No. 318.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Anderson.

No. 53.]

Sir: Your dispatch No. 126, of the 2d ultimo,* in which you state that it is reported that the Danish Government intends to raise the test on all petroleum imported into Denmark, and in which you ask the Department to instruct you as to what course you shall pursue relative to the matter, has been received.

A needlessly severe test, which would operate against American petroleum, and in favor of the Russian product, could not tail to be regarded as an unfriendly discrimination against our commerce, and you are accordingly instructed to oppose by proper representations any such tendency on the part of the Danish Government.

In order that the Department may be prepared to act with a full understanding of the subject, I will thank you to transmit a copy of a bill relative to the matter now pending before the Danish Legislature. Upon the receipt of the document in question further instructions will be given to you relative to the subject.

I am, etc.,

T. F. Bayard.
  1. Not printed herewith.