No. 65.
Mr. Pettis to Mr. Evarts.

No. 23]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your dispatch of the 23d June last (No. 12), and have, in compliance with directions therein contained, called the attention of the minister for foreign relations of Bolivia to the subject of your dispatch, as will appear from a copy of my said letter herewith forwarded, marked inclosure 1.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in Mr. Pettis’s No. 23.]

Sir: I am informed by an official dispatch from Washington that the United States Government has received information that the British Government has lately been informed that the Government of Bolivia has decreed the issue of letters of marque, with authority to privateers to seize Chilian property in neutral vessels, and that agents have departed for the United States, and assuming that my government has been correctly informed, I am directed by it to call the attention of the Bolivian Government to the treaty of 1858, and especially to the sixteenth article thereof, which stipulates [Page 128] for the freedom from capture or confiscation of effects or goods belonging to subjects or citizens of a power or state at war when found on board of neutral vessels, with the exception of articles contraband of war.

May I ask your excellency to be kind enough to advise me whether the information received by my government touching the decree of the Bolivian Government, hereinbefore referred to, is correct or not?

Allow me to renew to your excellency the assurances of the high consideration with which I have the honor to remain, &c.,