No. 319.
Mr. Bayard
to Mr. Anderson.
Washington, July 30, 1887.
Sir: With reference to your dispatch No. 104, of the 24th of February last,* asking the Department to instruct you in the matter of extending protection to Swiss citizens under the circulars heretofore issued by the Department, I inclose herewith a copy of a note† which I addressed on the 1st instant to Mr. Kloss, chargé d’affaires ad interim of Switzerland at this Capital, in which the present position of the Department on the question of Swiss protection is fully set forth. You may regard that note as containing the principles by which you are to be guided in case you shall be asked to intervene with the Danish Government on behalf of Swiss citizens.
I am, etc.,
- Not printed herewith.↩
- For note to Mr. Kloss, see For. Rel., 1887, page 1076.↩