No. 400.
Mr. Christiancy to Mr. Evarts.
Lima, Peru, July 15, 1879. (Received August 7.)
Sir: I inclose a copy of my letter of June 8 to J. W. Merriam, esq., our consul at Iquique, on the subject of blockade. This ought to have been sent you promptly at the time, but I was deficient in clerical force, and it was laid aside for the time, and overlooked until now.
I will say that at the date of the consul’s letter, May 23, the blockade of Iquique had been raised by the Peruvian forces, and the consul stated he had been informed, by some gentlemen who professed to know, that by the rules of international law it could not be re-established without a three months’ notice.
I will further say, as relating to the same subject (the blockade of Iquique) that both Chili and Peru have become parties to the treaty of Paris, which, among other things, defines what shall constitute a sufficient blockade. That from the time of re-establishment of the blockade at Iquique, about the 1st of June, until the 10th instant, or about that time, no question has been made of the sufficiency or efficiency of the blockade. But it seems that about the time last mentioned, or a little before, the Chilian blockading-squadron adopted the plan of withdrawing [Page 887] at night from the vicinity of the town to the distance of four, five, or six miles or more—fearing, as it is believed, the effect of torpedoes which the Peruvians and Bolivians (who are in possession of the town) might be able to use—and on the night of the 10th instant the Huascar, a Peruvian iron-clad, turreted vessel, of greater speed than the Chilian ironclads, made her way without difficulty into the port, remained there long enough to communicate with the allied forces on shore, and then, toward the dawn, sailed out in search of the Chilian fleet. She soon fell in with the Chilian transport Matias Cusino, a partially armed wooden vessel, and immediately attacked her, principally with small-arms, and demanded her surrender, which demand was at once complied with, and a prize-crew sent off in boats to take possession; but at that moment the Chilian corvette Abtao, the Magallanes, and later the ironclad Cochrane made their appearance.
The Huascar at once recalled the prize-crew she was sending out, and, having no time to take possession of the prize, she fired some heavy shot into her hull, disabling her. Then, seeing the Chilian fleet coming down upon her, she sought to make her escape, and in doing so, came in contact with the Abtao, with whom she at once engaged, and the combat was continued nearly an hour, when first the Magallanes and next the Cochrane coining within range, the Huascar left after doing serious damage to the Abtao, and by reason of her greater speed was enabled to make her escape, with very slight injury. What may have taken place since in the port of Iquique, I am not informed.
But it is now insisted here by the Peruvian press, that the blockade is shown to be ineffectual, and that it should be treated as absolutely ended for all purposes. A strong effort, I have no doubt, will be made to induce the diplomatic representatives (of the neutral powers) here to take this ground. What may be the opinion of the other ministers here upon the point, I am not yet informed; but, for myself, I am not yet prepared to take so broad a ground upon the facts already existing, but on the other hand I am inclined to think the facts only show an unsuccessful attempt to raise the blockade by force.
If any mercantile vessel had in the night (say of the 10th instant), and without actual notice of the blockade, got into the port, she could not have been held guilty of a breach of the blockade for so doing. And it may be worthy of careful consideration whether, if this practice of withdrawing the blockading force so far from the port at night should be generally kept up hereafter, neutral nations might not be justified in treating it as ineffectual, and therefore null. But I do not intend to come to any hasty opinion upon this point, and propose to wait till the contingency renders its determination necessary.
I have, &c.,