Legation of
the United States,
Santiago, January 6, 1888.
(Received February 25.)
No. 171.]
[Inclosure in No. 171.—Translation from the
Diario Oficial, No. 3191, December 31, 1887.]
Ministry of Foreign Relations.
Whereas the national Congress has given its approval to the following
At a meeting in this department Señor Miguel Luis Amunategui, minister of
foreign relations of Chili, and Mr. Arthur Lanen, envoy extraordinary
and minister plenipotentiary of the Republic of France, being authorized
by their respective governments, have agreed to the following:
- 1.
- To approve the arrangement which the accredited agents of the
one and the other country before the arbitration tribunal have
entered into for the canceling of the eighty-nine claims
submitted to its decision, for the sum of 300,000 Chilian silver
dollars, to be paid by the Chilian Government within fifteen
days after the approval of this agreement by the national
Congress, from which sum 6 per cent, is to be deducted, which,
according to the convention of November 2, 1882, is to be
applied to the expenses of the aforesaid tribunal, and in
consequence of which the said claims remain extinguished.
- 2.
- The envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the
French Republic will receive the referred to sum, and will
distribute it among the owners of the eighty-nine claims in
amount, mode, and form he may deem proper, without the
Government of Chili having any responsibility in its
- 3.
- That it remains expressly established that the Government of
Chili has effected this friendly arrangement with the object of
bringing to a prompt conclusion the claims pending, and without
this arrangement affecting either directly or indirectly the
principles and jurisprudence which the Government of Chili has
maintained and sustained before the arbitration
In testimony whereof they authorized this with their signatures and seals
in duplicate, in Santiago, the 26th day of the month of November,
Miguel Luis Amunategui. [l. s.]
A. Lanen. [l.
And whereas, it having been heard by the council of state, it has been
deemed proper to approve and sanction the same:
Therefore, let it be promulgated and brought into effect in all its parts
as law of the Republic.
Santiago, December 30,
- J. M.
- Miguel Luis