No. 53.
Mr. Williamson to Mr. Fish.

No. 16.]

Sir: I have the honor to inclose, for such action as the Department may deem proper, a copy of a communication received by me from Capt. John K. Nickerson, late master of the American steamship Georgia, lost in the Straits of Magellan.

I have, &c.,

[Page 69]

Captain Nickerson to Mr. Williamson.

Sir: On the 23d of June last the steamship Georgia, under my command, in a dense fog ran ashore on Rocky Point reef, in the Straits of Magellan, about twenty-four miles south of this colony—Sandy Point.

As soon as the governor, Don Diego Dublé Almeida, received notice of my disaster he came personally with the Chilian corvette Magellanes to our assistance, and placed this vessel with her crew at my disposal.

In view of the mere possibility of saving ray ship in the dangerous position in which she lies, the Magellanes proceeded to take on board the cargo, stores, furniture, &c.

The Magellanes made three trips to my ship, and on her last trip conveyed my officers and crew to Sandy Point. To do this the boats and crew of the Magellanes were employed. Since my disaster the governor has been unremitting in showing, in the most generous manner, his kindness, and doing all in his power to assist us in our trouble.

As I am not possessed of means of showing my gratitude to the Chilian Government for the many kindnesses I have received, especially from Governor Dublé and the commander of the Magellanes, I address myself to you, sir, that through you I may express to the Chilian Government many thanks for the assistance and protection, especially from Governor Dublé, who, with the greatest kindness, placed his house at the disposition of myself and chief officer.

Very respectfully,

Master Steamship Georgia, of New York.