No. 220.
Mr. Evarts to Sir Edward Thornton.

Sir: I have the honor to inclose herewith, for your information, a copy of a communication from General A. H. Terry, United States Army, commanding Department of Dakota, which has been received through the Secretary of War, representing that large quantities of ammunition are being shipped to Manitoba, which, it is feared, may find a market with the hostile Sioux Indians now in that territory.

I have, &c.,

[Inclosure l.]

Mr. McCrary to Mr. Evarts.

Sir: I have the honor herewith to inclose copy of communication from the commanding general Department of Dakota reporting reliable information received that large quantities of ammunition are being shipped to Manitoba, which, it is feared, may find their market with the hostile Sioux Indians now living in that territory.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Secretary of War.

The Hon. Secretary of State.

[Page 492]
[Inclosure 2.]

Letter from General Terry.

Sir: I am in receipt of trustworthy information that Messrs. H. C. Tellinghast & Co., No. 141 Kinzie street, Chicago, are shipping to Winnepeg, Manitoba, cartridges and shells for cartridges, and that the Hudsons Bay Company is importing such large amounts of goods of similar character that the British custom-house officer at Winnepeg has called the attention of his government to the fact. These goods, it is stated, are procured for trade with Indians.

As this importation of unusually large amounts of cartridges may be due to the market for them afforded by the hostile Sioux, who have found a refuge in British territory I deem it my duty to inform you of the fact.

I am, &c.,

Briqadier General, Commanding.

The Assistant Adjutant-General,
Headquarters of the Military Division of the Missouri, Chicago, Ill.

[First indorsement.]

Respectfully forwarded to the Adjutant-General of the Army.

The firm named in this connection is engaged in the raw-hide business in this city, and has a good standing in the mercantile community.
