No. 396.
Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard.

No. 633.]

Sir: On the 3d instant I issued a passport to Felix Poyard and his minor children, who has been residing in Bordeaux since May, 1860, and who declared that it was his intention to return to the United States in a year or so. I felt that I strained somewhat the 4th point of your instruction No. 343, as the declaration of intention to return was rather vague, especially in view of the thirty years’ residence in France, his native home, after being naturalized.

I have now received an application from one of his children, aged seventeen, who is already included in the father’s passport. I hesitate to issue it in the separate form requested fearing the possibility of some future call upon him for military service, and I submit the matter for your instruction, as the long residence of the father in France may be considered as constituting the permanent residence referred to in the 4th point of your instruction.

I have, etc.,

Robert M. McLane.