the laws only necessary to secure religious freedom; the Methodist mission school named by the Corean Government in token of approval; the right of foreign residents to build a church dependent upon the favored-nation clause and grant of the right of free exercise of religion to other nations; none of them have built a church; Seôul liable on the happening of a contingency to be closed to foreigners; French missionaries erecting a building for school and religious purposes near a temple and the palace of the King, who has offered to return them the purchase-money and procure them new ground, but the offer has been refused; the Coreans opposed to the building and the matter will be the subject of diplomatic correspondence between France and Corea; Coreans awaiting the arrival of the French representative that the affair may be amicably settled. 444
303 Same to same (No. 106) Apr. 28 Missionaries in Corea: Corean Government complains that American teachers are engaged in evangelical work; claims the right to refuse or allow schools; thinks there is no desire to interfere with schools further than to prevent religious teaching; Mr. Dinsmore’s influence to effect observance of treaty promised; sent note to Mr. Appenzeller and Mr. Underwood, who had gone on missionary work to the north of Corea, to accede to the Corean demands until their right was established; letter sent by their missions asking them to return. 446
304 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Dinsmore (No. 71). June 15 Missionaries in Corea: Approves discouraging aggressive attempts of missionaries to enlarge their privileges; their desire laudable, but incautious and aggressive acts will create opposition and defeat their efforts in a country or the character of Corea; translation of sections 2 and 4, article 4, and section 2, article 9 of the Franco-Corean treaty giving the right to Frenchmen to buy and lease lands, practice their religion, and teach the sciences, laws, and arts; no warrant for religious teaching among the natives deducible from this; unfortunate if well-meant efforts in opposition to treaty and protestof the Corean Government should arouse the hostility of the natives. 447
305 Mr. Dinsmore to Mr. Bayard (No. 115). June 25 Disturbance in Seoul caused by the rumor that children were being stolen by natives for foreigners: People killed by the mob; stories of the cruelties and uses to which foreigners put the children; Japanese and Americans most suspected; threats to attack the American quarter; twenty men requested of Commander Jewell for protection; similar precautions taken by other legations; quiet restored; action approved by Corean Government; troops to be kept until crowd brought by the examinations to Seoul leaves; correspondence with colleagues and the foreign office during the disturbance will be reported in full. 448
306 Same to same (No. 116) July 1 Disturbance in Seoul: The detachment which had been requested to protect Americans in Seoul sent back to the Essex; prompt response of Commander Jewell to the request for sailors; this necessitated by the emergency of the situation, without the Department’s permission; note written to the foreign office on the 18th, when threats were made of attacking the Americans, to issue a proclamation stating the falsity of the rumors about them; proclamation submitted which would rather increase than allay the excitement; proclamation of all the foreign ministers, except the Chinese; its good effect; proclamation of the King denying the stealing of children by Americans; reports of abductions exaggerated and innocent people killed; universal respect and kind treatment of foreigners; old hostility toward Japanese; Lt. Foulke mistaken for a Japanese when attacked; quiet restored; the Essex sails from Chemulpo, leaving the Juniata there; note of Mr. Dinsmore to the foreign office, June 18, and proclamation of foreign minister inclosed. 449
307 Same to same (No. 124.) July 18 Telegraphic line between Seoul and Fusan: Three intermediate stations; line 400 miles long; rate 22 sen per word; direct communication with the cable at Fusan and independence of China secured; the line controlled and operated by Coreans; built by Mr. Halifax, an Englishman. 452
308 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Dinsmore (No. 78). Aug. 4 Disturbance in Seoul: Commendation of Mr. Dinsmore’s precautions and the prompt assistance rendered by the Navy, by which grave consequences from the troubles at Seoul were averted. 452

correspondence with the legation of corea at washington.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
309 Mr. Pak Chung Yang to Mr. Bayard. 1888. Jan. 10 Presentation of credentials: Announcing his appointment as envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from the King of Corea to the United States and requesting an interview to arrange for the presentation of his credentials. 453
310 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pak Chung Yang. Jan. 10 Presentation of credentials: Mr. Pak Chung Yang will be received at the Department Friday, 18th instant, and accompany him at an early day to present his credentials to the President. 453
311 Mr. Pak Chung Yang to Mr. Bayard. July 16 Telegraphic lines completed to Fusan, and connecting there with the Japanese cable; will in future send telegraphic dispatches to Seoul by that route. 454

correspondence with the legation of costa rica at washington.

[Page LXXV]
No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
312 Mr. Rives to Mr. P. Perez Zeledon. 1888 Jan. 16 Boundary dispute with Nicaragua: The President has delegated to Mr. Rives his authority as arbitrator of the treaty of limits between Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 455
313 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Perez Zeledon. Mar. 22 Boundary dispute with Nicaragua: The decision of the President as to the validity of the treaty of limits of 1858, between Nicaragua and Costa Rica, has been received in triplicate; one original is to be given to the representative of the Government of Costa Rica, one to the representative of the Government of Nicaragua, and one to be filed in the Department of State; the Department is appointed as the place of delivery. 456
314 Decision of the President of the United States, arbitrator between Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Mar. 22 Boundary dispute with Nicaragua: Boundary treaty of 1858, between Nicaragua and Costa Rica valid; Costa Rica has not the right to navigate the river San Juan with vessels of war, but may with vessels of her revenue service; answers the fourteen points of doubtful interpretation communicated by Nicaragua; the report of Mr. G. L. Rives inclesed. 456
315 Mr. Perez Zeledon to Mr. Bayard. Mar. 26 Boundary treaty with Nicaragua: A copy of the decision of the President as to the validity of the treaty of 1858, between Nicaragua and Costa Rica received; expresses the appreciation and obligation of his Government. 468
316 Señor Volio to Mr. Bayard. Sept. 19 Discriminatory duties, retaliatory, reported imposed on Costa Rican vessels in the United States; the 5 per cent, rebate given by the Costa Rican Government for services rendered in carrying mails, etc., not by way of preference or discriminatory, is open to all lines; the order of the United States Treasurer the result of wrong information, and its annulment hoped for. 469
317 Mr. Bayard to Señor Volio. Sept. 29 Discriminatory duties on Costa Rican vessels in United States ports complained of as unjust, and the rebate granted to certain lines by the Costa Rican Government, on which the act of the United States was based, denied to be a similar discrimination, by Señor Volio, on the ground that the same may be obtained by all lines; the argument not admissible; the rebate contrary to favored-nation clause and equality of duties guarantied by Article VI of the treaty with Costa Rica, and compliance with the conditions on which it is granted not possible to foreign vessels; desire of the United States to develop the commerce of Central America and regret that this disapproval is necessary. 470


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
318 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Anderson (No. 53). 1887. July 22 Petroleum tests: A needlessly severe test, operating in favor of Russian and against American petroleum regarded as unfriendly discrimination, and to be opposed by proper representations to the Danish Government; requests copy of bill pending in the Danish legislature on the subject, upon receipt of which farther instructions will be sent. 472
319 Same to same (No. 55) July 30 Protection of Swiss: For guidance in the protection of Swiss citizens in Denmark, a note to Mr. Kloss, Swiss chargé d’affaires, on the subject inclosed. 472
320 Mr. Porter to Mr. Anderson. Sept. 8 Convict emigration to the United States: Representations have been made that Denmark furnishes convicts with clothes and money and sends them to the United States; the facts to be ascertained and reported to the Department. 473
321 Mr. Anderson to Mr. Bayard (No. 152). Sept. 13 Petroleum bill pending in the Danish legislature and the Government remarks thereon inclosed. 473
322 Same to same (No. 156) Oct. 12 Pork: A movement in Germany to compel Denmark to exclude American pork; pork from America re shipped in Denmark to Germany; trichinosis in Hamburg attributed to this source by the German Government, which desires to know whether American pork is admitted; reason to believe that the request will [Page LXXVI] be made to exclude American pork; no trichinosis in Denmark, owing to thorough cooking; many cases in Germany because pork is eaten raw. 475
323 Same to same (No. 359). Oct. 18 Convict emigration to the United States: The reports of the sending of convicts to the United States from Denmark due to an article in the “Morgenbladet” last spring, which stated that a counterfeiter named Reimenschneider had been released from prison on condition that he would go to the United States, whither he had been sent; he sailed for Scotland under an assumed name; convicts pardoned in Denmark on condition that they leave the country, but at liberty to go where they please; most go to the United States; circumstances of Reimenschneider’s forgery; in the United States with his family, probably via England or Germany; his partner refuses pardon; reports of sending paupers te America, but no particulars known; suspicious case of a pauper family; inspection at American perts advised; impossible to inspect European ports. 476
324 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Anderson (No. 62). Nov. 1 Pork: The reported attempt of Germany to influence Denmark to exclude American pork important; must be watched and reported; arguments to show the needlessness of such action and its harm to trade relations may be drawn from inclosed executive document. 477
325 Same to same (No. 64). Nov. 16 Convict emigration to the United States: Satisfaction of the Department with report upon deportation of ex-criminals to the United States, copy of which has been sent to the Secretary of the Treasury; watchfulness to be continued and any actual case to be reported to the Department and the collector of the port of destination. 478
326 Mr. Anderson to Mr. Bayard (No. 168). Dec. 5 Pork: A shipment of pork to Paris sold well; another to Bordeaux confiscated on the ground that it was American pork; the shipper states that it was not; a correspondence between the two Governments oh the matter; pork plague in Sweden and Denmark, which may lead to the exclusion of pork from those countries by Germany; possible that if excluded once, Germany will not admit Danish pork unless Denmark excludes American pork; director-general of the Danish foreign office denies all intention of excluding American pork; export of pork to Germany from Denmark, $5,333,000 annually, and Denmark will only exclude American pork when compelled by Germany and other countries, to avoid losing the income from exporting to those countries. 478
327 Mr. Anderson to Mr. Bayard (telegram). Dec. 9 Extradition of J. A. Benson: J. A. Benson and brother, indicted in the United States for conspiracy and fraud arrested in Copenhagen. Denmark will surrender them if the United States Government instructs a demand to be made for them and states that Benson and his brother are United States citizens, that Benson is indicted, naming his crime, and if an order of arrest, issued by a proper court, is sent, Denmark will transport the two men to America in charge of police at the expense of the United States. Answer at once. Benson and accomplice in jail. 479
328 Mr. Rives to Mr. Anderson (telegram). Dec. 12 Extradition of J. A. Benson: Benson indicted in United States circuit court, California, for forging land-grant papers; his description; his brother not indicted; copies of indictments, order of arrest, and other papers will be sent at once to Copenhagen with officer to receive him; assurances that Denmark extradites without treaty; United States can only extradite with treaty. 479
329 Mr. Anderson to Mr. Bayard (telegram). Dec. 14 Extradition of J. A. Benson: Benson’s identity certain; send officer to receive him at once; Denmark will extradite without treaty; key to Benson’s cipher dispatches found; give instructions to ask for copies of his dispatches sent and received here. 480
330 Mr. Anderson to Mr. Bayard (No. 184). Dec. 16 Extradition of J. A. Benson: His brother will be released from jail December 21, and sail for New York the same day. 480
331 Same to same (No. 187). Dec. 22 Pork shipped to New York from Denmark. An epidemic among hogs in that country Germans attempt to give the idea that the disease was imported from America. 480
332 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Anderson (No. 68.) 1888. Jan. 6 Extradition of J. A. Benson: The Department of Justice at once informed that the Danish Government would surrender John A. Benson, charged with fraud, and steps taken to procure evidences of his guilt; delay on account of difficulty of procuring proofs; copies of twelve indictments found against him, with warrants of arrest, transmitted; the Danish Government to be requested to give copies of the telegrams Benson sent and received, and any other evidences of guilt. 481
333 Same to same (telegram) Jan. 7 Extradition of J. A. Benson: Papers sent. Will Benson be delivered to United States officers, if sent to Europe? 481
334 Mr. Anderson to Mr. Bayard (telegram). Jan. 8 Extradition of J. A. Benson: His identity established; will be delivered to United States officer: send officer at once. 482
335 Same to same (No. 199). Feb. 1 Extradition of J. A. Benson: In charge of Marshal Franks he sailed for United States January 30th ultimo; Benson and brother, under the names of Pomeroy and Franks, claimed to have come from Canada to England to buy cattle; clippings from newspapers in regard to Benson and similar cases found in their trunks excited suspicion; information communicated to United States minister; interview with Danish minister of foreign affairs, and his promise to extradite the criminals; telegrams of 9th and 11th, and answer of the Department of the 12th, ordering demand for extradition; arrival of Marshall Franks with indictments; Danish officer allowed to accompany the prisoner to the border but not to Bremen, to avoid complications with Germany; telegraphed to Consul Loenmg, at Bremen, who promised assistance. 482
336 Same to same (No. 202) Feb. 3 Pork: Efforts of Germany and Sweden and Norway to induce Denmark to exclude American pork by threatening to prohibit importation of Danish pork; Danish pork-raisers endeavoring to effect the same end; claim that the swine disease was imported from America. 483
337 Same to same (No. 207). Feb. 24 Extradition of J. A. Benson: Most of the papers requested of the Danish Government in the Benson case sent with United States marshal; thirteen telegrams, sent by Benson, inclosed. 484
338 Same to same (No. 208). Feb. 24 Discrimintion against United States vessels: Note to Baron Rosenörn Lehn requesting to be informed if there was any discrimination against United State vessels in Danish ports, and the baron’s reply inclosed. 484
339 Same to same (No. 209). Feb. 25 Tonnage and navigation dues: Departments circular of July 9, 1887, made the subject of two notes, one requesting the information desired, the other inviting the co-operation of Denmark; no reply received to the second, but efforts being made to abolish all tonnage and’ navigation charges. 485
340 Same to same (No. 210). Feb. 27 Petroleum tests: The upper house of the Rigs-dag expected to amend the petroleum bill so as to make the fire test of petroleum 40 degrees Celsius. 486
341 Same to same (No. 214). Mar. 12 Pork: Importation of American pork prohibited on the 10th instant; translation of the published order. 486
342 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Anderson (No. 80). Mar. 24 Petroleum tests: The progress of the petroleum bill in the Rigsdag to be watched, and such representations to be made to the Danish Government as American interests require; letter to the Department from Mr. Flagg, attorney of the Standard Oil Company, inclosed. 487
343 Mr. Anderson to Mr. Bayard (No. 216.) Apr. 2 Petroleum tests: Telegram to the Department to the effect that a higher petroleum test would seriously injure American commerce with Denmark communicated to the foreign office; an amendment to the petroleum bill reported, raising the fire test to 40 degrees Celsins; no legislation on the subject probable this session. 487

correspondence with the legation of denmark at washington.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
314 Count Sponneck to Mr. Bay-aid. 1888. Mar. 26 Citizenship of C. A. B. Johnson: He petitions to be released from his United States citizenship; born in the United States, but has resided ever since he was 2 years old and intends to remain in Denmark; made a citizen of Denmark by special law, which requires that evidence must be submitted within a year of release from foreign citizenship; such a release requested for Mr. Johnson; his petition and certificate of birth inclosed. 488
315 Mr. Bayard to Count Sponneck. Apr. 10 Citizenship of C. A. B. Johnson: The Department can not give the certificate of release from American citizenship, but expatriation recognized by United States Government, and position of the Department that naturalization or renaturalization in a foreign country takes away rights of American citizenship; in this case there is also applicable the rule that a child born in a foreign country, during minority has the domicile of its parents, but may elect when sui juris, and the best proof of election is continued residence and discharge of the duties of a citizen of the country elected. 489


No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
346 Mr. Reinberg to Mr. Rives (No. 161). 1888. Oct. 17 River and coasting trade of Ecuador open after January 1, 1889, to vessels flying foreign flags by decree of Ecuadorian Congress; the right to stop all traffic and close any or all ports during revolution or war reserved. 490
347 Mr. Rives to Mr. McGarr (No. 60). Oct. 24 Claims against Ecuador; Ecuadorian law exempting country therefrom; its provisions stated; United States regards them as subversive of principles of international law, and can not acquiesce in any attempt on the part of Ecuador to use such law as an answer to a claim presented by it. 490


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
348 Mr. Vignaud to Mr. Bayard (No. 471). 1887. Aug. 29 Tonnage and navigation dues: Mr. Flourens has submitted the matter to his colleagues; he desires three copies of Department’s circular of July 9, 1887. 493
349 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 268). Oct. 20 Case or J. Fruchier: Information requested as to progress made in the case of; Fruchier, to answer the letter of the governor of Nevada; the letter of the governor of Nevada to Mr. Bayard and Mr. Bayard’s reply inclosed. 493
350 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard; (No. 495). Nov. 4 Case of J. Fruchier: The French Government has declined, as usual, to take any action in the case of John Fruchier, on the ground that no Frenchman can be discharged from military service because he has acquired a foreign citizenship unless he has the judgment of a French civil court recognizing his change of nationality; did not report the answer because it is the usual one, and is following it up with a view of questioning the propriety and justice of the position of the French Government. 493
351 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 505). Nov. 18 Medal struck by the committee of the Bartholdi Statue, in honor of the President’s presence at its inauguration, and a letter accompanying it from M. de Lesseps, the president of the committee, to President Cleveland inclosed. 494
352 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 278). Dec. 3 Medal for the President, commemorative of the inauguration of the Statue of Liberty, received. 494
353 Mr. Vignand to Mr. Bayard (No. 519). Dec. 16 Case of Albert Gendrot, an American citizen, summoned to perform military service in France; His father came to America in 1847; in 1870 went for a short time to France; in 1885 went again to France with his family; Albert Gendrot, aged nineteen, an artist, had an American passport; ordered to join his regiment, to which he protested; protest of Mr. McLane to Mr. Flourens; Gendrot imprisoned November 8; Mr. McLane’s note requesting his release; Mr. Flouren’s reply announcing his release not altogether satisfactory; Mr. Gendrot again ordered to join his regiment and threatened with arrest; Mr. Vigrauds note calling Mr. Flouren’s attention to the fact. 495
354 Same to same (No. 520). Dec. 20 Case of A. Gendrot: Note received from Mr. Flourens, the 16th instant, stating that no irregularity had been committed in the case of Gendrot, who, being the son of a Frenchman, was liable to military service in France though born in another country; replied that the United States Government would not admit his pretention, begging him to defer action and examine the principles in a friendly spirit; note of Mr. Vignaud to Mr. Flourens, December 15, and Mr. Flouren’s reply of the 17th, inclosed. 497
355 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 285). Dec. 28 Case of A. Gendrot: Action in the case of A. F. Gendrot approved; good offices to be continued to obtain his relief from military obligations; Gendrot to be informed that remaining in France after becoming of age may cause him to be regarded as a Frenchman, and his only course to return to America. 498
356 Mr. Vignand to Mr. Bayard (No. 526). Dec. 29 Case of A. Gendrot: Mr. Flouren’s reply to the last note insisting upon the discharge of Gendrot, that the minister of war can not comply with this request without a judgment of a civil court that Gendrot is not a French citizen; by the laws of France the courts can declare one naturalized abroad not a Frenchman, but one born of French parents is considered a Frenchman, and Gendrot’s application to the courts would be of no avail; learning that he was about to be arrested, he has left France; Mr. Flouren’s note of December 28 inclosed. 499
357 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 287). Jan. 13 Treaty between France and King of Johanna: Dispatch received from consul at Zanzibar that a treaty has been made between France and the King of Johanna, and the statement is made in print that France has taken possession of that Island; a statement of France’s relations with that island and copies of any treaties made to be asked of the French Government for the pretention of the protection of American citizens there. 500
358 Same to same (No. 289) Jan. 23 Pork: The legation to use every effort to induce the withdrawal of the prohibition of American pork; dispatch from Consul Dufais, relative to renewed efforts at Havre to effect a repeal of the prohibitory laws, inclosed. 500
359 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 538). Jan. 24 Cases of Arbois and Fruchier; Pierre Arbois and John Fruchier, American citizens, serving in the French army; contends, in note to Mr. Flourens that the claim by the United States is a sufficient proof of American citizenship, and declines to go before the courts; formally renewed the demand for the release of Americans in French army, and claims the same rights for American-born citizens of French parents as for Frenchmen who are naturalized American citizens; note closes with an effort to impress the necessity of equitable arrangement and a promise to consider any proposition to that end; from conversations with Mr. Flourens expects some agreement will be reached as [Page LXXX] to mode of establishing naturalization; no disposition shown by Mr. Flourens to yield in the matter of native Americans born of French parents; note to Mr. Flourens, January 24, 1888. inclosed. 502
360 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 292). Feb. 3 Convict deportation to the United States from Tahiti: The Department pleased at the speedy execution of the French decree prohibiting the deportation of criminals from Tahiti to the United States; copy of dispatch from the United States commercial agent at Nourmé, covering copy of the decree inclosed. 506
361 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 543). Feb. 9 Convict emigration from New Caledonia to the United States: Notes from the governor of New Caledonia in relation to facilities given liberated convicts to come to the United States inclosed. 507
362 Same to same (No. 545). Feb. 9 Pork: No information of an attempt to repeal the laws prohibiting the importation of American pork other than the newspaper articles transmitted by Mr. Dufais; no notice taken by the Government of it; note to Mr. Flourens stating instruction received, and reminding him of previous correspondence and interviews; the matter called to the attention of President Car-not, who expressed his desire to satisfy the complaint of discrimination; President Carnot aware of previous interviews with Mr. Flourens and Mr. Bouvier, in which they had been informed that bad feeling would be produced by this discrimination; result of efforts for the repeal of the prohibitory laws uncertain on account Of political agitation; refers to previous dispatches for history of legation’s action in the matter; the consequent disarrangement of commercial relations has prevented a recommendation of retaliation; hope of obtaining from the executive a decree substituting inspection Of American pork and its admission at the rate of duty of all other pork; no encouragement ever given by any minister to hope for satisfactory results from the present Chamber; contention of Mr. Flourens that the exclusion of a particular import is a domestic question, not an unfriendly act. 508
363 Same to same (No. 505) Feb. 14 Letters rogatory issued by the court of common pleas of New York sent to Mr. Rathbone, transmitted by the legation to the foreign office, and’ returned to the legation with a request for the precise address of the parties, and for information whether such letters issued by a French court of justice would be executed in the United States; the latter question submitted to the Department. 510
364 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 298). Feb. 15 Citizenship and military service: Three points dealt with in Mr. McLane’s note of January 24 to Mr. Flourens: (1) Native-born citizens not of French parentage; (2) Persons born in the United States of French parentage; (3) Naturalized American citizens born in France; as to class 1 there is no question; the international rule of law in case 2 is that a child born in one country, of parents belonging to another, has a right of election between the two, at the age of twenty-one, which is indicated by residence; such persons, who have elected the United States, are to be protected when visiting France; the Department sustains Mr. McLane’s position in regard to the third class, that the presentation of a certificate of naturalization is a certification of such naturalization, putting it on the basis of a competent domestic court, certified as such by the Executive; such judgments are ubiquitous; the Department will cause inquiries to be made as to whether a judgment of naturalization was improvidently granted, and will not grant protection where one is shown to be fraudulent, but does not recognize the right of a foreign court or government to determine their validity; whether a [Page LXXXI] naturalized citizen of the United States is liable to punishments on returning to France, for offenses committed before naturalization, not discussed here; Mr. Flourens to be informed that a decree of naturalization granted by the United States Government can not be impeached by that of France, and if American citizens are held for military service on the ground that they are not American citizens, they are to be released and damages paid for detention; importance of summary action in such cases to be presented; United States citizens accused of no crime not to be held in arrest a single day; such summary action always granted by the United States; no foreigner held to military duty in the United States when his release was requested; the few Americans in France not needed in her armies; such a course will exclude American merchants of French birth from buying goods in France; does not think that France will take a position conflicting with free principles, with the business interests and international comity of the two countries, and with the system on which the United States Government is based. 510
365 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 551). Feb. 16 Mails: The memorial of American merchants requesting that French mails be sent by the fastest line brought to the notice of the French Government: note from Mr. Flourens, that such is the policy of the French postal department, inclosed. 512
366 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 302). Feb. 24 Case of J. Fruchier, naturalization, etc.: The position of this Government on the right of expatriation and the sufficiency of the judicial decree in proof of that fact summarized in answer to Mr. Stewart’s letter in the case of John Fruchier; this case a good one to test the question in controversy; copies of correspondence with the French Government in relation to it to be sent the Department; Senator Stewart’s letter to Mr. Bayard covering the letter of Governor Stevenson in reference to J. Fruchier’s case, and Mr. Bayard’s reply inclosed. 513
367 Same to same (No. 303). Feb. 24 Pork: Report on the pork question and course in the matter approved. 515
368 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 554). Feb. 24 Protectorate of France over Johanna Island: Mr. Flourens states that France has assumed the protectorate of Johanna Island by virtue of two treaties of April 21, 1886, and October 15, 1887; translations of Mr. Flourens’s note and of the treaties inclosed. 516
369 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 306). Mar. 1 Submarine Cables Convention: The act of Congress in conformity with article 12 of the convention for the protection of submarine cables, and the President’s ratification of the declaration and final protocol of the International Convention for the Protection of Submarine Cables inclosed for transmission to the French Government. 518
370 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 560). Mar. 2 Military service in the French army by American citizens: Dispatch from the Department, No. 298, upon the subject of American citizens of French parentage summoned to do duty in France delivered to Mr. Flourens; the point pressed that an American citizen forced into the army on the supposition that he is not an American citizen, must be released and paid compensation for detention; two Americans in French army not detained on ground that they are not American, but that the claim of the legation is not sufficient proof; distinction may be made, but questions practically same; note to Mr. Flourens directed against the pretension that the American minister or the citizen must go before a court to establish American citizenship; doubts if the Department’s No. 298 authorizes him to demand the immediate release of Arbios and Fruchier and compensation; fears Mr. Flourens may not think it does; Americans will not be released until they have [Page LXXXII] a judgment of a court; did not call Mr. Flourens’s attention to the case of American-born citizens not of French parentage. 519
371 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 308). Mar. 6 Letters rogatory from courts of foreign countries are executed according to United States statutes, which are explained in the Department’s circular of March 25, 1887, inclosed. 520
372 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 566). Mar. 7 Case of J. Fruchier: Reply of Mr. Flourens to the demand for the release of Fruchier the same as reply made to demand for release of Arbios and others; Fruchier’s a good test case; no answer received to note of January 11; did not make a new demand on presenting copy of Department’s No. 298 to Mr. Flourens; not advisable to press the matte before receiving his answer Mr. McLane to Mr. Flourens, May 5, and Mr. Flourens’s reply of June 14 inclosed. 522
373 Same to same (No. 573). Mar. 23 Cases of Fruchier and Arbios: A personal note addressed to Mr. Flourens upon receiving Department’s No. 302 informing him that instructions had been again given in the case of Fruchier, which was deemed a proper case to test the principle involved; stating that a personal call had been made the day before to request an answer to note of January 11.; intention not to discuss the matter until receipt of an answer from Mr. Flourens changed on account of the delay; therelease of Arbiosand Fruchier, pending the discussion of the principles involved, by the two Governments, urged in person; Mr. Flourens’s promise to recommend their release, and anticipation of difficulty of effecting it, owing to war regulations, and his further promise to bring the matter before the ministers. 524
374 Same to same (No. 575). Mar. 29 Political situation in France and the Boulanger incident. 524
375 Same to same (No. 579). Aur. 6 do 526
376 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 320). Apr. 6 Claim of B. F. Wilson against the sultan of Johanna: By the treaty of April 21, 1886, France is to arbitrate any dispute in regard to previous deeds and conventions between the sultan of Johanna and others; Dr. B. F. Wilson, an American citizen, claims damages of the sultan for violation of contract in regard to furnishing labor for a sugar plantation, destruction of property, and attempt to have him killed in 1882; the defense that Dr. Wilson aided Mohammed, who was in revolt; the charge denied, and the denial corroborated by Mohammed’s principal officer; no reply received to a communication to the sultan on the subject; the case one coming under the treaty of 1886, if desired by Dr. Wilson, and the matter to be placed verbally before the French Government to know whether it will direct its resident to receive proofs in the ease, and whether, having these proofs, it will arbitrate the claim, or other steps are needed for obtaining French arbitration. 527
377 Mi. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 584). Apr. 16 Submarine Cables Convention: All powers, parties to the Convention for the Protection of Submarine Cables, have complied with Article XII of said convention, and it will go into operation May 1; French minister at Washington to give formal notification; list of powers who have adhered to the convention, and laws adopted by some of them in conformity with Article XII, inclosed. 528
378 Same to same (No. 588) Apr. 20 Political situation in France, and the Boulanger incident. 529
379 Same to same (No. 589) Apr. 20 Passport of Henry Asché: Qualified passports issued to children of naturalized Americans residing abroad and not intending to reside in the United States; instruction asked; passport issued to Henry Asché, born at Bassorah, 1866, who has never resided in the United States and has no intention of so doing; his father, a German, naturalized in 1854; few years later went to Bassorah, and died in 1870 in business there; residence in Turkey no evidence the father meant to abandon American citizenship, and his son, a United States citizen by our law’s; had he a right to a passport? 529
380 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 594). Apr. 27 Cases of Fruchier, Arbois, and Gendrot: Mr. Goblet replies to the note of January 11,demanding the release of Arbois, Fruchier, and Gendrot, that the French Government does not question the validity of any act of naturalization of the United States Government, but has a right to determine whether the Frenchman naturalized abroad is under any obligation to France; that the discussion of this point is waived, and Arbois and Fruchier are released on furlough as a favor by the minister of war; that the minister of war and himself ready to consider any proposition to settle the question; the men technically subject to military service still; will communicate views to Department before addressing proposition for settlement of the question to Mr. Goblet; Mr. Goblet’s note inclosed. 530
381 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 330). Apr. 27 Letters rogatory, execution of, in New York for foreign courts: Extract from the code of New York as to manner of taking testimony in suits pending in foreign countries inclosed. 532
382 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 595). Apr. 27 Political situation in France and the Boulanger incident. 533
383 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 335). May 7 Passport of Henry Asché: Importance of the question of citizenship; a statement of the qualifications attached to the passport of Henry Asché desired; not understood how he can be an American citizen, yet subject to the claims of Turkey; no passport can certify a qualified citizenship; résumé of the facts in Asché case; doubtful right of Aschés father to a passport, Asché himself not entitled; the question of what right he would have had to a passport had his father’s and his residence in Turkey been continuous not considered; American citizenship abandoned by non-intention of returning to America; his passport to be recalled and canceled: doubtful cases to be submitted to the Department before, issuing passports. 534
384 Mr. Vignaud to Mr. Bayard (No. 608). May 24 Mr. Lalanne’s application for a certificate of exemption from French military service: La-lanne born in France April 3, 1855; went to America on a French passport in 1874; declared his intention of becoming an American citizen in 1876, and obtained naturalization papers on the day of making the declaration; he voted at the Presidential election in 1884; original naturalization papers being lost, he obtained copies and went to France; summoned to perform military service, he applied for a certificate of exemption; informed that such a certificate could not be issued, but he must establish his nationality before a court; did not authenticate his certificate because he had been in the United States less than three years when obtained; as he could have obtained another, the Department’s advice is requested; correspondence with Mr. Lalanne on the subject inclosed. 535
385 Same to same (No. 610). May 25 Passport of H. Asché: Mr. Asché’s qualified passport, disapproved by the Department, was issued under paragraph 173, Consular Regulations 1831, in the qualified Form No. 11, as directed by the above paragraph: the form not canceled by the Department, not in new Consular Regulations, but they had just arrived and had not been examined: Mr. Asché requested to return passport: satisfied that he is not a bona fide citizen of the United States, but thought he was technically entitled to a passport. 538
386 Same to same (No. 615). May 30 Passport of H. Asché: Passport returned by Mr. Asché and canceled; he remarked that he was placed in the position of a man having no nationality, as he could not claim German or Turkish citizenship, whereas there was an American statute recognizing him as a citizen. 539
387 Mr. Vignaud to Mr. Bayard (No. 617). May 3 Passports: New supply of passport-application blanks telegraphed for; a large proportion of applicants naturalized American citizens, and the instructions of the Department enforcible in only a few cases; answers to following questions asked: 1. Is a passport to be refused to the wife or widow of a naturalized citizen who has not her husband’s naturalization papers? 2. To a citizen who has lost or left at home his naturalization papers? 3. To one who can not state when he will return to the United States, or whether he will or not? Children born abroad whose parents were naturalized citizens residing permanently abroad not entitled to passport; discretion will be used in the similar case of the children of native Americans; German regulations require that foreigners visiting Germany by way of Alsace Lorraine after May 31 must have passports which are to be visaed at the German embassy in Paris; the cost of visaing raised from 1.90 to 12.50francs; French passports made to wait ten or twelve days; foreign visaed at once. 539
388 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Vignaud (No. 341). June 7 Passport to Henry Asché: Paragraph 173 and Form 1 of the Consular Regulations of 1881 were superseded in 1885 by section 131 of Printed Personal Instructions to Diplomatic Officers which omits reference to qualified passports; paragraph 131 of Personal Instructions inclosed. 540
389 Same to same (No. 342). June 8 Passport of Mr. Lalanne: Particulars in the case of the application for a passport by Mr. Lalanne; Mr. Vignaud’s letter to Mr. Lalanne directing him to establish his citizenship before a French court; Mr. Lalanne’s naturalization illegal; Mr. Lalanne doubtful of the correctness of the transcript; he could have become a citizen in October, 1876; inquiries as to the correctness of the transcript will be made; naturalization illegal if transcript correct; only necessary to have informed Mr. Lalanne that the legation could not intervene, as his papers did not establish naturalization; statement of position of the French Government superfluous and liable to misconstruction; giving occasion for the supposition, indirectly or by implication, that the United States will permit the arrest of their citizens not charged with crime to be carefully avoided. 540
390 Same to same (No. 343). June 13 Passports: The wife or widow of a naturalized citizen, and a naturalized citizen, should first be required to produce the original certificate of naturalization or certified copy; cases enumerated in which parol proof of lost passport is admissible; passport to be refused to a naturalized citizen who can not state when or whether he will return to the United States; passports to be refused to children who have never been in the United States, whose parents are naturalized citizens permanently residing abroad, unless the passport is given for the purpose of assuming the duties of American citizenship; if the father’s renunciation of citizenship precedes the birth of the child no passport can be issued. 542
391 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 344). June 14 P. Jacob, military service in France: Correspondence relative to the case on file in the legation; facts in the case published in Foreign Relations for 1884; in view of the present aspect of the question of French-American citizens it is not deemed advisable to make the demand suggested by M. Ferry, but it is hoped Jacob’s name, in view of the fact that he has served his term and no practical question remains, will be struck from the reserves; Mr Jacob renews his request that his name be erased from the French military rolls and his American citizenship recognized; Mr. Jacob’s letter and the Department’s reply inclosed. 543
392 Mr. Vignaud to Mr. Bayard (No. 628). June 25 Passports: More than two hundred and fifty issued since May 25; German regulations require servants to have passports. 545
393 Mr. Vignaud to Mr. Bayard (No. 629). June 25 Passport of Mr. Cipriani: Application for a passport, for Mr. Cipriani supported by Consular Agent Damiani received from the United States consul at Marseilles; passport issued; copy of letter to Mr. Mason, United States consul, giving reasons for issuing it; Mr. Cipriani’s application and copies of his note to Mr. McLane and Mr. Damiani’s letter to the consulate at Marseilles inclosed. 545
394 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 350). June 30 Naturalization, parol proof of: Instructions in No. 343 to be referred to in regard to parol proof of naturalization; record always to be produced and parol proof allowed in exceptional cases; every proper case of inability to produce the certificate of naturalization covered by 343; care to be used in issuing passports. 547
395 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 681). July 2 Passports; parol proof of naturalization: Telegram refusing discretion in granting passports received; instructions as to whether par. 120, Art. XII, Dip. Per. Instrs dispense with other proof than a passport from the Department. The practice to issue a new passport in place of one from the Department not two years old; difficulty of complying with conditions for parol proof laid down in 343; discrimination between naturalized and native-born citizens; many Americans without their certificates on account of disuse of passports, and can not procure them in time for their necessities; will observe instruction 343 in the matter. 547
396 Same to same (No. 633) July 6 Passport of Felix Poyard and children. Passport granted to Felix Poyard and children, who has resided in Bordeaux since 1860; fourth point of instruction No 343 strained and declaration to return vague; Poyard’s son, aged seventeen, applies for a passport, and Department instructions as to granting are reauested. 549
397 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 357). July 11 Passport of Mr. Cipriani: Granting a passport to Mr. Cipriani approved; facts establishing his citizenship; the question not of his status, but of the form of proof of citizenship; no information of interference with Mr. Cipriani’s rights; newspaper statements not understood. 549
398 Same to same (No. 358) July 16 Passport of Mr. Twyeffort: Letter of Mr. Twy-effort alleging the refusal of Mr. McLane to renew his passport issued in 1879 because of his inability to produce proof of naturalization, and the Department’s reply inclosed. 550
399 Same to same (No. 359) July 20 Passport of Felix Poyard: French domicil with intent, to remain a renunciation of American citizenship, and deprives of right to passport; minor children in such a case have less pretension to a passport. The applicant can establish his right by acts of citizenship. 551
400 Same to same (No. 360) July 20 Passports: No discrimination between native and naturalized citizens; the best proof always to be produced; affidavit and personal identification the best proof with natives; naturalization can be proved by the records of a court, and inspection of the record or a certified copy thereof the best and sole proof of the action of the court; exception when the original record is lost or destroyed; importance of the relation of protection assumed by government to a citizen; naturalization a judicial act, and must be proved like other judgments; the hardships more apparent than real; certificates easily and inexpensively procured; duplicates can be taken abroad or obtained in a fortnight by telegraphing from Europe; instructions can not be altered; Americans residing abroad can be opportunely informed that they must provide themselves with proofs of citizenship; the question whether a passport not two years old dispenses with other proof affirmatively answered in No. 358. 552
401 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 645). July 23 Passport of Max Hellman: A passport issued to Mr. Max Hellman, a naturalized citizen of the United States whose papers of naturalization were in New York, on his promise to produce them; Mr. Hellman well known to Mr. McLane and has passports heretofore given by the State Department and the legation at Paris. 553
402 Same to same (No. 651) July 30 Passport of Mr. Poyard and children: Concurs with the Department in its view that the fact should be established that the applicant for passport does not intend to abandon American citizenship: their general declaration accepted as to intention; Mr. Poyard’s declaration to return as soon as he could as vague as any received, and passport would not have been issued except for the opinion that he would return and perform his duties as a citizen; No. 359 not understood to require specific designation of time of intended return, but intention of applicants will be carefully ascertained. 554
403 Same to same (No. 652). July 31 Passports: Will observe instructions Nos. 358 and 360 upon issuance of pasports; Russia the only country requiring passports until lately; case of Mr. Hellman; not respectful to press the question of exercise of discretion in granting passports, when the technical legal proof of naturalization can not be produced at the moment; did not need to be told what is strict legal proof; the class of cases in which discreion to be employed indicated in No. 631; might have mentioned the individuals who found themselves in Europe without their naturalization papers. 554
404 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 367). Aug. 10 Passport of Max Hellman, who did not produce a certificate of naturalization, upon the strength of former passports granted by this Department and Mr. McLane’s personal knowledge, is approved; formal proof dispensed with by personal knowledge of minister. 555
405 Mr. Adee to Mr. McLane (No. 370). Aug. 15 Passports: The points and the exceptional case mentioned in the request for further discretion in the granting of passports covered by Department’s recent instruction. 555
406 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 661). Aug. 16 A. Jacob, military service of, in France: The attention of the French authorities again called to the case of Alfred Jacob. M. Goblet states that the military authorities will discharge Jacob as soon as he obtains permission from the French Government to assume American citizenship; no remarks made upon the reply, but an inquiry addressed to M. Goblet whether his Government held a Frenchman could not become an American citizen without being previously authorized to do so, and, if such was the case, how the authorization was to be procured. This inquiry made because the French pretension is so general as to be applicable to naturalized citizens of French origin as well as to those born in the United States of French parents; Mr. Goblet asked to agree upon some settlement of this question; note to Mr. Goblet on the case of Alfred Jacob, and Mr. Goblet’s reply, inclosed. 556
407 Same to same (No. 665). Aug. 24 Political situation in France and the Boulanger incident. 557
408 Same to same (No. 684) Oct. 4 Registration of foreigners: Decree of the French Government requiring foreigners intending to reside permanently or for a length of time in France to register in fifteen days or a month, and furnish evidence of nationality; travelers exempted; difference between domicile and residence in France; difference made between foreigners resident and domiciled in France formerly great, now small, such as inability to teach a primary school, liability to summary expulsion and requirement of a bond in the case of residents and not of those domiciled; statement of nationality and birth to be supported by documentary proof, probably a passport; great number of applications for passports expected at the legation, and consequent embarrassment; [Page LXXXVII] passports will be refused to those Americans who do not intend to return or who do not know whether they will or not, and probably to those who are uncertain when they will return; Department’s attention called to these cases on account of serious consequences which may result; translation of the above decree inclosed. 558
409 Same to same (No. 692) Oct. 19 Political: Revision of constitution; General Boulanger. 559
410 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 393). Oct. 26 Passports of Mr. Jules Jacobs irregularly granted, as it appears that he was naturalized before he was of age; great care to be used in granting passports. 560
411 Same to same (No. 394). Oct. 29 Registration of foreigners: The Department understands the requirements in regard to registration of foreigners in France to have been ameliorated; no necessity of discussing questions proposed; passports not to be granted to those who have no intention of returning to the United States, but not to be refused to those who intend returning but have not fixed the day; the Department’s instructions to be strictly observed; inquiries not to go further than necessary for issuance of passport; domicile not controvertible with residence. 561
412 Same to same (No. 395) Oct. 30 Passport of Stephen E. Heidenheimer: Naturalized apparently within less than five years after his arrival in the United States; went abroad immediately and never returned; passport improvidently issued; Mr. Heidenheimer seems to have no right to a passport; the case to be investigated and reported. 561
413 Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard (No. 707). Nov. 12 Passport of S. E. Heidenheimer: Legality of naturalization not called in question by Mr. Heidenheimer’s declaration and confirmed by Department’s passport; declaration of intention of return vague but sworn to; passport returned by Mr. Heidenheimer with promise to obtain evidence of the legality of his naturalization. 563
414 Same to same (No. 710) Nov. 17 Passport of S. E. Heidenheimer: He admits that he was the Edward Heidenhiemer who came to the United States November, 1866; left the United States on account of his health, intending to return; can not explain the mistake in the time of his naturalization; employed in his father’s house in New York; affirms that no fraud was intended, and his ignorance of law due to sickness at the time; passport held and Mr. Heidenheimer advised to apply to the court which granted his naturalization papers. 564
415 Mr. Bayard to Mr. McLane (No. 406). Dec. 8 Passport of S. E. Heidenheimer: Mr. Heidenheimer not a citizen, and his passport to be canceled. 565

correspondence with the legation of france at washington.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
416 Mr. Roustan to Mr. Bayard. 1887. Dec. 20 Political: Resignation of M. Grevy and election of M. Carnot President of the French Republic; good relations to be maintained with foreign governments; value of the friendship of the United States. 567
417 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Roustan. Dec. 24 Political: Note received announcing the resignation of M. Grevy and election of M. Carnot to the Presidency; close relation and interest of the United States for France and their wishes for her nrosneritv. 567
418 Mr. Roustan to Mr. Bayard. Apr. 26 Submarine cables convention: The international convention for the protection of submarine cables went into effect May 1; circular from the French Government announcing that all the powers signing the convention of March 14 had passed the requisite legislation inclosed. 568


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
419 Mr. Coleman to Mr. Bavard (No. 496). 1887. Aug. 25 Tonnage and navigation dues: The Department circular of July 9 communicated to the German Government; no discrimination in Germany against vessels from American ports note to Count Berchem inclosed. 570
421 Same to same (No. 502). Sept. 12 Expulsion of Peter Mackeprang, a naturalized American citizen from Germany: Facts stated; Mr. Coleman declines to interfere because Mr. Mackeprang has formally applied for re-admission to German nationality; correspondence inclosed 571
421 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (telegram). Oct. 11 Samoan affairs: The state of affairs in Samoa distressing; will be made worse by the continuance of war; Mr. Sewall instructed to preserve a strict neutrality; treatment of Samoans in accordance with treaty desired; the advisability of immediately electing a King and Vice-King as agreed in conference, and the issuance of instructions to representatives of treaty powers to favor such election, other matters being left for subsequent consideration, is to be suggested to the German Government 574
422 Mr. Pendleton to Mr. Bayard (telegram). Oct. 13 Samoan affairs: The Department’s proposal submitted to Count Bismarck; telegram from German consul at Apia that all the important chiefs had assembled after notice and formally recognized Tamasese King; the islands quiet; German men-of-war to remain for moral effect; statements confirmed by telegram from the German commodore; Bismarck seemingly ignorant of an agreement in conference for the election of a King and Vice-King. 574
423 Same to same (No. 518) Oct. 13 Samoan affairs: Count Bismarck informed of contents of telegram of October 11, but telegram not read to him. He stated that the German consul had telegraphed the election of Tamasese to be King; that Malietoa maltreated Germans and war was made against him personally, not against his people; that Great Britain and the United States had acquiesced; that Malietoa was received and protected on board a German ship; that the conference in Washington had not reached a final conclusion; that the German Government de sired to maintain the good entente between the powers; that he does not conceive the change of King can make any change in the relations or course of the Governments towards Samoa or each other; Germany is willing to listen to any suggestion Telegram from German consul of September 17, stating the election of Malietoa and peace in the island, and a confirmatory one of the 20th from the German commodore shown by Bismarck at morning interview; Department’s proposal repeated; stress upon the conference agreement; the idea of a Vice-King new to the Count; he says the German Government is willing there should be such an officer; reiterates that the conference adjourned without definite results, adding that it is as well, as an opportunity is given of observing the new order of things, and the original threads could be taken up where they were left off; that there is no haste; felicitates Mr. Pendleton upon the anticipation by the Sa-moans of the proposition of the United States by the election of a King which had left nothing for the Governments to do in that direction. 575
424 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (No. 257). Oct. 20 Expulsion of Peter Mackeprang: Mr. Coleman’s refusal to interfere in the case of the expulsion of Peter Mackeprang from Germany approved. 576
425 Mr. Pendleton to Mr. Bayard (No. 526). Oct. 24 Samoan affairs: Extract from the Berliner Tageblatt, copying a Sydney newspaper as to the force of the German fleet in Australian waters, and another from the semi-official Nord-Deutschie Allgemeine Zeitung, giving the version of the foreign office of the transactions in Samoa, inclosed. 577
426 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (telegram). Nov. 2 Samoan affairs: Mr. Sewall reports that Tamasese has taken control in Samoa, and left Americans without protection; Mr. Sewall instructed that his powers in regard to American citizens are not dependent on municipal government, and to maintain neutrality; Mr. Pendleton to inform the German Government that it is hoped Mr. Sewall will not be interfered with. 578
427 Mr. Coleman to Mr. Bayard (telegram). Nov. 4 Samoan affairs: Count Bismarck acquiesces in Mr. Bayard’s views as to the position of Mr. Sewall, and states that Germany will not interfere with him; her aid only given to preserve order, and treaties will be observed; Prince Bismarck regretted the difference between two friendly nations as to these unimportant islands, and suggested a dispatch be sent to that effect from the foreign office. 578
428 Mr. Pendleton to Mr. Bayard (No. 538). Nov. 15 Arrest of Charles Schwalb, A. C. Postel, and Julius Postel, Americans, at Zurich, on request of authorities of Baden: Representations made to foreign office and reply of foreign office, men were suspected of complicity in a theft, but proceedings against them developed their innocence; regret of German authorities expressed; correspondence inclosed. 579
429 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (telegram). Nov. 15 Illness of the Crown Prince: The President expresses the sympathy of the people of the United States with the Emperor on account of the Crown Prince’s illness. 581
430 Same to same (No. 265) Nov. 18 Arrest of Hans Jacobsen in the island of Alsen, charged with being a deserter from the German army: His release to be requested; letter of W. W. Morrow, with accompaniments, inclosed. 581
431 Mr. Pendleton to Mr. Bayard (No. 540). Nov. 21 Illness of the Crown Prince of Germany: Sympathy of President expressed; correspondence with foreign office inclosed. 583
432 Same to same (No. 545) Dec. 1 Pork: Trichina among German hogs; translations from the Berlin Zeitung showing the prevalence of trichinosis in Germany from this source inclosed. 584
433 Same to same (No. 546). Dec. 1 Pork: Decree of Emperor prohibiting the importation of, from Denmark, Sweden, and Norway inclosed. 585
434 Same to same (No. 547). Dec. 3 Arrest and imprisonment of Hans Jacobsen on the charge of being a deserter from the German army: Facts stated; case one of desertion committed before emigration; correspondence inclosed. 586
435 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (No. 274). Dec. 20 Arrest and imprisonment of Hans Jacobsen: The action of the legation in not presenting to the German Government the case of Hans Jacobsen approved; provision made in the extradition treaty with Germany for the trial and punishment of a naturalized citizen of one country on his return to his native land for offenses committed before his departure; Jacobsen shown by papers before the Department to have deserted from the German army before coming to the United States; his case covered by the treaty. 589
436 Mr. Pendleton to Mr. Bayard (No. 555). Dec. 26 Passport refused to Mr. Manny Ehrenbacher, a naturalized American, unless he consents to return to the United States for the purpose of residence: correspondence, inclosed. 589
437 Same to same (No. 556) 1888. Jan. 10 Samoan affairs: German newspaper account of election of Tamasese as King and of other events occurring in Samoa, inclosed. 591
438 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (No. 279). Jan, 11 Passport of Mr. Ehrenbacher: The application of Manny Ehrenbacher for a passport should be passed upon in the United States in case he shall come to them. 593
439 Same to same (No. 280) Jan. 17 Samoan affairs: Communication of Prince von Bismarck to Baron von Zedtwitz complaining of the action of American consuls in Samoa as hostile to German interests; the Department disposed to avoid difficulties as evinced by the recall of Mr. Greenebaum; the Department without evidence of the acts of other consuls complained of; the action of the German consul at the landing of troops from the Möwe [Page XC] not in agreement with the Saraoan Government or the municipal administration; the acts of the American consuls not proceeding from hostility to Germany; review of facts in support of this position; instability of the Satnoan Government due not to the action of United States consuls, but the want of support from German consul; the agitation for annexation to neighboring British islands a cause of disturbance; efforts to establish a permanent government in Samoa not opposed by the United States; the efforts of the United States to preserve the independence of Samoa justified by instances of other islands cited; the treaty with Hawaii reciprocal, and no attempt made to interfere with that Government; grave doubts as to future relations of treaty powers in Samoa raised by Germanys action; the treaty giving control of that Government to Germany signed by Malietoa under compulsion in 1884; seizure by Dr. Stuebel of Malietoa’s rights in the municipality of Apia, in 1885; the circumstances following Mr. Greenebaum’s proclamation reviewed as evidence of the United States’ desire to establish stable government in Samoa; conference in regard to Samoan affairs held in Washington, June-July, 1887, adjourned for consultation of representatives with their governments, because of the inability of the United States to accede to the proposals of Germany; the plans and propositions of Germany and the United States at the conference, and the position of Great Britain; surprise at the information that Germany had independently declared war against Malietoa “personally;” recapitulation of the circumstances attending the declaration of war against Malietoa and his overthrow; not possible to ignore Germany’s knowledge of the acts for which war was declared prior to the meeting of the conference in Washington and silence in regard to them until after war had begun; instruction of Oct. 11, 1887, as to election of a King, etc., and reply of German minister declaring ignorance of any conference agreement and announcing the election of a King; similar proposal to the British Government withdrawn in consequence; the ignorance of the German Government not understood; the establishing of the new government in Samoa by the German consul not satisfying the condition of a free election and more objectionable than the German proposition at the conference; Baron von Zedwitz’s complaint against the American consul and request that he be instructed to observe neutrality; his statement that the United States had not recognized the municipal government of Apia, and objection to its consul taking any part therein a surprise; such participation previously acknowledged by Germany; the United States not formally a party to the municipal government, but one by the action of its consul, and the government recognized by the Department; the municipal government declared in abeyance by Germany because the United States representative was a little late at a meeting, and Apia occupied by German naval forces at request of Tamaseso on account of absence of regular government; the situation in Samoa due to fomentation of native dissensions by foreigners and the desire of those in charge of German interests to obtain personal and commercial advantages; the action of Germany, subsequent to the conference, without sufficient consideration to the United States; the government established not satisfactory and should be put on a more impartial basis; the guaranties “referred to equivalent to German control the administration of the government better conducted by a treaty power, but [Page XCI] independence liable to be destroyed; a strong government the object of Germany, an independent one that of the United States, which consequently, dissents from Germany’s propositions; instructions to be communicated to German Government; Malietoa’s complaint to Mr. Dawson, inclosed. 594
440 Mr. Pendleton to Mr. Bayard (No. 573). Jan. 30 Trichinosis in Germany: Two newspaper accounts of its outbreak and extent, inclosed. 609
441 Same to same (No. 574).| Jan. 30 Socialist law of Germany: Bill to amend law, inclosed. 609
442 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (No. 248). Jan. 30 Spielmarken: Inquiries to be made whether the German Government permits the manufacture of spielmarken, and facts reported to the Department; letter of the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject, inclosed. 611
443 Mr. Pendleton to Mr. Bayard (No. 575). Feb. 4 Treaty of alliance of Oct. 7, 1879, between Germany and Austria-Hungary, inclosed. 611
444 Same to same (No. 578). Feb. 7 Samoan affairs: Instruction No. 280 in regard to Samoan affairs handed to Count Bismarck. 613
445 Same to same (No. 583) Feb. 20 Socialist law prolonged to September 30, 1890 613
446 Same to same (No. 584). Feb. 2 Spielmarken: No general law in Germany prohibiting the manufacture of spielmarken; imitations of German money used as counters in card playing without objection: different view may be taken on inspection of the imitations of; American coins; punishment provided by the laws for counterfeiting coins, stamps etc.; copies of the imitations requested; punishment of the manufacturers probable. 613
447 Same to same (No. 585) Feb. 22 Passport application of Frank Kissel submitted to the Department for instruction: Difference between his certificate, which states that he had resided for three years previous to his coming of age in the United States, and his affidavit, which states that he arrived in the United States in 1882, at the age of twenty-seven, and was naturalized five years after, in 1887; the applicant denies the correctness of the certificate; advised to write for certified copies of his papers. 615
448 Same to same (No. 586) Feb. 22 German army: Provisions of new law providing for the increase of, considered. 616
449 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (telegram). Mar. 9 Death of Emperor William: Sorrow of the people and Government of the United States for the death of the Emperor. 620
450 Mr. Pendleton to Mr. Bayard (No. 589). Mar. 12 Death of Emperor William: Sympathy of President conveyed to foreign office; acknowledgment of foreign office, inclosed. 620
451 Same to same (No. 593) Mar. 17 Accession of Frederick III: His address to German people and open letter to Prince, Bismarck, inclosed. 621
452 Same to same (No. 595). Mar. 20 Income tax levied on Mrs. Honey, wife of an American citizen, temporarily’ residing in Frankfort: Facts stated; minister thinks matter should be passed upon by the courts before diplomatic intervention is sought; correspondence inclosed. 623
453 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (No. 300). Mar. 30 Seizure by the German consul in Apia of a pilothouse built on land leased by a citizen of the United States: Facts stated; instructed to bring matter to attention of German Government and urge speedy settlement of difficulty; report from United States consul at Apia, inclosed. 627
454 Mr. Pendleton to Mr. Bayard (No. 597). Apr. 2 Pork: Message of President to Congress recommending the exclusion of swine meat and the preparations thereof exported from Germany and France; comments of a German newspaper, inclosed. 629
455 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (No. 303). Apr. 2 Passport of Frank Kissel: Mr. Pendleton’s dispatch, No. 585, forwarded to the probate judge of Montgomery County, by whom a correct certificate of naturalization was furnished Mr. Frank Kissel, with the statement that the error in the former certificate was due to the use of a wrong form. 630
456 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (No. 305). 1887. Apr. 6 The income tax assessed by the Prussian Government on the wife of Mr. Honey brought to the attention of the Department by a letter from him, March 14, 1887: Mr. Pendleton’s course in accord with that of the Department; nothing more to be done; the decision of the courts to be awaited; correspondence with Mr. Honey, inclosed. 630
457 Same to same (No. 315) Apr. 28 Claim of Albert Bernhard vs. Germany for arrest and imprisonment in Alsace on charge of participation in a seditious conspiracy: Report on case by Third Assistant Secretary of State inclosed; facts given, and conclusion reached that Department would not be justified in intervening. 631
458 Mr. Coleman to Mr. Bayard (No. 622). June 1 Alsace-Lorraine: Decree of Germany that passports bearing visa of German Embassy at Paris will be required of foreigners entering Alsace-Lorraine from France; visa will be furnished to all foreigners other than Frenchmen; object of measure is to discourage and restrict French intercourse with Alsace-Lorraine; decree and German newsnaner article inclosed. 635
459 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (telegram). June 15 Death of Emperor Frederick III: The President desired expression to be made through the Foreign Office of the sympathy felt throughout the United States at the death of the Emperor. 637
460 Mr. Coleman to Mr. Bayard (No. 628). June 18 Death of Emperor Frederick III: Sorrow universal throughout the Empire for the death of the Emperor; buried quietly at Potsdam this morning; note to Count Bismarck conveying the sympathy of the President and Count Bismarck’s acknowledgment inclosed. 637
461 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (No. 329). June 19 Death of Emperor Frederick III: Resolution of House of Representatives expressing sorrow for death and sympathy with Germany inclosed. 639
462 Mr. Coleman to Mr. Bayard (No. 630). June 20 Proclamations of William II to the army, navy, and people: The convoking in extraordinary session of the Reichstag and Landtag, and the three proclamations to the army, the navy, and the people the most important public acts of William II; translations of the proclamations inclosed. 639
463 Same to same (No. 631). June 22 Passport application of Charles Stein: Requests instructions in the case of the application of Mr. Stein for a passport; he, holds a passport which states that heis liable to military duty, and has declared his intention of becoming an American citizen; he has never taken out his second papers. 641
464 Same to same (No. 635) July 2 Income tax on Mrs. Honey: Note to Count Bismarck to have Mrs. Honey’s appeal from the income tax imposed on her conveyed to the Prussian minister of finance because of its preparation and signature by Consul-General Mueller, who cannot with propriety address himself to the minister; he was Mrs. Honey’s agent in corresponding with the local authorities, and familiar with the facts; the documents referred to by Mr. Mueller heretofore transmitted to the Department; correspondence with Mr. Mueller and Mr. Coleman’s note to Count Bismarck inclosed. 642
465 Same to same (No. 638) July 5 Death of Emperor Frederick III: Notes to the imperial secretary of state for foreign affairs, transmitting resolution of sympathy for the death of Frederick III inclosed. 644
466 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendle (No. 333). July 7 Marriages of Americans abroad: Correspondence with Mr. Ketcham, M. C, as to the validity of marriages of Americans abroad, inclosed. 645
467 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Coleman (No. 334). July 10 Passport application of C. Stein, who had declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States and applies for a passport; passports can be issued only to citizens, and not to a person who has simply declared his intention to become a citizen. 646
468 Mr. Coleman to Mr. Bayard (No. 639). July 16 Death of Emperor Frederick III: Copy of note from Count Bismarck, expressing the thanks of the reigning Emperor for the resolution of condolence of the House of Representatives, inclosed. 647
469 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton (No. 339). 1888 July 18 Seizure by the German consul at Apia of a pilothouse on land leased by a citizen of the United States: Department agrees with German Government that the building, which was erected out of the municipal funds, should be treated as part of the assets of the late municipality; complaint of this Government related solely to question of title to the land. 648
470 Same to same (No. 341). July 19 Income-tax on Mrs. Honey: The transmission to the Prussian minister of the appeal in the case of S. R. Honey approved. 649
471 Mr. Coleman to Mr. Bayard (No. 645). July 23 Marriages of Americans abroad: Correspondence of Mr. Bayard with Mr. Ketcham on marriages of Americans abroad received; the principle of conformity to the law of the place of celebration, laid down in Mr. Bayard’s note, that adopted in Germany; no marriage valid by German law which is not concluded before the “Standesbeamter,” and a fine imposed upon a minister who solemnizes a marriage not so concluded; translations of German statutes governing marriage inclosed. 649
472 Same to same (No. 656) Aug. 13 Income-tax on Mrs. Honey discontinued, and amount collected to be refunded; the question of Mrs. Honey’s liability to a communal tax to be referred to the Prussian minister of interior, and a further communication to be made on the subject; Mr. Honey’s complaint understood to relate solely to the income tax; Mr. Honey notified of the decision; Mr. Hellwig to Mr. Pendleton, August 10, 1888, inclosed. 650
473 Same to same (No. 672) Oct. 1 Samoan affairs: Little said by German newspapers of the disturbances in Samoa; nothing by the especial organ of the Chancellor; chiefly comments on the telegrams and editorial of the London Times; extracts from the Vossische Zeitung and the National Gazette; will report any further information concerning the attitude of the German Government; extracts from the London Times inclosed. 651
471 Same to same (No. 675) Oct. 4 Income tax on Mrs. Honey: The communal tax discontinued; the state tax previously removed. 655
475 Same to same (No. 681) Oct. 11 Military cases: Seven military cases favorably decided since November 8, 1887, and one unfinished at that date; three pending; the decrease in their number a cause of satisfaction; a report of all military cases requiring intervention since the above date inclosed. 656
476 Mr. Rives to Mr. Pendleton (No. 371). Oct. 20 Income tax on Mrs. Honey: Satisfaction of the Department at the discontinuance of the income tax levied on Mrs. Honey, and the return of the amounts collected. 660
477 Mr. Coleman to Mr. Bayard (No. 690). Nov. 9 Passport application of Solomon H. Ulmer for himself, a naturalized citizen of the United States, and his son, born in Germany; no apparent intention on Mr. Ulmer’s part of returning to reside in the United States; correspondence with United States consul at Nuremberg in regard to the case inclosed. 660
478 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Coleman (No. 387). Dec. 4 Passport application of Solomon H. Ulmer: By treaty with Bavaria naturalized citizens returning to their native country to reside permanently renounce their adopted citizenship, and a two years’ residence is prima facie evidence of such renunciation: Mr. Ulmer not entitled to passport for himself and son, on account of thirty years’ residence in Bavaria. 661
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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
479 Prince von Bismarck to Baron von Zedtwitz. 1887. Nov. 18 Samoan affairs: Hostility to German interests shown by successive American consuls; the reason not understood; relations more friendly with Great Britain, who has more cause for jealousy; preponderance of German over American interests in Samoa; no attempt made to secure Germany advantages on this account; equal rights of nations in Samoa; no intention to alter relations of treaty powers; the assistance of the Secretary of State of the United States requested to investigate and redress the acts of American consuls; an account of proceedings in Samoa and letter of Mr. Sherwood to the Samoan secretary of state, covering a letter from Malietoa to the President of the United States, and a note of Mr. Sherwood’s inclosed. 662
480 Baron von Zedtwitz to Mr. Bayard. Nov. 19 Illness of the Crown Prince: Gratitude of the Emperor for the sympathy of the President and people of the United States in the illness of the Crown Prince. 667
481 Baron von Zedtwitz to Mr. Bayard. Dec. 23 Jubilee art exhibition at Munich: Foreign artists and academies invited to take part in the jubilee art exhibition to be held at Munich from June 1 to October 31, 1888. 667
482 Baron von Zedtwitz to Mr. Rives. Dec. 29 Regulations for the prevention of the introduction of infectious diseases at Corean treaty ports provisionally approved by representatives of treaty powers at Seoul; copy of the regulations inclosed. 668
483 Mr. Von Alvensleben to Mr. Bayard. Jan. 24 Tonnage and navigation dues no greater for American vessels in German ports than for German vessels. Proclamation of the suspension of dues previously exacted from German ships in American ports, and restoration of the dues collected since the approval of the act of Congress of June 19, 1886, requested. 669
484 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Von Alvensleben. Jan. 26 Tonnage and navigation dues: A proclamation will be issued by the President suspending the collection of tonnage dues on German vesssels. 670
485 Same to same Jan. 30 Tonnage and navigation dues: Copy of the President’s proclamation suspending the collection of tonnage dues on vessels from German ports in the ports of the United States inclosed. 671
486 Mr. von Alvensleben to Mr. Bayard. Jan. 30 Jubilee Art Exhibition at Munich: An appropriation and free return transportation requested in behalf of the American artists who participated in the Munich Jubilee Art Exhibition. 672
487 Same to same Feb. 25 Tonnage dues collected on the Saale on her arrival from Bremen. Proper instructions asked for the customs officers. Mr. Schwab’s letter to Dr. Glavis, of February 15, and Treasury circular No. 19, of February 1. 1888, printed herewith. 673
488 Mr Bayard to Mr. von Alvensleben. Feb. 28 Tonnage dues collected on the North German Line being investigated. 674
489 Mr. Bayard to Baron von Zedtwitz. Mar. 8 Jubilee Art. Exhibition: The invitation to take part in the International Art Exhibition to be held at Munich laid before Congress. 675
490 Baron von Zedtwitz to Mr. Bayard. Mar. 10 Death of Emperor William: The thanks of the Imperial Government for the sympathy of the Government and people of the United States. 675
491 Mr. Bayard to Baron von Zedtwitz. Mar. 19 Samoan affairs: Suggesting that each Government be at liberty to publish the joint secret protocols in relation to the Samoan question pending further consideration. An early reply requested, as the President is about to make a communication on the subject to Congress. 675
492 Baron von Zedtwitz to Mr. Bayard. Mar. 24 Samoan affairs: The German Government unable to adopt the suggestion that each of the three treaty powers be at liberty to publish the memoranda of the proceedings of the Samoan conference. The protocols not suited for publication in view of the fruitlessness of the conferences. 675
493 Same to same June 2 Seizure by the German consul in Apia of a pilothouse built on land leased by a citizen of the United States: Law governing case discussed and action of German consul sustained; matter, however, has been satisfactorily settled between the lessee and mortgagee; proposes that the [Page XCV] pilot-house be turned over to Samoan Government until the establisment of a new communal administration. Correspondence inclosed. 676
494 Same to same June 4 Devices for the prevention of accidents: Foreign exhibitors invited to take part in the Exhibition of Devices for the Prevention of Accidents, to be held at Berlin during, April, May, and June. 1889. 682
495 Count von Arco-Valley to Mr. Bayard. June 18 Death of Emperor Frederick III: The Emperor expresses his thanks for the resolution of sympathy of the House of Representatives upon the death Frederick III. 682
496 Same to same July 11 Death of Emperor Frederick III: Gratitude of the Emperor for the sympathy of the President and people of the United States upon the death of his father. 683
497 Mr. Bayard to Count von Arco Valley. Aug. 17 Marriages between Chinese and foreigners in China: Memorandum on the validity of marriages in China between foreigners’ and Chinese subjects inclosed. 683

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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
498 Mr. Phelps to Mr. Bayard (No. 625). 1887. Nov. 19 Tonnage and navigation dues v Copy of reply of Lord Salisbury to note written in conformity to Department’s circular of July 9, 1887, inclosed. 684
499 Same to same (No. 628). Nov. 26 Lekin on kerosene oil no longer collected privately at Hong-Kong; a communication from the foreign office in regard thereto inclosed. 685
500 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Phelps (No. 739). Dec. 2 Sugar bounties conference: No objection to the attendance in a friendly way of an American representative at the sugar conference. Mr. White to be designated. 685
501 Mr. Phelps to Mr. Bayard (No. 643). Dec. 17, 1888. Sugar conference attended by Mr. White, but no part taken in its discussions; adjournment of conference for the submission by the delegates to their respective Governments of conclusions reached. Mr. White’s report to be sent soon. Note of December 9, 1887, from the foreign office and reply inclosed. 686
502 Same to same (No. 651) Jan. 4 Mails: Note from Lord Salisbury in regard to the transmission of mails between Europe and the United States inclosed. 688
503 Same to same (No. 652). Jan. 7 Sugar bounties conference: Mr. White’s report inclosed. 688
504 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Phelps (telegram). Jan. 31 Fish, permission refused two American vessels at Halifax to sell: Requests that the British Government, pending a settlement of the fishery question, prevent the violation of international law by the collector of the port of Halifax, who has forbidden two American vessels, in that port for repairs, to sell their cargoes of fresh fish, which must otherwise be thrown overboard. 695
505 Same to same (telegram.) Feb. 2 Fish, permission refused two American ves els at Halifax to sell: Satisfaction of the Department to be expressed that the collector of the port of Halifax has been instructed to allow the fish to be landed and sold on payment of duty. 696
506 Same to same (No. 780) Feb. 3 Fish, permission refused two American vessels at Halifax to sell: Correspondence inclosed. 696
507 Mr. Phelps to Mr. Bayard (No. 673). Feb. 4 Fish, permission refused two American vessels at Halifax, to sell: Correspondence with Lord Salisbury in reference to the refusal of the Canadian authorities to allow them to land their cargoes of fresh fish inclosed. 697
508 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Phelps (No. 791). Feb. 17 Boundary dispute between Great Britain and Venezuela: Notes from the Venezuelan minister stating that the legislature of Demarara has recently asserted a claim of British jurisdiction over the gold-mining district of Caratal, and that the governor of British Guiana has, in a decree, denied the validity of the grant by the Venezuelan Government for the construction of a railroad from Ciudad Bolivar to Guacipate, in that district, on the ground that it passes through British territory. No foundation apparent for [Page XCVI] the minister’s note other than the article in the Financier of January 24. Friendly interest taken by the United” States in the boundary question between the two Governments on the supposition that it was a fact of history and capable of arbitration. The claim now stated a cause for disquietude and the supposition that it is indefinite and not in accordance with historic evidence. No previous assertion of British authority over Caratal, and no appearance that the proposed railroad crosses British territory; the British boundary indefinite; the line of 1887 to the west of that of 1877. Guacipate west of both. The comparison to be made with the colonial office list for 1888; the gratification a settlement of this question will give the United States Government to be made known to Lord Salisbury. Reference to be made to the article in the Financier and apprehension expressed that a widening claim on the part of Great Britain may defeat a settlement; grave concern if there be no fixed limit to the British claim. The Venezuelan minister’s note and map printed by the Venezuelan Government inclosed. 698
509 Same to same (No. 798). Feb. 21 Boundary dispute between Great Britain and Venezuela: Copy of note to Mr. Olavarria on the subject and translation of his reply inclosed. 702
510 Same to same (No. 809) Mar. 1 Samoan affairs: Gurr vs. Marquardt; Department’s views as to contest of jurisdiction between the German consul and the municipal government in the case of Gurr vs. Marquardt made unnecessary by information that the municipal government has been declared in abeyance, and propositions made by Germany for division of property the matter to be brought to the notice of the British Government and inquiries made whether notice of Germany’s withdrawal has been received and whether instructions in the matter have been sent to the British consul at Apia; dispatches Nos. 83 and 84 from Mr. Sewall and the Department’s No. 42 to him inclosed. 704
511 Same to same (No. 830) Mar. 22 Sugar bounties conference: The arrival of a translation of the procés-verbaux awaited; note received from British minister urging the importance of the presence of an American delegate; the inability of the United States to take part, and the permission to Mr. White to attend the conference under the reserve communicated to the minister; if favorable answer is received a telegram will be sent enabling Mr. White to be instructed as to his powers; this Government unable to give the methods of sugar testing and of taxing sugar. 706
512 Same to same (telegram) Mar. 27 Sugar bounties conference: Bounties opposed by the United States Government and no subsidies paid; revision of tariff pending and adjustment of rebates recommended by the Treasury; excise can not be established on domestic sugar, nor import duties abolished by treaty, nor the proposed convention signed; the right to conform to international arrangements by independent legislation reserved; British minister asked whether with this understanding the attendance of the American delegate is desired: instructions mailed 22d instant. 707
513 Mr. Phelps to Mr. Bayard (No. 709). Mar. 31 Samoan affairs: Lord Salisbury’s note communicating the views of the British Government in regard to, inclosed. 708
514 Mr. White to Mr. Bayard (No. 722). Apr. 14 Sugar bounties conference: Two sittings of the conference; Article I of the draft of convention adopted with proposed changes; a committee appointed to report upon the method of procedure with regard to the remaining articles; translation of statement made to the conference by Mr. White, and copy of a telegram in the Times from Lille, stating that the French delegates are only authorized to sign the convention if all sugar-producing countries do, inclosed. 708
515 Mr. White to Mr. Bayard (No. 726). Apr. 21 Sugar bounties conference: Interest in the probable action of the United States; two sittings during the week; Brazil and Sweden not represented; Brazil will adhere; the sugar production of Sweden unimportant; the Belgian proposals not yet discussed, but the powers opposed to it; the Austro-Hungarian memorandum states that the convention will be without effect unless the United States signs; the opinion of Germany and France the same; a convention abolishing sugar bounties, unless the United States is a party, improbable unless the penal clause proposed by Spain is feasible. 710
516 Same to same (No. 729) Apr. 25 Sugar bounties conference: Bequests the opinion of the proper officers of the Treasury upon the correctness of the calculation of the indirect bounty paid exporters of sugar by the United States Government, contained in the memorandum received from the British director of customs at Dublin; copy of the memorandum inclosed. 711
517 Mr. Bayard to Mr. White (No. 862). Apr. 30 Christmas, Fanning, and Penrhyn Islands taken possession of in the name of Great Britain; the correspondence of 1879 in regard to the possessory right to Christmas Island to be recalled to the British minister; other questions to be reserved; the above correspondence inclosed. 712
518 Mr. White to Mr. Bayard (No. 742, bis.). May 4 Samoan affairs: Copy of question asked in the House of Commons in regard to Samoan affairs, and Sir J. Furgusson’s answer inclosed. 714
519 Same to same (No. 747) May 5 Sugar bounties conference: Question asked and Mr. White’s answer in regard to the exportation of sugar from Louisiana and Sandwich Islands; committee appointed to consider Article II; the French representative states that the adhesion of the United States is absolutely necessary; the Spanish penal clause thought necessary by the delegates, if the United States is not a party; speech of Mr. Wilson in the United States Senate proposing sugar bounty commented on; M. Catusse’s question and answer of Mr. White inclosed. 715
520 Same to same (No. 749). May 11 Samoan affairs: Copy of article from the Times on questions asked in the House of Commons in regard to Samoan affairs, and Sir J. Fergusson’s answers inclosed. 716
521 Same to same (No. (752) May 14 Sugar bounties conference. The protocol de cloture signed by Germany; Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, France, Great Britain, Italy, Holland, and Russia; the protocal and annexed projet de convention inclosed. 717
522 Same to same (No. 754) May 18 Sugar bounties conference: Proceedings at the sittings from the 12th to the 22d inclusive; discussion in regard to the position of the United States; the creation of an international commission to see that the provisions of the convention are carried out; the Belgian, Spanish, and Dutch proposals rejected; American sugar excluded from England by the convention, unless the small indirect bounty is removed; opposition by the Liberals in England to the convention; laboring men favor it; doubtful whether the convention, as it is at present, will be signed; extract from the London Times giving the debates in the French Chamber inclosed. 721
523 Mr. Bayard to Mr. White (No. 877). May 23 Samoan affairs: Dispatch from United States consul at Apia relative to the aggressive conduct of Germans in the matter of lands owned by Americans inclosed. 725
524 Mr. White to Mr. Bayard (No. 757). May 23 Sugar bounties conference: Copy of letter from Mr. Neville Lubback, chairman West India committee, inclosed. 726
525 Same to same (No. 764). May 29 Christmas Island: Correspondence with Lord Salisbury in regard to the right of Great Britain to Christmas Island inclosed. 727
526 Same to same (No. 766) June 6 Samoan affairs: Extracts from the Times giving the speeches of Mr. McArthur, Sir James Fergusson and Mr. Bryce in the House of Commons on Germany’s action in Samoan inclosed. 728
527 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Phelps (No. 895). June 18 Sugar bounties conference: Mr. White’s report sent to the Secretary of the Treasury, with request for his opinion as to the advisability of the adhesion of the United States to the projet of a convention; the conclusion adverse to adhesion; the position Of the Department confirmed by this advice, and participation in the projected international agreement precluded; the inability of the United States to sign the projet to be communicated. 732
528 Mr. White to Mr. Bayard (No. 785). June 20 Sugar bounties conference: The opinion of the delegates to the conference that the United States pay an indirect bounty; petition from the “Working-Men’s National Association for the abolition of foreign sugar bounties,” that the United States sign the convention; memoranda from Mr. Walpole and Mr. Bateman upon the American duties on sugar inclosed. 733
529 Mr. Phelps to Mr. Bayard (No. 790). June 26 Sugar bounties conference: Extract from the Times, giving two questions asked and answered in the House of Commons in regard to the position of the United States inclosed. 737
530 Same to same (No. 795). July 7 Sugar bounties conference: Copies of note to Lord Salisbury on the subject of sugar bounties, and his lordship’s answer inclosed. 737
531 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Phelps (No. 927). July 20 Samoan affairs: Translation of treaty between the German consul at Apia and the adviser of the Tamasese government inclosed. 738
532 Same to same (No. 936) July 30 Maritime conference: Act providing for an international marine conference for securing greater safety for life and property at sea, and requesting the President to invite the other maritime powers to take part, passed by Congress; the special points enumerated; invitation extended in 1862 by Great Britain to other powers to adopt its regulations on the subject; thirty-four approved them; a revision made by Great Britain in 1877 approved by sixteen powers and put in operation in 1880; insufficiency of present regulations, especially in the matter of signaling in fogs and with flags; no international agreement with respect to protection from shipwreck; the destruction of dangerous derelicts important, as also warnings of storms, recently discovered dangers to navigation, etc., and uniform system of loading; action of Great Britain in regard to the latter subject; necessity of the adhesion of Great Britain to the conference; a cordial invitation to be extended to her; no question relating to trade and commerce to be discussed; no states to have more than one vote; this dispatch to be read to Lord Salisbury, and copy left with him if desired; the interest of the President in the purposes of the proposed conference to be made known. 740
533 Same to same (No. 937) July 30 Maritime conference: Invitations to maritime powers to meet in conference at Washington, April 17, 1889, for the purpose of securing safety for life and property at sea; reference to the load-line question admitted; hope that this question will be brought before the conference by the British representatives; the invitation to Great Britain more specific than those to the other powers. 742
534 Same to same (No. 942). Aug. 2 Samoan affairs: Note from the British charge soliciting the Department’s views on the German treaty with Samoa; the treaty provides that Germans in the municipality shall be subject to certain of the former regulations, changed into Samoan laws by the Samoan proclamation of January 18, and shall pay the taxes, etc., therein specified; Germans outside the municipality to pay the same tax as Samoans, not exceeding $5; that the regulations are to be enforced by Samoan judges, but appeal is to be had to the German consul at Apia, and the consular jurisdiction not be restricted; the British Government disposed to make a similar agreement; the clause in the British charge’s note, that British subjects are to be [Page XCIX] under the exclusive jurisdiction of the British consul, not understood; seems to refer to the enforcement of the regulations; inquiry to be made whether the British Government proposes to consider the question to whom the taxes, etc., are to be paid, and for what expended; the Department agrees that it is advisable to put the regulations in force, but will not yield its exclusive consular jurisdiction; before changing the regulations it is desired to know the opinion of the British Government as to the advisability of obtaining a guaranty in respect to the disposition of the revenues; Germany seems to think it unnecessary to exact guaranties which may be necessary for Great Britain and the United States. 743
535 Mr. Phelps to Mr. Bayard (No. 823). Sept. 11 Letter from the foreign office, announcing that Messrs. Taylor and Armistead, graduates of the United States Naval Academy, have obtained first and fifth places, respectively, at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich, inclosed. 744
536 Same to same (No. 827) Sept. 14 Sugar bounties conference: Transmits Mr. White’s report upon the third session of the conference; the conference closed with the signature of a convention for the abolition of sugar bounties; the chief differences between the draught and convention as signed; letters on the subject from Mr. Webster, Sir Thomas Farrar, and Mr. Lubbock inclosed. 745
537 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Phelps (telegram). Oct, 1 Samoan affairs: Tamasese reported overthrown by Mataafa, and the latter chosen King; to be ascertained whether the news has reached the foreign office; presumption that the choice of the Samoans will be respected by the treaty powers, in accordance with understanding; such the intention of the United States; similar instructions sent to Berlin. 752
538 Mr. Rives to Mr. Phelps (No. 973). Oct, 9 Samoan affairs: Assurances received from the German Government that it will not interfere between native factions; spirit and resolution manifested by Samoans; dispatches of September 11 and 14, from United States consul at Apia inclosed. 752
539 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Phelps (No. 999). Nov. 23 Protectorate of Great Britain over the Mosquito Reservation: Note from the British minister in Central America to the minister of foreign affairs of Nicaragua, complaining that a post-office had been established at Blue Fields, and that forts, etc., had been, or are to be, established in the reservation by the Nicaraguan Government; that such acts were an intervention in the domestic affairs of the reservation, and contrary to treaty; also referring to the boundary line. The last subject at present passed over; the other questions the subject of long correspondence between this Government and Great Britain, and of great importance; history of acts and declarations in regard to the Mosquito Reservation of the several powers concerned; the contention of the United States that all that territory belonged to Spain and passed to her revolted colonies; claim of Great Britain that they are an independent nation and her ally; treaty of 1860, by which Great Britain acknowledged the sovereignty of Nicaragua over the Mosquitos; the interpretation of that treaty by the Emperor of Austria; the Department is of opinion that the establishment of post-offices, forts, etc. are acts pertaining to the sovereignty of Nicaragua; the sovereignty of Nicaragua should exist in fact as well as in name, else there would be imperium in imperio; the right of Great Britain’s intervention in the affairs of the Mosquito Indians and Nicaragua not admissible, and regarded as the assertion of a British protectorate in another form; this instruction to be read to Lord Salisbury. 759
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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
540 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. 1887. Sept. 14 Passage of Lieutenant Schwatka, U. S. Army, through British terriritory on his reconnaissance in Alaska: No importance attached by the British Government, which would have probably given permission; a memorandum, calling: attention to the fact, inclosed. 768
541 Same to same Sept. 21 Seizure of the property of S. H. Davis & Co.: Approved minute of the privy council of Canada embodying a report of the minister of marine and fisheries, dealing with the statement of Messrs. S.H. Davis & Co., relative to the seizure of their property by Dominion officials, inclosed. 769
542 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. Nov. 17 Discrimination against United States vessels in Canada: Collection of 3 cents per ton dues on vessels coming from the ports of Ontario suspended by the President January 31, 1885, on information that no dues were imposed on United States vessels in those ports; the United States consul at Kingston reports American vessels, less than 50 tons, taxed 50 cents for entrance, and the same for clearance, and vessels over 50 tons twice that amount, while Canadian vessels with coasting certificates, which cost nothing, are admitted free; this is a discrimination requiring a modification of the proclamation of January 31, 1885; desired to bring the matter to the attention of the Dominion authorities, that the duty may be removed before this step, is taken; report of the United States consul at Kingston on the subject inclosed. 770
543 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. Nov. 29 Sugar bounties conference: Requests to know whether any member of the United States legation can attend the sugar conference; France and Italy to be represented by their charges; the conference to sit for some time. 771
544 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. Dec. 2 Sugar bounties conference: No objection to authorizing a person to attend the sittings in a friendly way, without committing the United States to participation; Mr. White to be designated. 772
545 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. Dec. 6 The Golden Hind: Regret that the United States Government should have so long remained unanswered in regard to the matter of the Golden Hind; copy of a report of the privy council of Canada and a letter to the deputy minister of fisheries from the master of the F. E. Conrad relative to the accusation that he had forbidden the Golden Hind to enter the Baie des Chaleur to renew her supplies inclosed. 772
546 Same to same Dec. 19 Immigration of Anthony Gallagher’s family: Permission for immigration of family of Anthony Gallagher into the United States requested. Letter from the Darlington Poor Law Union inclosed 773
547 Same to same (memorandum). Dec. 23 The independence of the Sandwich Islands guarantied by France and Great Britain in 1843: A similar declaration by other powers suggested and Germany to be’ asked to guaranty their neutrality and accessibility to ships of all nations. 774
548 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. 1888. Jan. 7 Immigration of A. Gallagher’s family: The right of an emigrant to land depends upon facts presented to the collector of customs at the time of landing and can not be decided beforehand. 774
549 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. Jan. 14 Sugar bounties conference: Hope of the British Government that the United States will be represented at the next meeting of the sugar conference and will become a party to the convention for the abolition of sugar bounties: copies of the procès-verbaux of the sugar conference held in London in 1887 inclosed. 775
550 Same to same Feb. 2 Discrimination against United States vessels in Canada: Copy of minutes of the privy council of Canada embodying the report of the minister of customs upon the subject of fees charged on United States vessels in the ports of Ontario inclosed. 775
551 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. Feb. 5 Refusal of authorities at Halifax to permit the sale of fresh fish by two American vessels in distress: Permission granted American vessels in distress at Halifax to land part of their perishable cargo for bona fide repairs, without prejudice to the question of right. 779
552 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. Feb. 7 Refusal by authorities at Halifax of permission to two American vessels in distress to sell their cargo of fresh fish: The British minister’s note stating that permission had been given them to land part of the perishable cargo and make bona fide repairs, without prejudice to the question of right, received. 780
553 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. Feb. 8 Samoan affairs: The United States Government reported to agree with the German that the case of Gurr vs. Marquardt is subject to German consular jurisdiction, and not within that of the municipal magistrate of Apia; the opinion of Great Britain different; requests to know whether the views of the United States remain the same after perusal of the correspondence in the case, which is inclosed. 780
554 Same to same Feb. 14 Sailing of American-owned ships under the British flag: Requests information whether the United States can not prevent vessels sold to its citizens from sailing under the British flag; statement of facts in connection with the subject inclosed. 786
555 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. Feb. 14 The North Erin: The misconduct of the captain of the North Erin while inside Cape Henry, Virginia, and within United States jurisdiction, when a deputy United States marshal attempted to serve process upon him, called to the attention of the British Government for its proper action in the case; a letter from the Attorney-General of the United States transmitting copy of a letter from the United States attorney at Norfolk, Va., inclosed. 787
556 Same to same Feb. 15 Hawaiian treaty with the United States: Pleasure that it is perceived that the political sovereignty of Hawaii is not impaired by the Pearl Harbor concession. Important reciprocities contained in the Hawaiian treaties with the United States and the granting of any part of Hawaiian territory to another nation without consent of the United States inhibited; unnecessary for the United States to join in guarantying the neutrality of Hawaii or providing for the equal accessibility of all nations to existing ports. 788
557 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. Mar. 6 Sugar bounties conference: Article VIII of the draught of convention annexed to the protocol of December 19, 1887, in reference to sugar bounties not understood. No intention of excluding the colonies mentioned in the article from participation in the conference; such colonies self-governing and always omitted in commercial treaties; expectation that all the British possessions named in the article will become parties to the agreement. Copy of Article VIII inclosed. 789
558 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. Mar. 6 Sailing of American-owned ships under British flag: No law of the United States to prevent Americans from sailing British-built ships under the British flag. 789
559 Same to same Mar. 19 Samoan affairs: Suggests that each Government be at liberty to publish the secret protocols of the Samoan conference; an early reply requested. 790
560 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. Mar. 19 Lights in the Red Sea: The advice of the United States requested as to whether the proposals of the Turkish Government in regard to maintaining lights in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf should be accepted, and if not, information as to what lights their trade requires and what dues they will pay; the concession of the Porte for the maintenance of thirty lights inclosed. 790
561 Same to same Mar. 19 Sugar bounties conference: The attendance of an American delegate at the sugar conference important; success of the conference impossible unless the United States be represented. 792
562 Same to same Mar. 20 Sugar bounties conference: Documents referred to in the protocol of December 19, 1887, requested to be communicated to the British Government. 792
563 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. Mar. 21 Sugar bounties conference: Note stating the importance attached to the presence of a representative of the United States received, the objects of the conference; legislation pending in Congress in regard to the tax on sugar and the United States not ready to become a party to the conference; subsequent adhesion of states provided for by Article VII of the draught; Mr. White will be authorized to attend if he can do so without power to sign a convention or commit the United States to the results of the conference. 793
564 Same to same Mar. 21 Sugar bounties conference: The United States Government unprepared to give the sugar tests, etc., referred to in the protocol of December 19, 1887. 794
565 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. Mar. 22 Samoan affairs: The British Government of opinion that pending the re-establishment of the Samoan Conference its proceedings should be considered confidential. 794
566 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackvillle West. Mar. 24 Discrimination against United States vessels in Canada: The main argument of the Department’s note in relation to fees exacted in the ports of Ontario misunderstood; no intention to state that entrance and clearance fees on American vessels in Welland canal are equivalent to the tonnage duty of 3–15 cents which was suspended by the President’s proclamation of January 31, 1885, on vessels coming to the United States from Ontario; the fees charged on American vessels discriminatory; the minister of customs replies that the fees charged on Canadian vessels in United States lake ports are equivalent to the Canadian fees, but fails to show discrimination; discrimination in Canada apparently admitted by the minister of customs; no claim made that American vessels be admitted to the Canadian coasting trades, but that Canadian vessels, licensed for the coasting trade, are given advantages over American vessels in the rates between the two countries; this allegation not answered by proposing mutuality of coasting trades; the remedy in the Dominion act imposing the fees and empowering the governor of Canada to reduce or re adjust them. 794
567 Same to same Mar. 27 Aid to wrecked vessels: The President ready to issue the proclamation contemplated by the act of Congress of June 19, 1878, for reciprocal aid to vessels wrecked in waters between the United States and Canada as soon as notified of the British Government’s readiness to accent the arrangement. 796
568 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. Apr. 3 Sugar bounties conference: Pleasure that Mr. White should attend the sugar conference, and hopes that the United States will join the convention. 796
569 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. Apr. 11 Lights in the Red Sea: The United States Government not in favor of accepting the proposals of the Porte in regard to establishing lights in the Red Sea; report of the chairman of the United States Light-House Board inclosed. 796
570 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. Apr. 12 Canadian tariff: Copy of a minute of the privy council of Canada, authorizing the addition of fruits, plants, etc., to the free list, inclosed. 798
571 Same to same Apr. 17 Pearl River Harbor: England’s right by the treaty of 1851, with Hawaii, to anchor and refit her war ships in all Hawaiian harbors and rivers; no special advantages sought under this treaty; Hawaii and the United States reminded of this right in consequence of the treaty of 1881, concluded between these two countries. 799
572 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. Apr. 19 Pearl River Harbor: The British minister’s note verbale in relation to the stipulations of the convention of December 6, 1884, between the United States and Hawaii concerning Pearl River harbor received; the British minister referred to the Secretary of State’s personal note of February 15, 1888, on the subject. 799
573 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. Apr. 20 Canadian tariff: Copy of a minute of the privy council of Canada recommending that, on account of errors in the proclamation of April 4, it he canceled and another issued, specifying the articles to he admitted free of duty after April 4, 1888, and a copy of the Canada Gazette containing the proclamation inclosed. 800
574 Same to same Apr. 25 Seizure of United States fishing vessels: Copy of dispatch from the Governor-General of Canada, the British secretary of state, for the colonies, with a copy of the minute of the privy council on the seizure of the United States fishing vessels Daniel J. Adams and Ella M. Doughty, inclosed. 802
575 Same to same May 2 Bait not refused to United States vessels by New foundland government, and a license for its purchase not necessary for such vessels. 803
576 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. May 4 Bait, sale of, to American vessels in Canada. The British minister’s note stating that the Newfoundland government has not forbidden the sale of bait to American vessels received; expression of satisfaction renewed. 803
577 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. May 7 North Erin, Case of the: Copies of explanatory letters furnished by the owners of the British steamer North Erin, in reference to the complaint of United States authorities against her master, inclosed. 804
578 Same to same May 21 Immigration of a body of Indians under the lead of William Duncan, from Metlakahtla, British Columbia, into Alaska; such immigration, not supposed to be contrary to the laws of the United States. 808
579 Same to same May 30 Fishing vessels of the United States in Canadian waters: Form of license to be issued by the Dominion government to United States fishing vessels under the modus Vivendi inclosed. 808
580 Mr. Edwardes to Mr. Bayard. June 7 Illegal sale of bait by United States vessels: Information received that American fishing vessels, in violation of the Newfoundland bait act, have purchased bait and sold it to French fishermen at St. Pierre, at the instigation of the United States consul at that place. 808
581 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Edwardes. June 8 Illegal sale of bait alleged by American vessels to French fishermen, without a license at St. Pierre, at the instigation of the United States consul; the United States consular agent informed of the charge against him and enjoined to abstain from such action. 809
582 Same to same June 8 Immigration of Indians from British Columbia not in violation of the United States laws; letter from the Secretary of the Treasury in regard to the matter inclosed. 809
583 Same to same June 8 Illegal sale of bait by United States fishing vessels to French fishermen: The charge of instigating such action denied by the consular officer at St. Pierre. 810
584 Mr. Edwardes to Mr. Bayard. June 9 Illegal sale of bait by United States vessels: Acknowledges Department’s note giving information of instruction sent to United States consular agent at St. Pierre in the matter of the purchase of bait by United States vessels in the waters of Newfoundland without license and sale of it to French fishermen. 810
585 Same to same June 9 Illegal sale of bait by United States vessels: Department’s note received stating that the United States consular officer at St. Pierre denies instigating violation of bait laws by United States vessels. 810
586 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Edwardes. June 22 The Bridgewater seized and detained 81 days by the authorities of Shelburne Nova Scotia: review of facts in the case; claim presented for $20,000; no redress in Canadian courts; compensation asked from the British Government; the law of the case not stated, as it is admitted that there was no warrant for the arrest. 811
587 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Edwardes. July 2 Lights in the Red Sea: Inexpedient to assent to the Porte’s proposal for establishing lights in the Red Sea; only four necessary; the dues exessive; no provision made for the publication of accounts of light dues or their reduction; but the United States may assent to an arrangement for establishing these four. 812
588 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. July 21 Discrimination against American vessels in Welland Canal: Reciprocal equality of treatment in the lake canals of the vessels of both countries contemplated by treaty of Washington; such equality exists in the United States. 813
589 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. July 31 Discrimination against American vessels passing through Welland Canal brought to the attention of the Dominion government. 814
500 Mr. Herbert to Mr. Bayard. Aug. 1 Illegal sale of bait by United States vessels: Mr. Justice Prowse’s report on alleged breaches of the New Foundland bait act by American fishermen, inclosed. 814
591 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. Aug. 4 Discrimination against the products of countries east of the Cape of Good Hope imported into Canada through the United States: Asks that the attention of the Canadian Government be given the matter; a memorial from American merchants on the subject, inclosed. 823
592 Sir L. S. Sackville West to Mr. Bayard. Aug. 9 Discrimination against merchandise from the east of the Cape of Good Hope imported into Canada by way of the United States, brought to the notice of the Dominion Government. 824
593 Same to same Aug. 13 Aid to wrecked vessels: Extract from a committee of the privy council upon the subject of rendering aid to vessels wrecked in waters between the United States and Canada, inclosed. 824
594 Same to same Aug. 13 Discrimination against United States vessels in Welland Canal: Copy of an approved minute of the privy council of Canada relative to the tolls levied by the Dominion authorities on vessels passing through Welland Canal, inclosed. 824
595 Same to same Aug. 25 Illegal recruitment of laborers in the New Hebrides: The British Government calls the Department’s attention to the matter of the illegal recruitment of native laborers in the New Hebrides on board the Mary Anderson, owned by an American, Eugene Wilbur, and flying the British flag; Mr. Wilbur confesses that he recruited laborers on board a vessel owned by him and flying the British flag without authority; the vessel liable to forfeiture in this case; if the transfer was not complete and Mr. Wilbur in command, the offense one under the Pacific Islanders’ protection act of 1872 and 1875; no proceedings taken against Mr. Wilbur, as he is an American and not within British dominions; sailing a British-built ship under a United States flag against American law; action requested to prevent such irregularities; the question of Americans flying their flag over British-built vessels believed to be of interest to the United States. 825
596 Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West. Sept. 3 Illegal recruitment of laborers in the New Hebrides: Attention will be given the acts of Eugene Wilbur, said to be an American, commanding the Mary Anderson, frying the British flag at the time of such acts, and now that of the United States. 826
597 Lord Sackville to Mr. Bayard. Oct. 10 Illegal recruiting of laborers in the New Hebrides: Extract from a dispatch from the high commissioner in the Western Pacific in reference to illegal recruiting of laborers on board the Mary Anderson in the New Hebrides, by request of Lord Salisbury, inclosed. 826
598 Mr. Herbert to Mr. Bayard. Nov. 11 Aid to wrecked vessels: Standing proposition of the Canadian Government for reciprocal aid to vessels in distress in the inland coasting trade. 827
599 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Herbert. Nov. 11 Aid to wrecked vessels: Acknowledges the communication of the offer of the Canadian Government to make reciprocal arrangements for aid to vessels in the inland waters between the United States and Canada; it has been the subject of previous correspondence; surprise at the declaration that no partial arrangement of reciprocity will be permitted, in view of the act of Congress of the United States of June 19, 1878, providing for a reciprocal arrangement in all waters contiguous to the two countries; full participation in the coasting trade and towing business apparently a condition of Canada’s participation in the arrangement; if this is not so, propositions in the line of the act of June 19, 1878, will be gladly received. 827

correspondence with the legation of guatemala at washington.

No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
600 Mr. Lainfiesta to Mr. Bayard. 1887. Oct. 25 Protection to Guatemalan citizens by representatives of the United States: Asks that the consuls and ministers of the United States will extend to the citizens of Guatemala the same good offices they do to the citizens of Switzerland, and states that Guatemalan consuls, etc., will be instructed to do the same for Americans. 829
601 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Montufar. Dec. 24 Protection to Guatemalan citizens by representatives of the United States: The United States will extend to Guatemalan citizens the same protection which is extended to Swiss citizens if desired; for Mr. Montufar’s information as to the extent of this protection, Mr. Bayard’s note to Major Kloss. of June 1, 1887, is inclosed. 830
602 Mr. Montufar to Mr. Bayard. Dec. 27 Protection to Guatemalan citizens by representatives of the United States: Has received Mr. Bayard’s communications stating how far United States diplomatic and consular officers extend protection to Swiss citizens, and offering to extend the same to those of Guatemala; friendship of Guatemala for the United States; suggests that a treaty of friendship and commerce may be arranged between the two countries, and that the matter be considered until he has had time to inform his Government of the offer of the United States. 830


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
603 Mr. Merrill to Mr. Bayard (No. 138). 1887. Aug. 26 Financial: $1,500,000 of the $2,000,000 loan authorized has been borrowed; $1,264,699.26 netted to the Government; the Hawaiian Government considers the charges of the London syndicate too great, that 5 per cent, commission and 2 per cent, discount is sufficient; no more money to be borrowed in London; cable communication with North America; $20,000 appropriated for that purpose last session. 632
604 Same to same (No. 141) Sept. 19 Political: Election of the Legislature; native Hawaiians support the reform party; the race question not prominent; an extra session probable: business not affected. 833
605 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Merrill (No. 61). Sept. 30 Oath required of foreign residents in Hawaii; the oath required of all nationalities and requisite for the enjoyment of political privileges; does not deprive Americans of their United States citizenship. 833
606 Mr. Merrill to Mr. Bayard (No. 148). Oct. 15 Immigration: 13,517 immigrant laborers in Hawaii; 23 plantations prefer Japanese; 36 Portuguese and Chinese. 834
607 Same to same (No. 149) Oct. 22 Supplementary convention with the United States ratified; note from the British minister protesting against its ratification as dangerous to Hawaiian independence. 834
608 Mr. Merrill to Mr. Bayard (No. 153). 1888. Nov. 8 Political: Opening of the Legislature; speech of the King upon the renewal of the treaty of reciprocity with the United States; the speech of the King and reply of the Legislature, inclosed. 835
609 Same to same (No. 158) Dec. 15 Veto power of the King: Resolution adopted by the Legislature that the veto of the King, not countersigned by a member of the cabinet, is unconstitutional; the opinion of the supreme court asked by the King; the decision of the justices will be supported; the resolution on the veto inclosed. 837
610 Same to same (No. 159) Dec. 16 Supplementary convention with the United States approved by the Legislature; questions asked the ministry as to the statement made by the King in his speech, that article 2 of the convention is conterminous with the treaty of reciprocity, and their answers inclosed. 844
611 Same to same (No. 160) Dec. 17 Submarine telegraph cables: Popular desire to connect the Hawaiian Islands with North America by cables; the advantages of such connections; the original resolution in favor of Mr. Coote, the later one, which is in favor of no particular person, inclosed. 847
612 Same to same (No. 161) 1888. Jan. 7 Veto power of the King: The supreme court divided in their opinion; the King vetoes more bills; Mr. Dole, who is opposed to the King’s power of veto, it is expected, will be made the fifth justice; adjournment of the legislature expected; the message of the King accompanying the vetoed bills, inclosed. 849
613 Same to same (No. 168) Feb. 10 Veto power of the King: The independent veto power of the King sustained by the supreme court; the decision quietly received by the country; no extra session expected; the decision of the supreme court inclosed. 852
614 Same to same (No. 169) Feb. 13 Pearl River Harbor: Protest of the British minister against the concession based on the treaty between Great Britain and Hawaii, which mutually gives the right to enter all harbors, etc., which the ships of war of other nations are allowed to enter. 860
615 Same to same (No. 173) Feb. 24 Pearl River Harbor: Correspondence between the British commissioner and the Hawaiian minister of foreign affairs, relative to the concession of Pearl River Harbor to the United States, inclosed. 861
616 Same to same (No. 174) Feb. 24 Immigration of Chinese: General feeling against Chinese immigration; anti-Asiatic union organized to restrict Chinese and Japanese immigration and effect the expulsion of those in the islands who do not renew their contracts to work, and to prevent licenses being granted them for trade; the published regulations inclosed. 864
617 Same to same (No. 179) Apr. 4 Christmas, Fanning, and Penrhyn Islands taken possession of by Great Britain; the British commissioner says the trade of these islands is insignificant, but they are valuable as coaling and telegraph stations. 865
618 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Merrill (No. 79), Apr. 20 Pearl River Harbor: Memorandum of interview with the British minister in regard to the treaty of 1844 between Great Britain and France, by which they mutually agree to promote the neutrality of “Hawaii, and the advisability of the United States joining in the guaranty, with other correspondence with the British minister in regard to the subject, inclosed. 865
619 Same to same (No. 80) May 2 Christmas Island: The dispatch announcing the taking possession of Christmas and other Pacific islands by the commander of H. B. M.’s ship Caroline received; copy of correspondence with the British minister in regard to these islands in 1879 inclosed; further information requested. 866
620 Mr. Merrill to Mr. Bayard (No. 196). July 24 Inter-island submarine telegraph cable authorized by act of the Hawaiian Government, $25,000 appropriated; Mr. Bartholomew, the contractor, in the United States arranging for its construction; favorable prospect for its completion; the act inclosed. 866
621 Mr. Merrill to Mr. Bayard (No. 197). 1887. July 24 Exclusion of Chinese: Copy of an act limiting the time within which permits for Chinese to enter the Hawaiian Islands may be used inclosed. 863
622 Same to same (No. 201) Aug. 25 Exclusion of Chinese: The proposed amendment to the Hawaiian constitution, giving the legislature power to restrict the employment and immigration of Chinese, will probably be supported by a majority of the present legislature; the question to be decided two years hence by the new legislature; the bill requiring laborers to procure a license reported adversely; the report of the special committee on the Chinese question and the proposed amendment inclosed. 868
623 Same to same (No. 204) Sept. 11 Exclusion of Chinese: Amendment to the Hawaiian Chinese immigration act of 1887 inclosed. 871
624 Same to same (No. 211) Sept. 29 Cable to British America: Protest of the British Government against granting the exclusive right to lay such a cable; reply of the Hawaiian Government that such a grant is within its right as a state; improbability of Mr. Coote fulfilling the requirements of the contract; a cable to the united States favored; enterprises of English capitalists in the Sandwich Islands; British influence will be increased by a steam-ship line and cable to British America; the beneficial effect of direct communication with the United States. 873
625 Same to same (No. 213) Oct. 6 Cook’s Islands or Harvey Archipelago: Cruise of H. B. M.’s ship Caroline to take possession of or establish a protectorate over these islands at the request, as is claimed, of the authorities of Raratonga. 875


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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
626 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No. 153). 1887. Nov. 14 Caisse d’amortissement bonds: Laws passed by the National Assembly, (1) establishing a new treasury service; (2) substituting new for old paper money; (3) converting the exterior debt and consolidating the floating debt; and (4) regulating the interior debt (caisse d’amortissement) and the back floating debt; last two laws affecting American citizens; the value of the bonds reduced 20 per cent, and the interest 1 per cent; copy of the fourth law, and letters of Mr. Thompson to the minister of foreign affairs setting forth its injustice to American bond holders inclosed. 877
627 Same to same (No. 155) Nov. 26 Caisse d’amortissement bonds: An arrangement effected by which the bonds of Americans at the legation are paid one year’s interest, the three months and fifteen days’ interest and face value of the bonds to be exchanged for new ones; correspondence with the Haytian minister for foreign affairs inclosed. 881
628 Same to same (No. 161) Dec. 24 Submarine cable between the Mole St. Nicholas and Santiago de Cuba to be commenced by Christmas; translation of law authorizing it inclosed. 883
629 Same to same (telegram) 1888. May 26 Political: Revolution imminent: send war vessel. 884
630 Same to same (No. 181) May 26 Political: Disturbances in Port au Prince; the city declared in a state of siege; a United States war ship requested to be sent; the ministers offer to act as bondsmen of Légitime’s word; copy of letter of Senator Légitime to Mr. Thompson inclosed. 884
631 Same to same (No. 185) June 6 Political: Arrival of the Yantic and Her Britannic Majesty’s ships Tourmaline and Wrangler; departure of the former; Senator Légitime sent to Jamaica, Deputy Manigat to Santiago de Cuba; $5,000 to defray expenses accepted from the Government by Manigat; refused by Légitime; quiet restored. 887
632 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No. 186). 1887. June 11 Political: President Salomon said to favor Deputy Manigat as his successor; interview with Salomon; the situation in Hayti; the return of the Yantic expected; Her Britannic Majesty’s ship Ready to relieve the Wrangler; the speech of President Salomon; article from La Verite on the situation and letter of Senator Légitime to the Courrier d’Haiti inclosed. 887
633 Mr. Adee to Mr. Thompson (No. 107). June 11 Political: The Yantic sent to Port au Prince; reports no apprehension of disturbance; a confirmation of the report honed for. 891
634 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard. June 11 Political: Asylum at the American legation asked by C. Fouchard, Haytian secretary of treasury; asylum asked by Brutus St. Victor’ot the French minister; Légitime to have been attacked on the 24th ultimo. 892
635 Same to same (No. 189) June 16 Political: Extract from the Le Moniteur correcting the La Vérité’s report of Salomon’s speech and an article from the Courrier d’Haiti on the situation inclosed. 892
636 Same to same (No. 189) June 19 Political: Arrival and departure of the French ship Du Couëdic, and the Bison expected; Her Majesty’s ship Wranqler relieved by the Ready. 895
637 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Thompson (No. 110). June 21 Political: The Department does not understand how Mr. Thompson could act as bondsman of the word of Légitime. 895
638 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No. 191). July 2 Political: General Jeanty’s resignation accepted and General Laforest appointed to command the arrondisement of Port au Prince and he succeeded as commander of the place by General Moliere; General Duplessis appointed general of the port: translation of order of the day inclosed. 896
639 Same to same (No. 192). July 8 Political: Incendiarism in Port au Prince; Salomon accuses foreigners; a ship of war requested; arrests reported. 897
640 Same to same (telegram) July 9 Political: Send war vessels; political incendiarism; situation critical. 898
641 Same to same (No. 193). July 9 Political incendiarism: Panic in the city; most of the cargo of the Atlas returned; a man, captured while firing a house, to be shot. 898
642 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Thompson (telegram). July 11 Political: A war vessel can not be sent unless particulars of urgency are furnished. 899
643 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No. 194). July 16 Political incendiarism: A house opposite to the legation burned; Romulus Romain, accused of setting fire to a house, shot; discontent with President Salomon; the dismissal of his private secretary demanded; indications of general discontent. 899
644 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Thompson (No. 114). July 16 Political: Repeatedly sending war ships indicative of distrust of the Haytian Government; unwillingness to send ships to the West Indies during the yellow-fever season; none will be sent unless particulars of urgency are furnished. 900
645 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No. 196). July 21 Political: Three British, one French, and one Dutch man-of-war in the harbor; telegram refusing to send ship received; desire expressed by all for the presence of a United States vessel. 901
646 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Thompson (No. 115). July 31 Political: Dispatch reporting disturbances in Hayti received; non-interference in Hayti’s internal affairs approved. 901
647 Same to same (No. 119). Aug. 2 Political: The Secretary of the Navy unwilling to send a ship unless absolute necessity requires it which does not seem to be the case. 901
648 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (telegram). Aug. 10 Political: Urgent and immediate need of two ships of war. 902
649 Same to same (No. 199) Aug. 11 Political incendiarism: Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars given to the sufferers from the fires by the Government; claim presented by N. B. Walker, a United States citizen, for the destruction of a soap factory, through the British consul-general; reply of the Haytian Government; the French, English, and Spanish representatives said to be preparing to present claims for losses by the fires on the ground that the city was under martial law; the law passed for the aid of the sufferers inclosed. 902
650 Mr. Adee to Mr. Thompson (telegram). Aug. 16 Political: War vessel sent 904
651 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Thompson (No. 120). 1888. Aug. 16 Political: The Galena ordered to Hayti; letter of Secretary of the Navy inclosed. 904
652 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No. 201). Aug. 18 Political: Revolution at Cape Haytien; abdication of President Salomon; return of Légitime; Thelemaque expected; dispatch from United States consular agent at Gonaives, proclamation of Boisrond Canal, letter of President Salomon to Mr. Thompson, two dispatches from United States consul at Cape Haytien, declaration of General Thélémaque, proclamation of the revolutionary committee of Cape Haytien, order of the day proclaimed by General Thélémaque, order of the day proclaimed by the revolutionary committee, letter of Boisrond Canal to Mr. Thompson and reply inclosed. 905
653 Same to same (No. 204) Aug. 25 Political: Attempt of the French minister to stop Thélémaque from marching to Port au Prince; feeling between the North and the South; a provisional government formed. 916
654 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Thompson (No. 122). Aug. 30 Political incendiarism, No. 199, announcing, received; the matter will be considered when a case is presented. 917
655 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No. 205). Sept. 5 Political: The new ministry; the indications in favor of the election of the northern candidate, Thélémaque, for the presidency; arrival of the Galena. 917
656 Same to same (No. 206). Sept. 6 Sanitary: Refusal to sign a circular-letter of the French minister to the Haytian Government stating that clean bills of health will not be given to vessels unless troops are removed from the city; will not enter into a contract to give clean bills of health if pestilence prevails; the circular a political move; the fever not spreading. 918
657 Same to same (No. 207) Sept. 5 Political: Official call on the members of the provisional government by Mr. Thompson, the commander, and three officers of the Galena; the call not returned, owing to the Galena’s departure. 918
658 Same to same (No. 208). Sept. 8 Sanitary: Interview of the diplomatic corps with the provisional government; vessels to be advised to lie further from the wharves; a sanitary commission appointed; the few cases of fever isolated, and clean bills of health given. 919
659 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Thompson (No. 123). 1 Sept. 21 Political: Nos.204 and 205 received; pleased at the orderly course of events. 920
660 Same to same (No. 124) Sept. 22 Sanitary: The circular-letter of the French minister that clean bills of health would be refused if the troops were not removed from Port au Prince; Mr. Thompson’s statement that by signing he would have been obliged to give clean bills of health in all cases not understood; the bill of health should depend upon the condition of the port at the time of granting; suspicious cases of fever at Port au Prince reported to the health officers. 920
661 Same to same (No. 125) Sept. 24 Sanitary: Interview with the provisional government, with a view to the improvement of the sanitary condition of Port au Prince approved. 921
662 Same to same (No. 126) Sept. 24 Political: Copies of letter from the Secretary of the Treasury covering Commander Chester’s report on Haytian affairs, and Department’s reply, inclosed. 921
663 Mr. Rives to Mr. Thompson (No. 128). Oct. 9 Political: Telegram announcing the death of Thé1émaque communicated to the Navy Department, with the request that a vessel be sent to Hayti; no vessel available, but one will be sent as soon as possible. 924
664 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No. 212). Oct. 16 Political: Conflict in Port au Prince resulting in the death of General Thélémaque; amnesty proclaimed; resignations of the ministers of interior, and of agriculture and police; revolt in the north, and blockade declared against Cape Haytian, Gonaives, and St. Marc; correspondence with. Légitime and his protestation inclosed. 924
665 Same to same (No. 213). Oct. 17 Political: General Légitime elected “chief of the executive power;” civil war imminent; General Légitime’s announcing his election inclosed. 930
666 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No.214). Oct. 18 Political: Charge of attempted bribery against the French representative in Hayti; odium cast on all; translation of a deposition published in the Trait d’Union on the subject inclosed. 931
667 Same to same (No. 217) Oct. 29 Seizure of the Haytien Republic and the William Jones: The Haytien Republic seized when leaving St. Marc; brought to Port au Prince by the Dessalines statement of the captain; the landing of her passengers at a port not blockaded, a salute to the American flag, and indemnity for the vessel’s detention demanded; Légitimes adherents in the minority; Americans in danger; war vessel telegraphed for; machinery taken out and the vessel taken into the inner harbor note to the foreign office not answered; the blockade not effective; Mole St. Nicholas, Port de Paix, and Jacmel declared blockaded; the French vessel Bison in the harbor; the William Jones, with a perishable cargo bound for Gonaïves from Boston, seized and brought to Port au Prince; a ship of war asked; copies of notes from Mr. Piquant and two notes to him inclosed. 932
668 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Thompson (telegram). Oct. 29 The seizure of the Haytien Republic and William Jones, protest to be made against. 936
669 Mr. Rives to Mr. Thompson (No. 56). Oct. 31 Right of asylum: Consul Goutier’s mistake in denying the right of asylum in consulates to political refugees corrected; correspondence with Mr. Goutier inclosed. 936
670 Same to same (No. 130). Nov. 2 Political: Mr. Goutier rebuked for interfering in Haytian affairs by joining with other consuls in the suggestion that Légitime withdraw as candidate for President of Hayti; copy of instruction to him inclosed. 940
671 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No. 218). Nov. 3 Seizure of the Haytien Republic: The passengers leave the vessel; the vessel condemned to confiscation and her owners to pay $50,000; Captain Compton advised not to leave his vessels until forced; copy of note to Mr. Piquant inclosed. 941
672 Same to same (No. 219). Nov. 6 Seizure of the Haytien Republic and William Jones: Arrival of the Boston; the case of the seized vessels being considered with Captain Ramsey. 942
673 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Thompson (telegram). Nov. 10 Political; Taking sides in domestic strifes to be avoided and the commander of the Boston to be freely consulted with. 942
674 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No. 132). Nov. 15 Seizure of the Haytien Republic and William Jones: Details will be sent by the Boston, which leaves the 16th. 942
675 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Thompson (No. 132). Nov. 15 Seizure of the Haytien Republic and William Jones: No. 217, announcing, received; telegram of the 10th instant confirmed. 943
676 Same to same (No. 133). Nov. 16 Political: Recognition of General Légitime’s government deferred until it shall be firmly established; position of the United States as defined in instruction to United States representatives at Caracas in 1863; intercourse to be with the de facto controlling party, but no recognition implied thereby. 943
677 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No. 221). Nov. 16 Seizure of the William Jones: The vessel released, as she was not legally notified of the blockade; was ordered to Port au Prince and detained twenty days instead of being allowed to go to another port; indemnity of $10,000 paid Captain Collins and her cargo exempted from duty. 944
678 Same to same (No. 222). Nov. 17 Seizure of the Haytien Republic: The case to be referred to the Department for decision; correspondence with Mr. Margron; Mr. Metzger’s protest and letter to M. Leon, and decision of the prize-court on his petition for a delay, inclosed. 945
679 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Rives (No. 116). Nov. 19 Seizure of the Haytien Republic: The crew sent to the United States on account of the death of one of them; Captain Compton will remain; copy of correspondence with Captain Compton and list of seamen inclosed. 958
680 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Thompson (No. 134). Nov. 20 Seizure of the William Jones: Letter from Mr. Haskins in regard to inclosed. 960
681 Mr. Thompson to Mr. Bayard (No. 223). Nov. 24 Refusal of the authorities at Port au Prince to give a clearance to the Winnie Lowry to Port de Paix on the 25th; blockade of the port declared on the 26th; the vessel sails in ballast for New York; instructions requested; copy of the protest of the master inclosed. 961
682 Same to same (No. 225). Nov. 24 Seizure of the Haytien Republic: Arguments against the seizure not refuted; the vessel had a right to take arms to Hayti, but did not; to be guilty of contraband traffic she must be caught in delicto; forcing the blockade said to be of secondary importance, but the only charge; the testimony worthless; Mr. Solon Menos not subpoenaed, and only appeared to bring in the letter given him by the French minister; Légitime fears that to yield would be to appear weak to his opponents; documents on which the prize court based its decision inclosed. 962
683 Same to same (No. 226) Nov. 24 Political: Expedition undertaken by the Catholic archbishop, French minister, and Mr. Margron to the north of Hayti, for the purpose of effecting peace, without avail; Mr. Thompson declines to go with the others; stringent measures to be taken; translation of note sent to the committee of Cape Haytien and their reply, and the French minister’s note to M. Reino and his reply inclosed. 977
684 Same to same (No. 227). Nov. 25 Refusal of authorities at Port au Prince to clear the Maggie Abbott for Port de Paix on the day the blockade of that port was voted: Protest of the captain. McIntosh, against, inclosed. 980
685 Same to same (No. 228). Nov. 26 Refusal of the authorities of Port au Prince to clear the Julia Fowler for Gonaives: Protest of Captain Parker against, inclosed. 981
686 Same to same (No. 235). Nov. 26 Political: Interference will be strictly avoided, as directed in Department’s No. 132 and telegram of the 10th instant. 982
687 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Thompson (No. 135). Nov. 27 Seizure of the Haytien Republic: No. 218, reporting the decision of the prize court and protest against it, received; protest approved. 982
688 Same to same (No. 136). Nov. 27 Yellow fever on the Boston: No. 220, announcing her departure, received. 983
689 Same to same (No. 137) Nov. 30 Seizure of the Haytien Republic illegal; discussion to be avoided; the expectation of this Government, to which the case was referred, that the Haytian authorities will acquiesce in its decision to be impressed upon them; assurances to be received that the machinery will be restored to the vessel. 983
690 Mr. Rives to Mr. Thompson (No. 57). Dec. 3 Seizure of the Haytien Republic: Sending home the crew approved. 984

correspondence with the legation of hayti at washington.

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No. From and to whom. Date. Subject. Page.
691 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Preston. 1888. May 23 Claim of C. A. Van Bokkelen: Duplicates in English and French made of the agreement for arbitration of the claim; requests that they be signed at the Department the 24th. 984
692 Mr. Preston to Mr. Bayard May 24 Claim of C. A. Van Bokkelen: Will be at the Department at 2 p.m. to sign the agreement for arbitration of Mr. Van Bokkelen’s claim. 984
693 Same to same June 5 Claim of C. A. Van Bokkelen: Acquiescence in the choice of Mr. A. P. Morse as arbitrator in the case; Mr. Morse should declare in writing that he will decide it impartially and according to law. 984
694 Mr. Adee to Mr. Preston June 9 Claim of C. A. Van Bokkelen: Suggests that the 8th of June, the date of signing the formal declaration of impartiality, be taken as the date of Mr. Morse’s appointment as arbitrator in the case; copies of Mr. Bayard’s letter to Mr. Morse and Mr. Morse’s reply, covering his formal declaration, inclosed. 985
695 Mr. Preston to Mr. Bayard June 13 Claim of C. A. Van Bokkelen: The correspondence of the Department with Mr. Morse received; June 8 accepted as the date of Mr. Morse’s appointment. 887
696 Same to same June 24 Claim of C. A. Van Bokkelen: Messrs. C. A. de Chambrun, George S. Boutwell, and James C. Brent are counsel for the Haytian Government in the case. 887
697 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Preston. July 20 Claim of C. A. Van Bokkelen: Messrs. Kennedy & Shellabarger and Marston Niles will represent Mr. Van Bokkelen in the case. 988
698 Mr. Preston to Mr. Bayara Oct. 25 Political: Organization of the Haytian Government; revolutionists in the north; arms expected from the United States; the ports of Cape Haytien, Gonaives, and St. Marc blockaded; requests prevention of violation of neutrality of the territory of the United States by insurgents agents. 988
699 Same to same Oct. 27 Seizure of the Haytien Republic for attempting to run the blockade at St. Marc with insurgents, arms, etc., on board, after trying to rouse the south of Hayti; the case submitted to the prize court: crew and prisoners well treated. 989
700 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Preston Oct. 29 Blockade of Cape Haytien, Gonaives, and St. Marc: The United States will take steps to prevent sending armed vessels to Hayti to participate in the insurrection; information should be given the United States district attorney; efficient blockade duly instituted will be respected, but otherwise vessels can not be seized; sales of munitions to persons who may be concerned in the insurrection can not be stopped; seizure of American vessels without due notice of blockade will be regarded as an act of hostility. 990
701 Mr. Preston to Mr. Bayard Nov. 2 The seizure of the Haytien Republic: The seizure after proclamation of a state of war, and governed by treaty of 1864; a vessel attempting to land an armed expedition liable to seizure as a police measure; extract from Wheaton’s International Law inclosed. 991
702 Same to same Nov. 6 Contraband of war and insurgent officers sail for Hayti on the Saginaw, cleared from New York for Dominican ports; attempt made too late to stop her by revenue cutter; telegram will reach the Boston the 8th. 992
703 Same to same Nov. 13 Political: Letter to the President from General Légitime, announcing his election as chief of the executive power of Hayti, inclosed. 993
704 Same to same Nov. 14 Seizure of the Haytien Republic: Papers in the case inclosed; a full statement of views on this question delayed until all the papers are received; requests Mr. Bayard to suspend decision. 993
705 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Preston Nov. 16 Political: Acknowledgment of General Légitime’s government reserved until firmly established; intercourse will be maintained with the authorities in possession; the reception by the President of General Légitime’s letter deferred. 994
706 Mr. Preston to Mr. Bayard Nov. 19 Seizure of the Haytien Republic: Decision of the prize court inclosed. No diplomatic intervention until an appeal from the decision has been taken or waived. If the decision be reversed on appeal, or if the prize court has not jurisdiction, the criminal courts have. A claimant for intervention of his government must prove innocence of crime. The Haytien Republic cannot claim intervention. Copy of summons to Captain Compton and Mr. Metzger inclosed. 994
707 Same to same Nov. 24 Contraband of war shipped from New York ostensibly for San Domingo, but really to insurgents in Hayti through collusion of San Domingan consul; circumstances showing this; prevention of such shipments requested: affidavit; copy of affidavit of Mr. Bassett, and of his correspondence with the consul of San Domingo, inclosed. 997
708 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Preston Nov. 28 Contraband of war: The construction placed by Mr. Preston upon the treaty of 1864 in regard to the exportation of arms to San Domingo not, concurred in. Americans free to make, vend, and export arms. 1000
709 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Preston Nov. 28 Seizure of the Haytien Republic irregular and wrongful; the facts reviewed: she should be restored to her owners, her officers released, and compensation made. 1001
710 Mr. Preston to Mr. Bayard Nov. 30 Seizure of the Haytien Republic: The case referred to the United States Government: powers received from Hayti to consider it with the Secretary of State; the opinion of the United States Government requested. 1005
711 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Preston Dec. 1 Seizure of the Haytien Republic: The decision of the United States Government on the matter communicated in note of 28th; acquiescence in the decision expected. 1006
712 Mr. Preston to Mr. Bayard Dec. 3 Seizure of the Haytien Republic: The decision of the United States Government in the case received: an answer will be sent in a few days. 1006
713 Award of Mr. A. P. Morse in the claim of C. A. Van-Bokkelen against the government of Hayti. Dec. 4 Claim of A. C. Van Bokkelen: The claim; the facts; the questions to be arbitrated; treaty of November 3, 1864; conclusion, that the Government of Hayti pay $60,000. 1007