No. 350.
Mr. McLane to Mr. Bayard.

No. 495.]

Sir: In reply to your No. 268, of October 20, asking for further information with reference to the case of John Fruchier, an American citizen of French origin, enlisted in the French army, I have to state that as usual the French Government has declined to take any action in the matter, on the ground that a Frenchman who claims to have acquired [Page 494] foreign citizenship can not be discharged from the military rolls until he produces a judgment of a French civil court recognizing that he has lost his original nationality.

I have not reported this answer of the French Government because it is the one invariably made under similar circumstances, and because I am following up this matter with a view of questioning the propriety and justice of the position assumed by the French Government.

I shall naturally acquaint you later on with the result.

I have, etc.,

Robert M. McLane.