No. 63.
Mr. Seward to Mr. Fish.

No. 200.]

Sir: Recalling your attention to my dispatch number 23, of February 29, 1876, in which I stated that a new departure had been taken by the Chinese Government in respect to intercourse between foreign representatives at Peking and the heads of the central governm.ent, and with which I forwarded a private note from Mr. Holcombe relating to the circumstances of his New Year’s call upon Prince Kung, and giving a list of the high officials whom he met upon that occasion, I have now the honor to state that a further step in the direction of mutual acquaintance and social intercourse has recently been taken by the government, in connection with the calls made, at the foreign New Year, by the prince and ministers of the foreign office upon the several representatives of Western powers.

It will be remembered that the Chinese contented themselves last year with introducing the heads of boards and departments, or so many of them as were willing to be introduced, to the representatives; that after-ward the Chinese officials so introduced left their cards at the several [Page 88] legations; and that the ministers, in returning these calls, were forced to content themselves with leaving their cards, as they were in no case received by the Chinese officials.

In naming a day on which to make their calls of congratulation this year, Prince Kung and the members of the foreign office stated that they would be accompanied by the heads of boards and departments, and, accordingly, upon the days named, the 8th, 9th, and 10th instant, thirty-three high officials, besides the members of the foreign office, called upon my colleagues and myself. I inclose a list of those who called for the first time this year.

It is understood that these calls are to be returned at the foreign office at the Chinese New Year, which will occur on the 13th proximo.

I regard this as a satisfactory step on the part of this government.

I have, &c.,



List of members of boards and departments who for the first time accompanied the prince and ministers of the foreign office on their New Year’s call upon Mr. Seward, January 8, 9, and 10, 1877.

  • Yin Chao-yung, (Chinese.)—Expounder of the classics before His Majesty, senior vice-president of the board of revenue, supervisor of the treasury, imperial librarian, imperial historian; inspector of the imperial granaries.
  • Kung Lu (Manchu.)—Wearing the button of the first rank, senior vice-president of the board of revenue, supervisor of the treasury, inspector of the Ching Chieh, Chien Ruei, and Shen Chi Camps, and of the summer palace, comptroller of the household office, lieutenant-general of the Manchu clan having the bordered yellow banner, general of the imperial guard, and senior lieutenant-commander of the capital.
  • Wan Ching Li, (Chinese.)—Expounder of the classics to His Majesty, president of the board of rites, and superintendent of the prefectural district at the capital.
  • Chûan Ching.—Junior vice-president of the board of rites.
  • Wula-si Chungah, (Mongol.)—Junior vice-president of the board of war, and lieutenant-general of the Chinese clan with the bordered blue flag.
  • Sang Chûn Kung, (Chinese.)—Expounder of the classics, and president of the board of punishments.
  • Chien Pao Lien, (Chinese.)—Junior vice-president of the board of punishments.
  • Kuei Ling.—Wearing decoration of the first class, president of the board of works, general of the Chinese clan of the bordered red flag, comptroller of the hall of audience of the board of medicine, and of the correspondence with the four outlying states, comptroller of the household office and of board of music.
  • Kuei Chûan, (Manchu.)—Senior vice-president of the colonial office.
  • Ho Shon Tze, (Chinese.)—Senior president of the censorate and supervisor of the treasury.
  • Kuei Jun, (Manchu.)—Senior vice-president of the censorate.
  • Chang Hsü, (Manchu.)—Secretary of the privy council, with the title of junior vice-president of board of rites, acting senior vice-president board of war.