No. 487.
Mr. Van Dyck to Mr. Hunter.

Sir: The accompanying statements concerning the Suez Canal are short but comprehensive, and may be of use to the department.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in Mr. Van Dyck’s dispatch.]

Receipts and disbursements, net profits, number of vessels, and tonnage.

Years. Transit of vessel. Sundry receipts. Total. Expenses of working. Net profits. Proportion of expenses to receipts. Number of vessels. Tonnage.
Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. Pr.ct.
1870 1,031,800 353,600 1,385,400 1,291,600 283,800 93.21 486 435,000
1871 1,519,800 1,134,200 2,654,000 1,165,400 1,488,600 43.90 765 761,000
1872 2,867,600 758,400 3,626,000 1,007,800 2,618,200 27.79 1,082 1,439,000
1873 4,165,320 745,000 4,910,320 1,144,000 3,766,320 23.30 1,173 2,085,000
1874 4,530,800 631,400 5,162,200 1,281,800 3,880,400 24.83 1,264 2,424,000
1875 5,286,200 583,800 5,870,000 1,243,200 4,626,800 21.18 1,494 2,941,000
1876 5,526,400 537,200 6,063,600 1,120,000 4,943,600 18.47 1,457 3,072,000
1877 6,035,800 599,400 6,635,200 1,155,200 5,480,000 17.41 1,663 3,419,000
1878 6,219,645 142,530 6,362,175 1,593 3,292,000
Total 37,183,365 5,485,530 42,669,165 9,409,000 27,087,720 10,977 19,868,000
[Inclosure 2 in Mr. Van Dyck’s dispatch.]

Number of vessels of each nation.

Nationality. No. of vessels. Remarks.
English 8,007
French 741
Holland 363
Austria-Hungary 482
Italian 445
Spanish 150 If the British interest in the canal of Suez be represented by the figure 8, the interest of all the other nations together falls short of the figure 3.
German 208
Ottoman 146
Egyptian 148
Divers nations 298