No. 102.
Mr. Bayard
to Mr. Hall.
Washington, March 27, 1888.
Sir: I herewith transmit fourteen copies each of the report of Mr. George L. Eives, Assistant Secretary of State, to the President, and of the latter’s decision as arbitrator, pursuant to the treaty of December 24, 1886, between Nicaragua and Costa Rica, concerning the validity of the treaty of limits between those Republics, concluded April 15, 1858.* One copy of each of these documents is to be permanently retained on the files of your legation. The others you are at liberty to distribute as you may think best.
The originals of the President’s award were by his direction delivered to the respective ministers of Nicaragua and Costa Rica at this capital, Dr. Horacio Guzman and Señor Don Pedro Perez Zeledon, the 24th instant.
Adding, in conclusion, that ten copies of each document herewith transmitted have been sent to the consuls of this government at Managua, San José de Costa Rica, and San Juan del Norte,
I am, etc.,