No. 76.
Mr. Seward to Mr. Evarts.

No. 282.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that I am advised that machinery has already been received from England, through Messrs, Olyphant & Co., for the coal-mines near Keelung, in Formosa, and that the consul at Amoy writes, on what appears good authority, that engineers have gone to Formosa to construct a line of telegraph from the port named above to Taiwanfoo, and an expert from America has been sent for to report on the oil resources of the island.

The governor of Fuhkien is now at Foochow on sick-leave. His health has not been good for many years. As he is one of the few progressive officials in the empire, it is much to be hoped that he will have strength to carry out his projects.

I have, &c.,